These biographies and family sketches are copied exactly as found. Undoubtedly there will be minor variations found in later research.
THE NATHAN M. FLOWER FAMILY Sixty-five years ago the "Falls of the Indian River" was the only designation for what is now known as "Theresa," the name given it later on by Mr. LeRay, who held large possessions thereabouts. That waterfall, as in all new countries, was the principal attraction which led men to settle in a neighborhood which must have been at first actually repulsive. As most of the earliest settlers came originally from New England, however, a few rocks more or less did not appear to discourage them, for they comprehended that the waterfall meant "In the fullness of time" a mill to grind their provender, and a factory to card their wool into rolls for spinning, and perhaps to weave their cloth, for in those days the farmers expected to manufacture all their clothing at home, the ready-made clothing man being yet unborn.
In 1824-25, when the first families began to move into the neighborhood of Theresa, the country was largely covered with forests. The roads in most localities were mere bridle paths, marked by blazed trees, and without bridges, except upon what was called the "Military Road", built by the government to connect its garrison at Sackets Harbor with Ogdensburg. What is now the village proper had but few dwellings.
The one man who was to make the firmest impression upon the town, and to leave the most cherished memories behind him was Nathan M. Flower, father of New York's popular Governor. Mr. Flower settled there in 1822, coming with his worthy wife from Otsego county, where he had followed the trade of a clothier. He established the first machinery driven by the water power of Indian river upon the north side of the lower falls, and lived in a small house near the factory; in that house Roswell Pettibone was born. This stalwart infant took his name from a Presbyterian preacher, the Rev. Roswell Pettibone, who came to Theresa ever other Sabbath and preached in the old school house that stood upon the sand hill at the lower end of the village. He was a rare man, an active abolitionist, an ardent temperance advocate, and was greatly beloved by Mr. Flower.
As I have previously hinted, all the farmers had their small flock of sheep and their own spinning wheels, and their patronage, as the country became settled, gave Mr. Flower a prosperous business. It was my privilege to know him intimately. His manner was gentle, his deportment dignified, without the least repulsion, with a most intelligent and pleasing face. While he was not a collegiate, nor even an academician, he yet had a first class district school education, and could write his ideas fluently and readily. In brief, he was possessed in large degree of that wholesome blessing - rare common sense. In politics he was a pronounced and leading Whig, and in that strong Democratic town he was elected justice of the peace for twenty consecutive years. Some of the ablest lawyers in Jefferson county, including the brightest and most learned among them all, Hon. Chas. E. Clarke, plead their cases in his court, and I do not think a single one of his decisions was ever successfully appealed. In the church, as in all other matters at Theresa, he was a leader - himself and his wife being two of the nine persons who organized the Presbyterian Church in 1825.
As time rolled on, seven children blessed this exemplary couple, and every one of them became successful in business, and reached the highest social positions in the communities where their lot was cast. Having filled in every sense the full measure of manhood, this complete gentleman and citizen died suddenly of apoplexy in 1843. Then was thrown upon his estimable widow the burden of caring for that large family, and she responded to the duties imposed upon her in a manner that elicited the warmest praise and admiration. When the father died, the two older boys, Nathan and Roswell, had begun to be employed more or less about the factory, but only worked at the suggestion of a kind and affectionate parent. Mrs. Flower resolved to continue the business, which had become the most profitable industry in the place. Her husband had taken a partner a few years before his death, and, of course, he continued on as the surviving partner, taking in the boys as helpers, and dividing the profits with the widow. This partner was quite a different person from Mr. Flower. He was not popular, and the people thought that the little boys had a pretty hard time under their new boss. But if Mrs. Flower felt in any way aggrieved, she made no complaint, and kept her children well in hand. They were all faithful and obedient in an unusual degree, and were beloved by the Theresa people, for they could not forget the father who had spent among them a useful and exemplary life, without an enemy. I have seen Nathan and Roswell each doing a man's work in that factory when respectively 15 and 12 years of age, yet apparently not the worse for their toil. In this manner these children laid the foundation of their robust constitutions, and by diligent attention in the village school from November to July in each year, they prepared their minds for the elevated positions they were to fill, and thus Governor Flower came, by what we may call "natural inheritance," to possess the qualities which have made him so popular and so conspicuous.
Nor did Roswell monopolize all the sterling virtues of his parents. Nathan, the eldest was my comrade in 1850, in the long journey to California, a stalwart reliable man, capable of filling any position or of meeting any emergency. George, Watertown's one-time mayor, was the most popular line officer of the old 35th, an irreproachable soldier, the idol of his men, and for whom the G.A.R. Post at Theresa is named. Orville died young, having just graduated as a physician in some town west, the name of which has escaped me. John was for years a successful businessman of Utica, and now, with his youngest brother, Anson, is a member of the widely known and respected firm of Flower & Co., 52 Broadway, New York. Anson we can almost claim as a war comrade as he was the popular clerk for Tower & Co., who supplied the 35th with sutler stores while in the field. There were two daughters, one having married the leading merchant of Theresa, Silas L. George. The other daughter married Dr. Carpenter, a successful physician. Both of these ladies are not dead, but they left behind them irreproachable reputations, and there are many who now rise up and call them "blessed."
PERCIVAL DORMAN BULLARD Was born in the town of Henderson in 1819. He was the son of Percival and Dorcas (Philips) Bullard, who came into Jefferson county previous to 1812, for in that year Mr. Bullard, Sr., was a merchant at Sackets Harbor. He was afterward a merchant at Henderson village, in company with his brother, the firm name being Percival & Jonathan Bullard. In 1823 he removed to Theresa and became proprietor of the old gristmill, purchasing it from Mr. LeRay. It was the first gristmill built in Theresa and Mr. Bullard continued owner until his death. He paid for part of the mill in wheat at 44 cents a bushel, delivered in Watertown, probably the lowest price for which that cereal ever changed hands in Jefferson county.
Percival D. Bullard came to Theresa with his parents in 1823, when four years of age. He had the benefits of the village schools, and at 16 completed his scholastic education by two and one half years attendance at the Lowville Academy, then an important school. After this tour at school he began his commercial education with Rulison & Thomas., at Evans Mills, then with O. S. Salisbury, at Belleville, finally returning to Theresa in 1837, entering the store of Anson Ranney, where he continued for three years, and then purchased an interest in the business, the firm becoming (April 1, 1840), Ranney & Bullard, who were the leading merchants at that place. After four years of this partnership Mr. Bullard withdrew from the firm, and after building the brick store on the corner opposite Ranney's stone building, he began (in 1845), as a merchant upon his own account, and in his own building. In 1848 the firm became Bullard & Walradt, and thus continued until 1861, when Mr. Bullard retired temporarily from active business. In 1865 he again returned to the old corner, and organized the firm of P. D. Bullard & Co., composed of himself, A. Walradt and Mr. Bullard's son-in-law, John D. Flower.
In 1840 Mr. Bullard married Miss Catherine L. Walradt, and their children are: Percival, who died in his 11th year; Abigail (wife of John D. Flower, Esq., residing in New York city); Amelia (wife of Mr. John Lambie, a merchant of Theresa); she died May 19, 1883; Clarence (who married Lena Chadwick); Florence (wife of D. F. Stanley, of Adams); Ida (wife of M.C. Purdey, of Ellisburg); and George, residing in New York city. Mrs. Bullard died in 1870. In 1871 Mr. Bullard married Mrs. Maria Walradt, widow of Godfrey Walradt. In January 1870, Mr. Flower retired from the firm of P. D. Bullard and Co., and Mr. Bullard and Mr. Walradt continued in trade until 1873. In that year Mr. Bullard sold his half of the goods to Mr. Kelsey, and permanently retired from trade, though not from business. He is one of the oldest citizens of Theresa, and the oldest continuing resident of that village. He is a man peculiarly modest and unassuming, yet has a strong character, very conservative, but always on the side of improvement and progress. A leading merchant for many years, he has not an enemy in the town, for he has always been noted for fair dealing and honest purposes. Himself and his family have always been the friends of law and order, and doing their full share towards elevating the tone of society and the best interest of the community. He bears his years remarkable well, and is as active as a man of 60, with a clear head, and a resolute participant in whatever labors come to him in discharging the various trusts committed to his care. He was elected supervisor of his town in 1851, 1857 and 1863. In 1856 his town gave a Republican majority of 186. Mr. Bullard has always been a Democrat, but never for an hour opposed President Lincoln.
EBENEZER AND ALMIRA LULL These were the two early residents of Theresa, now remembered by not more than half-a-dozen of its present population, and deserve a place upon the immortal page of history - for their example in life was particularly elevated, and the memories they left have been wholesome and beneficent.
Ebenezer Lull, whose tombstone may be seen near the entrance to the old burying ground at Theresa, was born in Butternuts, Otsego county, April 10, 1799, and came to Theresa village at an early day. Butternuts was the neighborhood whence came Nathaniel Monroe Flower and wife, and the widely known Fayel family. Mr. Lull was of the very best stock of that historic county, his parents being among those who escaped from Cherry Valley during the incursion of the British Indians, under the leadership of the renegade Butler, whose heavy hand was sorely felt by the early settlers between the Hudson and the Susquehanna. From that massacre and pillage Mr. Lull's mother escaped on horseback with a baby in her lap and a little child tied to the pillow of her saddle behind her. She was a heroine, whose name is immortal in the history of Otsego county.
The first store at Theresa village was started by Lull & Walton, and when his business had become established, Mr. Lull married Almira Barnes, the village school teacher (July 29, 1821), whose parents resided in what was then called the Barnes Settlement, at Goose Bay, in Alexandria. She was born in Steuben, N. Y., September 11, 1778. They had three children born to them, two daughters and a son, and the firm prospered. Mr. Lull was a loveable man, tall and intelligent, admired by all. The writer has heard some of the older settlers tell of their personal obligations to him, for he helped some of them over hard places, perhaps insurmountable but for the credit he kindly gave for goods needed to sustain their families. The firm early went into lumbering, and for a time that branch of the business prospered. Late one fall they had several rafts of oak timber in the river on their way to Montreal, and Mr. Lull went along to transact the necessary business. In the Lachene rapids one of the most valuable rafts went to pieces, and the exposure he was subjected to in trying to re-claim his scattered timber, resulted in an attack of acute pneumonia, and Mr. Lull came home to Theresa only to die. He died December 8, 1827, in his 29th year.
The misfortunes which befel these rafts compelled the firm of Lull & Walton to go into bankruptcy, a fate that would probably have been avoided had Mr. Lull lived, for every one felt kindly towards him, and his credit was practically unlimited.
His death left his young wife almost penniless, with three little children upon her hands. She knew but little about housework, for she had been a schoolteacher, not a housekeeper. But she had a determined spirit and a hopeful soul, and trusted in that God who had promised to care for the widow and the fatherless. Gradually she adapted herself to her surroundings, and reared her children respectably. One of her daughters, Mary F. L., is now the beloved wife of the author of this History. Mrs. Lull passed over 20 years of her life, an honored and beloved member of that family, where her presence was looked upon as a benediction. Old age at last claimed her as one fit to depart, and she died in Philadelphia, Pa., February 15, 1887 in her 90th year, full of Christian hope, beloved and honored by all who were so fortunate as to enjoy her acquaintance.
So much was she attached to her home in Philadelphia, and to her daughter's children, that at her own request, she was buried in the family plot in Monument Cemetery in that city, close by the side of a beloved grandson, who was drowned in the Brandywine at Wilmington. She had been a consistent Christian for over 60 years, having been one of the first to join the M. E. Church at Theresa. The older Methodist ministers of the Black River Conference will remember her repeated hospitality--her house having been for years their favorite stopping place in their itinerary.
Though she had lived so long away from her old home, Theresa was ever in her affectionate remembrance. Its people were dear to her, and her memory was filled with recollections of their kindness and neighborly appreciation. Having lived a life of usefulness and honor, it was not hard for her to die, because she had no fear of the future.
Mr. and Mrs. Lull's two other children were Maria and Hiram. Maria married Mr. Bearup, at Theresa, and Hiram went early to Middletown, Conn., where he married and reared a family. He is yet living.
ABRAHAM MORROW Was born in Montgomery county, N. Y., in 1794 and was one of the earliest settlers of Theresa, and the first tailor, which business he followed many years. When Mrs. Lull was left by the death of her husband with three little children to support, it was with Mr. Morrow that she learned to be a tailoress. He married Lucinda Parker in 1823, and three children were born to them: Jane A. (Mrs. Van Olinda), James H., who married Jane A. Stewart, and Jason C. Mrs. Morrow died May 7, 1886, and her husband died at Theresa, April 27, 1875. He was one of the charter members of the Presbyterian Church in Brownville, where he resided a couple of years. From there he removed to Cape Vincent before he removed to Theresa. During the gold excitement he went to California, and was moderately successful. Mr. Morrow was a most exemplary citizen. Himself and wife were charter members of the Theresa Presbyterian Church, with Nathan M. Flower and wife and the Bodmans. Mr. Morrow left a name peculiarly sweet, for he illustrated every Christian virtue.
Jason C., the second son of the above, was born in Theresa, in 1837, and had the benefit of the excellent schools of that town. He started out in business life in 1855 by going to Chicago. He soon returned and accepted a position in Jason Clark's office at Plessis, where he remained three years, and then came to Theresa, his native place. In 1872 he accepted a position in Yost's bank, where he remained 22 1/2 years. In October, 1863, he married, for his first wife, Miss Cyrena O. Ellis, of Plessis. Two children were born to them: Helen E. and C. Maud. Their mother died in October, 1869. For his second wife he married Miss Ada Chapman, daughter of W. D. Chapman, of Theresa. Two children were born to them, William D. and Florence. Mr. Morrow has held many offices of public trust, and was supervisor of the town in 1871 and 1872. Like his father before him, he has always born an excellent reputation, and has commanded from his youth up the respect of the entire community. He is yet in the prime of life, and good for many years of active service.
HON. GEORGE E. YOST One of the leading business men of Theresa, and its present supervisor, was born in that town April 7, 1838, and is the son of Nicholas D. and Magdaline (Hanson) Yost, early settlers in the town of Theresa, where they took up a farm in 1837. George E., the subject of this sketch, is of German descent, his parents coming from Johnstown, Montgomery county, in 1837, and he is one of six children. Nicholas D. Yost died in 1870, and is buried in the new cemetery at Theresa. His widow still survives.
In the fall and winter of 1854, George E. attended Prof. Goodnough's Academy at Theresa, paying his board by sawing wood, taking care of the horse and cow and building fires for Mr. Anson Ranney, the merchant. In the spring of 1855, after attending another term of school, he graduated, and became a clerk in the store of Atwell & Hoyt. In 1858 he went West to Janesville, Wis. Having contracted a malarial fever, he was obliged to return to his native town. After purchasing and conducting a planing mill one year, he purchased the stock in trade of Silas L. George, in the fall of 1859, being then 21 years of age. He disposed of his stock in 1863, which was his last mercantile venture. Having been reared on a farm, he is considered good authority on cattle and horses. He conducted an extensive business, buying and selling Canadian stock and butter and cheese, until 1872, when he commenced banking, in which he is at present engaged. He has a well-stocked farm in Antwerp, over a mile square, also a large cheese factory.
The village of Theresa shows, in many instances, the result of Mr. Yost's business enterprise. He has built his own house, his mother's house, his brick block (the latter in the center of the village, in which is his bank), and the brick church, which Governor Flower and his brothers paid for, as well as other improvements. The substantial aid received from his father's estate after his death in 1870, materially aided him in establishing his banking business. Success seems to follow whatever enterprise he undertakes, One of them has been the introduction of a car oiler, which left a large margin in his favor. Mr. Yost has also found time to interest himself in politics, as every public-spirited and truly enterprising citizen should. While one of the Board of Education of Theresa, he was active in his efforts to remodel the old school house, and adopt the Union Free School system, which was established in 1870. He was also instrumental in obtaining a charter for the village of Theresa in 1871, and was elected its first president, which office he held two terms. In 1873 and 1874 he was supervisor of the town, and member of Assembly in 1875, and has been on the Board of Supervisors continuously since 1889, until the present time. The extension of the railroad through the town of Theresa was in a measure due to his influence, and after the panic of 1873 he paid off its floating debt--advancing the money from his own means. The stock is now worth $1.40 on the dollar, a saving to the town, which he helped to procure. In fact he has always been ready and willing to help any business enterprise that would be a help to his native town.
His wife's maiden name was Evaline J. Stockwell, who was born January 21, 1840. They have been blessed with three children: Charles G. Yost, who married Annie Kimball, daughter of Henry Kimball, residing in Watertown, and has two beautiful little girls; Fred D. Yost, who is unmarried, and a cashier in his father's bank, and Miss Grace E. Yost, aged 11 years, the beloved of them all. He also adopted a daughter, Florence M. Irwin, who married one of the leading business men of Johnstown, N. Y. Although a young man, Mr. Yost has made his mark in his native county, and may be claimed among the leaders in the community where he resides, a fact due in a great measure to his whole-souled, generous disposition.
HON. ELIHU C. CHURCH, one of the early, though not the earliest settler of Theresa, was born in 1803, in Fulton, Worcester county, Mass., and died at Theresa village, January 27, 1868. He was in many respects an able man, a sincere Christian, and almost a life-long member of the Methodist Church. His popularity and ability were so great that he was three times elected to serve his district in the Legislature, 1842-3, and again in 1858. Having been deprived of the benefits of an early education, he took good care that his own children should not be left behind in that respect. Two of his sons have been long in the Methodist itinerancy, able Christian ministers. The influence of Mr. Church was always on the side of good citizenship. He died suddenly, much lamented.
WILLIAM DRESSER, one of the most useful and valued citizens of Theresa, died at that place April 15, 1881, at the age of 68. He was born at Pamelia Four Corners, and at the age of nine years removed to Theresa, where he resided for the greater part of his life, and where he was identified as one of the foremost in the promotion of the general welfare of the community, and in his death a void was left which was hard to fill. He was for many years a justice of the peace, and in this capacity was known for his excellent judgment and for his firmness in decisions. He was a man of great firmness of character, and under all circumstances "dared to do right." In his youth he embraced the cause of Christ, and for many years was a leading member of the M. E. Church. In politics he was a stanch Republican of much influence, and for years was chairman of the Republican town committee, and an active member of the county committee. In 1839 he married Miss Eliza A. Griffin, of Oswego, who survives him. The children are Mrs. Dexter Swan, of Washington, D. C., who died in 1885, and Mrs. Joseph Fayel. Another daughter, Miss Alice, died in the very flower of her youth, much lamented.
AARON, the father of William Dresser, was one of the first settlers of Theresa, coming into the town from Pamelia, when the Military road was being built. He began clearing land and making black salts, then about the only thing the earlier ones relied upon to keep the wolf of hunger from their doors. He was a man extraordinary energy and physical endurance. His son, Aaron, Jr., was one of those foolish Patriots who were captured in the Windmill, near Prescott, in 1838, and was sent to Van Dieman's land, where he remained seven years.
JEREMIAH R. STURTEVANT, M. D., is the son of Peter and Laura (Howard) Sturtevant, and was born at Sandy Hill, N. Y., May 1, 1847. At the age of five he removed to Pierrepont, St. Lawrence county, N. Y., and received his preliminary education in the common schools, and in the St. Lawrence Academy at Potsdam, N. Y. He taught school several years, and afterward studied medicine with Dr. J. C. Preston of Canton, N. Y., and with Henry R. Haskins, of Albany. He graduated at Albany Medical College, December 23, 1872. He commenced practice in Theresa, February 3, 1873. He married Clara, daughter of B. Palmer Cheeseman, of Theresa, January 27, 1876. They have four children: Howard R., Rupert P., Laura A. and Miriam L. Dr. Sturtevant stands high with the people of Theresa, for he is an able and discreet practioner, and a most agreeable and courteous gentleman--inviting friendship by being friendly. We predict for him a brilliant future, for he is a faithful student and keeps well up with the medical literature of the day. He has an interesting family. No man can live 22 years in Theresa without becoming very much attached to the place.
ISAAC L. HUNTINGTON, ESQ., is the son of George and Mary (Clark) Huntington, and was born in Society Land, Hillsborough county, N. H., June 24, 1810. He moved to Alexandria in 1826, and to what is now Theresa, in 1828. He was married, January 24, 1836, to Sally Leonard, of Fullerville, N. Y., who died in Theresa 54 years later. They had four sons: Gilbert, who died at the age of 10; Isaac L., Jr., of Watertown, who was lieutenant in Company F, 10th N. Y. Heavy Artillery, and afterwards captain; George B., a lieutenant in Capt. Houghton's Company, 14th N. Y. Heavy Artillery; Nathan, who served in the navy in the North Atlantic squadron during the Civil War, and Abner, now of Watertown. The subject of this sketch is one of the few living who saw Theresa in her early struggles for existence. He was a cabinet-maker and painter by trade. He has always stood high in the esteem of his neighbors, and for 32 successive years was justice of the peace, and three terms Justice of Sessions. He still lives, at 85, and in good health. The author of this History obtained some knowledge of the law from Esquire Huntington in the year he spent at Theresa trying cases in Justices' court.
JESSE S. DOOLITTLE was born in Watertown in 1805, and in 1819 removed to this town (then Alexandria), and located on road 24. He married Maria Cummings, of Rutland, and they had four sons and one daughter, of whom one son, Jesse, died February 19, 1864, aged 19 years, and four survive, viz: Mary M. and Charles T., who reside on road 42, in this town; Liberty C., of Watertown, and Edwin A., of Clayton. In the summer Mary M. and Charles T. occupy their summer hotel on road 20 1/2. Their mother died in 1860, aged 47 years, and their father in 1885, aged 80 years.
GIDEON SNELL, SR., one of the oldest residents of the town of Theresa, was born in Manheim, Herkimer county, August 21, 1807. His early days were spent in procuring such an education as the scattering schools afforded and in drawing and marketing produce in Albany. While at school Gideon proved an apt student, showing many characteristics which he still retains. At the age of 20 he married Katie Shults, of his native town, and began a married life which continued 67 years, Mrs. Snell dying February 4, 1894. Eight children were born to them, viz: Ann Eliza, Ellen, Anna, Amanda, and Jacob, Gideon, and George Snell, all of whom are living except Ann Eliza and Ellen. During the construction of the Erie canal and the New York Central railroad Mr. Snell acted as superintendent over a portion of the work. The family having acquaintances in Jefferson county, and hearing of the advantages there, decided to remove, and in 1837 settled in the town of Orleans. They remained here but three years, moving back to Brocket's Bridge (now Dolgeville) in 1840. However they again moved to Jefferson county in 1842, where they have since resided. Mr. Snell is a man of marked personality, very decided in his opinions and not easily turned from his belief, an ardent Republican and a true Christian, although he belongs to no church. He is now in his 89th year, and is remarkably well preserved in both body and mind. He is a great reader and takes much interest in the leading topics of the day. The author of this History well remembers Mr. Snell as an industrious, persevering and successful farmer. His mind is yet clear, and he delights to renew old friendships, for he is and always was a friendly man. His two sons are worthy of their ancestry.
SYLVESTER BODMAN was born in Williamsburg, Mass., about 1781. February 10, 1810, he married Relief, daughter of Martin Burt, and they had born to them, while in Williamsburg, five children, namely; Miranda, Martin Luther, Martin B., Sophronia and Sylvester. In 1820 they removed to this town, where their youngest son, Atwood R., was born, near where is now the village of Theresa, then a wilderness. Mrs. Bodman, Atwood R.'s mother, attained the extreme age of 104 years, and died in this town. In 1858 Atwood R. married Fanny, daughter of Jacob Chrysler, of Theresa, and the same year built a new residence on the old homestead farm, where they have since resided.
WILLIAM D. CHAPMAN (son of Dudley Chapman, who was one of the early settlers of Theresa), was born in that town in 1820, and has been a resident of Theresa all his life. He learned to be a carpenter and joiner, but afterwards his natural ingenuity led him into watch repairing; then into the jewelry trade, and finally to become an extensive manufacturer of fishing tackle, in which he was engaged for over 30 years. He is still active and well able to repair watches and clocks. Mr. Chapman has been a much respected citizen of Theresa for many years. In 1844 he married Mary Ryan, and they reared six children, four of whom are living. His life-partner is yet spared to share his earthly pilgrimage.
JOHN D. DAVISON, long a practicing physician at Theresa, was born in 1793 in Otsego county. He had the benefits of the common schools of that vicinity, graduating in 1822 from the Herkimer County (Fairfield) Medical College. He first came to Pamelia, but soon took up Theresa as his permanent location, where he practiced medicine most successfully until his death in 1865, a period of over 40 years. He was elected to the Legislature in 1846, and served to the entire satisfaction of his constituency. In 1824 he married Miss Elizabeth Helmer, and they reared five children. Dr. Davison was a popular man, quite an extensive Democratic politician, and one of the most industrious and persevering practitioners of medicine in the county. During his long service as a physician many young men graduated from his office, all of whom became successful practitioners.
HORATIO STILL, now in his 85th year, was born in Pamelia in 1810, coming to Theresa in 1824 with his parents, among the earliest settlers of that town. He was a prosperous and most persevering farmer. In 1842 he married Miss Minerva Maltby, and they reared two children. Mr. Still has resided continuously upon the farm where his early life was passed. He was a very determined Whig in politics, though never an office-seeker.
ZALMON POOL was born in Russia, Herkimer county, in 1793. He married Harriet Prindle in 1815, by whom he had 11 children, four of whom died in infancy and seven attained maturity, viz: Freeman J. (deceased), Charles, Betsey E., Zalmon, 3d, Harriet, Zerviah (deceased), and Clarissa. Mr. Pool, about two years after his marriage in 1817, moved from Trenton, Oneida county, to this town and built a log cabin on a farm near Moose Lake, which farm is now in the possession of his descendants. Charles Pool married Mary Ann Timerman, of LeRay, and they have had two daughters, Ada L., who died at the age of 13 years, and Mary.
JOHN MOAK came into Theresa in 1841, a carriage maker by trade, and became a respected and very useful citizen. He married for his first wife Miss Nancy Davison, and after her death he married her sister, Miss Charlotte. They reared four children, who were all faithful members of society. Mr. Moak was Master of Theresa Lodge for many years, his son was a Master, and his son's wife's father was also a Master. Mr. Moak died in 1873. His wife died in 1883, thus ending an honorable and industrious family.
REV. JOSEPH A. CANFIELD.--Limited in his friendships only by the number that have known him, this worthy divine merits a prominent place in the history of Jefferson county. For over half a century he has been prominently associated with the religious and moral interests of the people, and I doubt if there is a man living in Jefferson county who is more universally beloved by all classes than Mr. Canfield. He was born at East Haddam, Conn., April 11, 1813. His father was Ira Canfield, a sea-captain, who perished by shipwreck in the memorable gale of September 23, 1815, when Joseph was not yet three years old. His mother was Melinda Buckingham, cousin of Hon. W. A. Buckingham, ex-governor of Connecticut and ex-United States Senator. She was left a widow with eight small children and with but scanty means of support, but they all lived (excepting one who died young) to bless their mother by honorable careers. May 10, 1843, he married Harriet Jane Gates, whose companionship was to him an ever-present blessing, and who was indeed an help-meet, not only in the sanctity of their own home, but in the life-work in which he proved to be so successful. She died November 4, 1891, at Antwerp. Mr. Canfield was educated at Essex and Madison Academies, Conn., Oneida (N. Y.) Institute, and at Andover Theological Seminary. September 1, 1845, he became pastor of the Presbyterian church at Chaumont, continuing thus for 21 years, during which time the society grew from a mere handful of worshippers to a thriving church. It was during his pastorate and largely through his efforts that the present church edifice was erected. He also preached at the LaFargeville, Depauville and other towns. September 1, 1863, he was appointed chaplain of Clinton prison, which position he filled with signal ability for nearly six years. In May 1869, he was called to the Congregational Church at Antwerp, where for five years he was equally successful and during which time the present handsome church edifice was erected and dedicated to the worship of God. His pastorate then was marked by a large and substantial growth in the membership and influence of the church. From 1874 to 1876 he was chaplain of Sing Sing prison.
April 22, 1877, he began his labors in Theresa Presbyterian Church as stated supply. He found the church in debt, and depending in part upon synodical aid to pay the minister's salary. Upon the promise of its members to try and pay the debt and also to be self-sustaining he accepted an engagement and set about at once the accomplishment of the objects sought for. It was during the beginning of this struggle that Mr. John Flower, visiting Theresa, observed the situation, and conceived the idea which culminated two years later in the erection of the beautiful Flower Memorial church. After the dedication of this church Mr. Canfield was installed as its pastor, remaining as such five years longer. He then retired on account of ill health, and although in more or less active service up to the present time, has not since accepted the pastorate of any church. He now resides with his adopted daughter, Mrs. Myers, in Elmira. In his pastoral work he has ever sought to preach the gospel of love; to make religion the most attractive thing upon earth, and among those converted to God under his preaching may be counted hundreds of the most substantial residents of this county. In his prison work he was a blessing to the unfortunates under his care, and many erring ones have gone forth again into the world inspired by his words of encouragement to lead better lives.
JESSE D. MOAK.--Among the business men of Theresa, and especially among Free Masons, the name of Jesse Moak will be long and pleasantly remembered. He was born in Danube, Herkimer county, N. Y., June 17, 1831, and was the son of John Moak, who was also an esteemed citizen as well as an eminent Mason, and who, like the son, was for many years the chief officer of the Masonic bodies in Theresa. The subject of this sketch, at an early age, became an active Christian and was a member of the Presbyterian Church. He married Mary Jane, daughter of Dr. John D. Davison, who practiced medicine in Theresa for 45 years, and was also well known in Masonic circles as well as in medicine. Mr. Moak became a member of Theresa Lodge and Chapter when quite young. He rapidly rose to the occupancy of the highest office in the gift of the lodge, which he filled to the delight of its members for 11 years. He afterwards became the beloved High Priest of Theresa Chapter, No. 149, R. A. M., and held the office by the continued unanimous choice of its members for 17 consecutive years until his death, which occurred November 27, 1886, without a moment's warning, while conversing pleasantly with his wife at their home. He was by occupation a carriage-maker, and held several offices of public trust. He was buried with Masonic honors. In his social nature there was much sunshine and wit, which always brought happiness and often peals of laughter. His pleasantry was always of the purest character and he was respected by all. His children were the late Mrs. G. P. Evans, and Mrs. George P. Breen, of this village.
MRS. RELIEF BODMAN was one of the most honored and well remembered acquaintances of the author of this History during his residence for six years in Theresa, previous to 1857. She was an unusually intelligent and devoted mother, the large family which she had reared honoring her not only as the source of their life, but as the honored guide of their youthful as well as mature years. Her family was an united one, and they justified by their lives the example she had set for them to follow. She was born in the Massachusetts Colony, six years after the Declaration of Independence, her life preceding by several years the adoption of the National or State Constitution. Her father's family (the Burts) was of that primitive stock whose descendants have made the Black River country a land of churches and of school-houses--repeating here the methods which made New England a grand nursery of patriotism, domestic felicity, and real capacity. She was first a thrifty housekeeper, then a school-teacher, and then in her 28th year she married Sylvester Bodman, coming to the Black River country in 1821, settling at Theresa upon the farm where some of the family so long resided. By her mother's side she was related to the Pomeroys, and her cousin, the Kansas Senator of that name, came from his distant home to deliver an address at Theresa on the occasion of her one hundredth birthday. Our brief space will not permit us to make more than a slight reference to Mrs. Bodman. We can sum up all by saying, as we have said of but few in this History, that she was one of those brave women who in solitude, amid strange dangers, and heavy toil, reared families and made homes--counting it gain to minister to her children and to her friends, and doing in her church relation the work which falls to educated and capable women. She was certainly a most unique and interesting personality, one whom to have known leaves a memory never wholly effaced. She lived to be 104 years, and died universally lamented. Indeed "A mother in Israel."
RODNEY SIMONS, who served in the War of 1812, was born in Hartford, Conn., in 1794. He was twice married, first, to a Miss Smith, by whom he had two children, William and Mary Ann. In 1828 he married Polly P., daughter of Rev. William Bogart, who was born in Canada in 1808. At the time of their marriage they lived in the town of Alexandria, and their first home was established at Brown's Corners. Five sons and two daughters were born to them, namely: Rodney I., Sarah J., Nelson E., John H., Henry C., Demane E. and Hattie C. They moved several times, first locating in Alexandria Bay, then in Proctor Bay. Soon after this the family removed to this town and located near Red Lake, in the then wilderness country. Nelson E. now owns the old homestead on the island in Red Lake, and occupies with his family the log house built by his father. In those early days the settlers depended a great deal upon their hunting, and fur-bearing animals and wild game were successfully trapped and hunted. Nelson E. Simons married Ann, daughter of Thomas and Mary Pittston, by whom he has had six daughters and one son. namely: Mary C., Cora A., Helen E., Sarah J., Tacie M., Clara E. and Mark E. The latter died at the age of seven years. Mary C. married Sylvester Bodman. Helen E. married Arthur A. Nash, and resides near the home of her father, at Red Lake. GODFREY WALRADT was born in Allegany county in 1816, whence he removed to Cherry Valley, Otsego county, where he married Maria Walradt, by whom he had two sons and one daughter, namely: Dorman, William and Helen M. (Mrs. Loren F. Shurtliff), of Theresa. William married Emma Parkhurst, and Dorman married Nancy Shurtliff, both of this town. Dorman has two sons, George D. and James H. George D. married Ida L., daughter of Frank M. Peck, of Theresa.
WILLIAM K. BUTTERFIELD, a native of the town of Rutland, married Mary Thomas, by whom he had two children, Mary E. and Julius F. The latter at the age of 15, enlisted in Company D, 35th N. Y. Volunteers. After the war he removed to Ottawa, LaSalle county, Illinois, where he learned the tinsmiths' trade, and worked in the same shop for 15 years. He married Amelia M., daughter of Lewis Barrett, of Theresa, and they again located in the West and remained nine years. Three sons is the result of this union, namely: Lewis W., Charles H. and Allen C. Mr. Butterfield now resides in this town on road 58.
JOHN SEYMOUR was born in Plattsburgh, Clinton county, in 1845. He was educated in the common schools, and learned the trade of stone mason and plasterer, at which he worked until the breaking out of the Rebellion. August 2, 1862, he enlisted in Company A, 10th N. Y. Heavy Artillery, and was discharged June 23, 1865, at Petersburg, Va. He married Eliza, daughter of George P. Fox, of this town, in 1865, and they have three children, namely: Albert, Adelaide and Maggie.
The following sketch was crowded out of its place in the town of Watertown, and is given here instead:
THE CALHOUN FAMILY, well remembered by our older readers (one of the earlier ones having been a publisher of newspapers in Watertown, and the first one to start a printing office in Chicago), were for a long time a numerous and much respected family in Watertown. Most of them have removed. Chauncey, the progenitor in Watertown, was born in Connecticut in 1776, and died in Watertown in July, 1856. He was a builder, and all his life was a busy, persevering man--looked up to by his fellow-citizens and craftsmen. His wife was Sarah Edwards-Paddock, and they reared eight children: Ebenezer, Alvin, Mary, John, Nancy Charlotte, Chauncey, Jr., Charles and Sarah Elizabeth. Ebenezer Calhoun, Jr., son of the Ebenezer named above, was born in Watertown, August 22, 1835, and has always been known as an industrious, hard-working man. He was a soldier in the 94th Regiment, and served with credit to himself and to the cause. In 1861 he had married Susan Catharine Lane, but they had no children. She died in 1873. In 1874 he married Mary Jane Ball, and they have reared two children.
CAPT. ELIAS GETMAN, son of Jacob and Lena (Suits) Getman, was born August 1, 1824, in Fulton County, N. Y. His parents having removed with their family to Jefferson county, the subject of this sketch received his education in the common schools. He learned the carpenter's trade with the late Amaziah Ellis, of Plessis. He was very successful as a contractor and builder. He married, September 26, 1846, Sophia Evans, daughter of Columbus Evans, of Alexandria. Four children were born to them: Edgar, Edward, Edwin and Edson (four E's). Edwin died in infancy. The other three now constitute the firm of Getman Bros., proprietors of the Getman House at Theresa, and the American House at Canton. In August, 1862, Mr. Getman enlisted in Co. F, 10th New York Heavy Artillery, and in September following was commissioned second lieutenant. He was present in many battles, notably those of Petersburg, Cold Harbor and Bermuda Hundred, until the surrender of Lee. He was popular with those under his command, as well as with his superiors, and for executive ability, untiring fidelity to every duty, he was soon promoted and commissioned as captain of Co. A, of the same regiment. After the close of the war he was retained for special service for some months at Petersburg, returning to his Redwood home in the fall of 1865. In the spring of 1866 he purchased the old brick hotel at Theresa, and with the assistance of his excellent wife, at once transformed its interior into one of the most popular hostelries in Northern New York. As a citizen, landlord, neighbor, friend and soldier, Elias Getman was exceedingly and deservedly popular. He died much respected, after having completed plans for a new hotel to replace the old one. He was buried with Masonic honors, on which occasion was assembled the largest Masonic body ever congregated in the town.
REV. WILSON F. BALL, the present pastor of the Methodist Church in Theresa, is the youngest son of Sinecy Ball, one of the first settlers of Theresa, contemporaneous with Ebenezer Lull, the Bodmans, the Shurtliffs, Abraham Morrow and Nathan M. Flower. He was a man of exemplary character, universally respected as a citizen, a patriot and a Christian. He died in 1877. Wilson F. was born June 30, 1834, the youngest of 11 children, of whom eight reached maturity. He began trying to educate himself for the ministry as soon as he could be spared from the labors of the farm, in his 19th year. From that time he kept himself in school by the earnings of his own industry, teaching winters and working on the farm through haying and harvesting. He also took a hand at carpenter work, which was a calling pursued by him until the opening of the War of the Rebellion. In 1661 [sic], in company with another young man, he raised a company for cavalry service. On the day preceding the one designated for the organization of the company, notice was received from the adjutant general that they could not be received as a company, but as individuals. Twenty-three of the men went to Potsdam and enlisted as privates. Subsequently the subject of our sketch was made sergeant. In front of Yorktown he was made sergeant-major. After the battle of Fair Oaks he was sent to Washington sick, but rejoined his regiment at Harrison's Landing, from which place he was sent home on recruiting service. Later he returned to his regiment at Suffolk, where he was made orderly sergeant. At Kingston, N. C., he was breveted 1st lieutenant for gallantry in battle, by Colonel, afterward General L. C. Hunt, but before the commission reached him he was mustered out of service under an order for consolidation, and returned home to engage in teaching. He was principal of the Academy in Canton, N. Y., two years; at Union Free School at Carthage, N. Y., two years; and of the Academy and Union Free School, at Massena, N. Y., three years. In 1868 he entered the Methodist ministry. He married, October 2, 1862, Miss Kate Mosher, and they have three sons, one of whom is general agent for the Prudential Life Insurance Company, Columbus, Ohio, another is a merchant at Massena, N. Y., and one residing at home. Mr. Ball is a pleasant gentleman to meet--a most devoted Christian minister, successful in his ministry and a desirable citizen always. His family sprang from good old Revolutionary stock. Mr. H. M. Ball, long a merchant of Watertown, is of the same generic blood.
MR. E. D. SHELEY has been for several years the leading manufacturer at Theresa, his specialties being wood-work for the use of plumbers in constructing closets. He had found from experience that the situation at Theresa, handicapped as he was by the expense of hauling his lumber up from the depot to his mill, and the heavy railroad freights, made it an undesirable point for manufacturing. He has begun to remove his machinery to Lowville, Lewis county, where he is upon one of the main stems of the R., W. & O. R. R. system, and some 40 miles nearer a market, besides being nearer the lumber forests. His intention is to permanently remove his whole plant. This, in addition to losing the chair industry, has proven quite a serious blow to Theresa as a manufacturing centre. Mr. Sheley is an exceptionally honorable and progressive citizen, and his loss is to be deplored. His family are at present in Theresa, and a portion of his business is yet (1895) conducted there.
JAMES CASEY, now a successful merchant at Theresa, is a living evidence of what push, and industry, and courage can accomplish. He was born in 1839, near Ft. Covington, N. Y., came to Theresa in 1852, completing there his common school education. His first effort to secure work was successful, having been hired for general farm labor by the late Edward Cooper, on trial at $9.00 for one month. The trial month ended, he was hired for six months, and became the trusted and permanent employe. He had almost complete oversight of the farm at the time of Mr. Cooper's death, when he took the farm on a three-year lease. At the end of the first year he had cleared $1,500. He then purchased the Miller farm, and ran the two places simultaneously. At the expiration of his lease he had saved enough to pay the entire cost of the Miller farm. He subsequently purchased the two adjoining farms, and his homestead place now comprises over 200 acres. For the past 15 years he has been an extensive purchaser of hay for shipment. In 1890 he went into general merchandise at Theresa, and, having taken into business his two sons, the firm name is James Casey & Sons. He is a pushing, progressive, enterprising man.
SINECY BALL, the eldest son of Nehemiah and Esther Sally Ball, was born in Elizabethtown, September 24, 1778. He came into Jefferson county among the very earliest settlers, his father having moved to Utica as early as 1796. He was an honored citizen of Theresa for many years, contemporaneous with the Bodmans, Chapmans, Lulls, Cheesemans, and the other early ones. He reared a family and died early in the fifties. His youngest son is the talented pastor of the M. E. Church in Theresa. A daughter also survives, Mrs. Emeline Clough, of Cape Vincent.
FRANKLIN PARKER, son of Alexander, noticed in the biographies of Watertown, received a common school education, with a short term in the Academy at Watertown, became himself a teacher for five years, and went into general merchandising in Theresa in 1842, was successful from the start. Elected to the Legislature in 1855, he has held all the town offices within the gift of the people. He has been a persevering, capable and progressive citizen, always a pronounced Democrat, and enjoys, in his 78th year, the unchallenged respect of all who know him.
ICHABOD THOMPSON.--Although Ichabod Thompson was not one of the earliest settlers of Theresa, he was for so many years a resident there and so long a prominent business man that we think him worthy of mention. He was born in 1800, one of three brothers who came early into what is now Alexandria, from Newville, Herkimer county, and chopped and cleared lands, pushing back the wilderness in the work of rearing homes. In 1835 he removed to Theresa, and engaged in general merchandise with his relative, Mr. Alexander Salisbury. The partnership continued until 1850, when Mr. Thompson removed to Redwood, becoming a partner in the glass business there, the firm being composed of DeZeng, Burlingame, Salisbury and Thompson. After remaining in the glass business about two years, Mr. Thompson removed to Copenhagen, Lewis county, purchasing an extensive business, comprising a grist-mill, cheese-box factory and other branches of manufacturing. For 14 laborious years he was engaged at Copenhagen, when he removed to Adams and purchased the real estate known as the Mendell property. He died at Adams in his 65th year, respected by all, one of the best known men in Jefferson county. He was a sound and pushing business man, securing, by his candor and honorable methods the respect and confidence of every community where his lot was cast. In politics he was a Whig, and then an Abolitionist. His almost daily prayer was that he might be spared long enough to see slavery abolished, and his earnest prayer was granted. He gave his most promising son to the Union army, and took so great an interest in the cause, that he went to the very front on a visit to his son, and remained with the 35th Regiment nearly two weeks, where the writer met him when our out-posts were close up to the rebel videttes. His son, John D., served through to the end, two years in the 35th and over two years in the 20th Cavalry. He is now a resident of Watertown.
DR. OLIVER BREWSTER came to Theresa from St. Lawrence county, about 1843. He was a lineal descendant of the May-Flower Brewsters, so celebrated in the early annals of New England. He was a devoted geologist, a good botanist, a rough diamond with individualities so marked as to reach the borders of eccentricity. He had two children, both girls, one of whom died while young; the other married Dr. Babcock, and they removed to Springfield, Illinois, in 1864, near which city the Doctor acquired much celebrity and a large practice, and there he died about 1876, much respected for his many noble qualities. His wife still survives him, residing at Springfield, Illinois. The Doctor's only son succeeded to his father's practice, and is a skillful and well-known physician.
DR. E. R. BABCOCK, who was one of the writer's closest associates while residing at Theresa, graduated from Vermont Medical College, after having been a student in the office of Dr. Brewster, at Theresa. He married Miss Martha, the surviving daughter of Dr. Brewster, and Dr. Babcock left a remunerative practice at Theresa to accept a position as assistant surgeon in the Union army. He had charge of the medical department of the depot camp at Springfield, Illinois, under Brigadier General James Oakes, which position he held until the close of the war. He was a most meritorious and popular officer, fully meeting all the demands upon his skill and patience, and became so popular at Springfield that he made it his home, finally settling at Rochester, six miles from the State capitol, where he purchased land, and had a most successful and remunerative practice. His influence as a citizen was one of the best, and when he died the people mourned as for one of kindred blood. He left a very capable son, also graduated from a medical college, to succeed him in his business and large practice. His widow yet survives him, a lady of most gracious and pleasing manner and refinement. She resides in the city of Springfield, Ill.
NICHOLAS D. YOST, for many years the most prosperous and prominent farmer in Theresa, came into that town from Johnstown, N. Y., with his wife and infant daughter in 1837. He was the son of Wm. and Dorcas (Doxtater) Yost, and one of 11 children. Nicholas D. was born in Johnstown, November 20, 1808. There he passed his youth, and acquired such education as the common schools afforded. When he came into what was then Alexandria, he purchased 250 acres of land, and went resolutely to work to make a home. In this he succeeded to the fullest extent. His farm became one of the best in the town, and he is well remembered as a pushing, honorable and wealthy man. He died September 5, 1870, and is buried in the new cemetery at Theresa, his last resting-place marked by a noble monument. Mr. Yost left a large family, two of his children yet remaining in Theresa, the Hon. George E. Yost and Mrs. Melville Cornwall. The aged widow of Mr. Yost still survives, an honored member of society at Theresa, and one of the few brave women who in solitude, amid strange dangers and heavy toil, reared families and made homes.
IRVING C. COOPER was born May 13, 1843, and, excepting 10 years of his life, from 1854 to 1866, has lived on the large farm where he was born. About 1875 he became engaged in the manufacture of English cheese, erecting since then three cheese factories, which, together with the farm, he has since conducted. He has also for several years been engaged in purchasing cheese for the English and home market. In the season of 1894 he shipped 37,000 cheese to Montreal, and about 10,000 to Philadelphia and New York. He is the largest dealer in Northern New York.
WILLIAM E. HOYT was a member of the firm of Atwell & Hoyt, for a long time merchants at Theresa. He is well remembered as a retiring, very modest gentleman, well educated and exemplary in every relation of life. He was brought up in Fayetteville, and in 1894 would be nearly, if not quite 66 years of age. He was educated at Homer Academy, New York. For several years after the dissolution of the firm of which he was a member, and after his removal from Theresa, about 1861, he served several years in the quarter-master's department of the Union army. His present residence is Beatrice, Nebraska. Mrs. Hoyt, who is a sister to President Cleveland, received for her brother and presided at the executive mansion in Albany while he was Governor of the State, and presided often at the receptions in the White House at Washington during the first year of the first term of President Cleveland, and before his marriage. They are a most worthy and deserving couple, affectionately remembered at Theresa.
ALMANSON T. SMITH was born September 12, 1858 in the town of Gouverneur, N. Y. His father, Zadock Smith, who was one of the first to respond to President Lincoln's call for volunteers, was killed at Culpepper, Va., in 1862. His mother, Clarissa Smith, was a daughter of Josiah Walker, a pioneer, who came into the northern wilderness from Berkshire county, Mass., and settled upon a farm near Richville. The subject of this sketch received his education at the Richville Union Free School; commenced clerking in a country store when 14 years of age, and has ever since been connected with the mecantile business. He was a member of the class of 1880-81 of the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy; was prescription clerk in a Boston drug store for some time, and for the last 10 years has conducted a drug store in Theresa. In 1886 he married Miss Jennie Peck, daughter of F. M. Peck, a prominent merchant of Theresa.
ANSON CHEESMAN was born in 1781, and settled in Theresa in the fall of 1817. His wife lived to be 93 years of age. His children were: William C., Clifford, Jeremiah, Alanson C., Lorenzo, B. Palmer, Tammy and Lorena. About the same time Anson Cheesman came, three of his brothers also made Theresa their permanent home. Their names were Jeremiah, Abner and Clifford. Jeremiah's children were: Alonzo, Pamelia, Elizabeth, Francis and Matty. The family of Abner C. were: Hiram, Pharna, Elvira, Emily and Rufus. Three Methodist ministers have sprung from these Cheesman families--Rev. Anson C., son of Clifford, who is now chaplain in Clinton Prison, appointed by Gov. Flower; Rev. Elliot E., another son of Clifford Cheesman, has located in St. Lawrence county, and Rev. E. S. Cheesman, who is the son of Jeremiah, located at Cape Vincent. All three have been earnest and acceptable preachers, and are useful men. Tammy the daughter of Anson Cheesman, is now widow of the late Alanson Cook, long known as a lime-dealer. She and B. Palmer are the only survivors of Anson's progeny.
SAMUEL AND ANNA (WISWELL) STROUGH came into Jefferson from Herkimer county about 1820. They first settled in the town of Theresa, but afterwards removed to their permanent home in the southeasterly edge of Theresa, near Rappole's Corners, a location now bearing the name of Strough's Crossing. Here and at their former residence they reared a family of 10 children, every one of whom has filled a good position in society. Samuel Wiswell Strough, the eldest son began to teach at 15 years of age, and helped his father to pay for his land. He blossomed out into a full-fledged man, and became a well-known and respected citizen. He was instantly killed in 1876 by a stroke of lightning, near his own home. His sons are now the most prominent business men in the town of Orleans, comprising the firm of B.J. & L.S. Strough. Another son is P.A. Strough, recently school commissioner for two terms. A daughter is Mrs. W. A. Snyder of LaFargeville, with whom Mr. Strough's widow is now residing. Without following out the record of all the members of this family, we would refer to the brief sketch of Mr. George H. Strough, given in connection with the town of Clayton.
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