This information concerning Letters of Administration has been graciously supplied to Jefferson County NYGenweb by Marilyn Sapienza.
PHELPS, SAMPSON - Estate of deceased
Resident of Town of Orleans, died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to: SMITH, SAMUEL
Date: 8 April 1830
FRENCH, JOSEPH T. - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co., died intestate
Letter of Adm Granted to: FRENCH, MARY, widow & PARSONS, RUEL
Date: 7 April 1830
CARTER, WILLIAM - Estate of deceased
Resident of Watertown, died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to: CARTER, MARY, widow
Date: 3 May 1830
DICKENSON, PAUL - Estate of deceased
Resident of Ellisburg, died intestate
Date: 13 April 1830
ALBRIGHT, GEORGE W. - Estate of deceased
Resident of Hounsfield, died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to: CAMP, ELISHA
Date: 17 May 1830
BEARDSLEY, NATHANIEL - Estate of deceased
Resident of Town of Orleans, died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to: BEARDSLEY, SIMON
Date: 4 January 1830
MIX, JOEL - Estate of deceased
Resident of the Town of Wilna, died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to MIX, NANCY, petitioner
Date: 8 June 1830
OSTRANDER, ABRAM - Estate of deceased
Resident of the Town of Wilna, died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to WEST, ELI & OSTRANDER, EUNICE
Date: 11 August 1830
WASHBURN, LEVI - Estate of deceased
Resident of the Town of Adams, died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to WASHBURN, PERMELIA, widow
Date: 13 August 1830
POTTER, EPHRAIM - Estate of deceased
Resident of the Town of Adams, died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to: POTTER, EDWIN
Date: 30 August 1830
GILSON, CALVIN - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson County; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to RICHARDSON, ORLO of Chesterfield, Co. of Cheshire, New Hampshire
Date: 9 September 1830
KEMP, WILLIAM - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson County; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to HUNTING, JABEZ & NUTTING STEPHEN. KEMP, ELECTA, widow, did not wish to serve as administrator.
Date: 14 September 1830
GEORGE, LEVI - Estate of deceased
Resident of Brownville; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to petitioner, GEORGE, LUCY
Date: 4 October 1830
FARWELL, JAMES - Estate of deceased
Resident of Watertown; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to EMERSON, HARLOW. FARWELL, HARRIET, widow, refused to serve as administrator.
Date: 2 October 1830
WOODWARD, WILLIAM - Estate of deceased
Resident of Ellisburg, died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to WOODWARD, BETSY, widow and petitioner, & ELY, ALFRED
Date: 28 October 1830
JERROME, STEPHEN - Estate of deceased
Resident of Watertown, died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to JERROME, DOTIA, widow and petitioner
Date: 4 November 1830
MICK, MICHAEL - Estate of deceased
Resident of Watertown; died testate and will annexed to Adm.
Letter of Adm. Granted to MICK, MARY, who was named executrix in the will
Date: 9 December 1830
TUTTLE, SOLOMON - Estate of deceased
Resident of Watertown; died testate and will annexed to Adm.
Letter of Adm. Granted to TUTTLE, THOMAS, who was named executor in the will
Date: 8 Nov. 1830
SWEET, WANTON - Estate of deceased
Resident of the Town of Ellisburgh, died intestate
Letter of Adm Granted to WORTHINGTON, AARON, of Rensselear County NY
Date: 7 November 1830
STARR, CHAUNCEY - Estate of deceased
Resident of the Town of Brownville; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to KNOX, WILLIAM
Date: 23 November 1830
SMITH, WILLIAM - Estate of deceased
Resident of the Town of Hounsfield; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to SMITH, CLARISSA, widow and petitioner
Date: 7 December 1830
McGUINN, DANIEL - Estate of deceased
Resident of the Town of Hounsfield; died intestate
Letter of Adm Granted to McGUINN, SUSAN
Date: 7 December 1830
BRITIAN, HIRAM - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to STARKEY, OTIS P. & BAGLEY, BERNARD M.
Date: 10 April 1831
BULLARD, PERCIVAL - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Date: 7 February 1831
PERKINS, SOLOMON - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died testate
Letter of Adm. Granted to HUBBARD, NOADIAH & PALMER, AARON, named as executors in the will; and will attached to Adm.
Date: 5 May 1831
STONE, ORREN - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Date: 13 May 1831
COMINS, STEPHEN - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to BUTTERFIELD, LEVI
Date: 1 August 1831
LUCAS, JAMES - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to LUCAS, JOHN & LUCAS, CALISTA
Date: 9 August 1831
KILBURN, ALPHEUS - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to KILBORN, JACOB & GREEN, ASAPH
Date: 19 August 1831
EVERITT, JOEL - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to EVERITT, JONAS
Date: 17 November 1831
SMITH, WILLIAM - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm Granted to RULISON, NELSON
Date: 22 November 1831
SALISBURY, HORACE - Estate of deceased
Resident of Town of Ellisburg; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to ELLIS, THOMAS & SALISBURY, PHOEBE
Date: 3 November 1831
ROBBINS, WILLIAM M. - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to DENNISON, LEONARD
Date: 20 December 1831
CARLIN, JOHN - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to HANNAH, HARVEY
Date: 22 December 1831
PUTMAN, ISRAEL - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co.; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to PUTMAN, EZRA
Date: 26 December 1831
WASHBURN, BETHUEL - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died testate; will proven and attached to Adm.
Letter of Adm. Granted to GIFFORD, JAMES JR. Executor named in the will
Date: 23 December 1831
LEAM, JOSEPH - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to LEAM, MARGARET
Date: 24 January 1832
BURTCH, WILLIAM - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to MCPHERSON, WILLIAM, Petitioner
Date: 3 February 1832
WHIPPLE, THEODORE - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to KIMBALL, LOVELL ad WHIPPLE, WILLIAM declined to serve as admin.
Date: 6 February 1832
PECK, JOHN - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to SUTTON, WILLIAM JR.
Date: 12 March 1832
WALKER, WILLIAM M. - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to WALKER, MARIA & REED, KNIGHT D.
Date: 12 March 1832
STEARNS, GEORGE - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to STEARNS, DAVID
Date: 5 May 1832
SLATE, SOLOMON - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to SLATE, SYLVIA
Date: 7 May 1827; recorded 8 May 1832
HUDSON, NATHANIEL - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died ?
Letter of Adm. Granted to REED, KNIGHT D.
Date: 23 June 1832
LANFEAR, ALLEN - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to SOULE, WILLIAM & LANFEAR, MARY
Date: 20 July 1832
COMINS, STEPHEN - Estate of deceased
Resident of Leray Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to BUTTERFIELD, LEVI
Date: 1 August 1831
GIBBS, DAVID - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Date: 6 August 1832
RUSSEL, JONATHAN - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to RUSSEL, GEORGE R.
Date: 20 August 1832
CHAPMAN, GEORGE - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to WOODS, AMOS E. & CHAPMAN, DIANA
Date: 20 August 1834
DRAPER, HANNA - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to DRAPER, AARON
Date: 1 September 1834
MCKEE, APPLETON - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died testate, copy of will attached to Adm.
Letter of Adm. Granted to SHELDON, ABRAM; MCKEE, ALVIN; MCKEE, LABRA, Executors named in the will
Date: 17 September 1832
FAY, JOHN - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died testate, copy of will attached to Adm.
Letter of Adm. Granted to ELLIS, THOMAS named as Executor in the will
Date: 30 May 1832
BRIGHAM, CYRAS V. - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to BRIGHAM, EMELINE
Date: ___October 1834
BEEBE, JOHN - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to BEEBE, SALLY M.
Date: 9 October 1832
TINKER, DAVID - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to TINKER, ALMARIN
Date: 3 December 1832
CARPENTER, JOHN B. - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Date: 1 December 1832
STEVENS, OLIVER - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to STEVENS, SALLY
Date: 3 September 1832
MARSHALL, HENRY - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to LEPPUS, THOMAS G. & MARSHALL, MARY
Date: 6 December 1832
PERRY, EZRA - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died testate, copy of will attached to Adm.
Letter of Adm. Granted to PERRY, RHODA as Executrix named in the will
Date: 25 January 1833
BURT, JOHN M. - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to KELLOGG, ISRAEL & BURT, CATHARINE
Date: 27 January 1833
MORSE, BENJAMIN - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to MORSE, JOHN
Date: 20 January 1833
HODGES, ABRAHAM - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to HODGES, SOLOMON
Date: 4 February 1833
WINSLOW, GAMMAL - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm.Granted to WINSLOW, JOHN & IVES, WILLARD
Date: 1 February 1833
READ, LEVI - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to READ, EDWIN D. & READ, NANCY
Date: 7 February 1833
JENNINGS, JOHN - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to SMITH, ELISHA JR. & JENNINGS, ANN
Date: 23 February 1833
BARRIA, PETER - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to ANGEL, THOMAS J.
Date: 20 February 1833
WRIGHT, CARMI - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to WRIGHT, LARNARD
Date: 12 March 1833
BROWN, EBENEZER - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to FASSET, JOHN
Date: 27 March 1833
PYNCHON, HENRY R. - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to TUCKER, EDMUND
Date: 30 April 1833
STONE, ANDREW - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to SHURTLEFF, WILLARD & STONE, HANNAH
Date: 8 May 1833
WOODBERRY, JOHN - Estate of deceased
Resident of Watertown Jefferson Co; died testate; copy of will attached to Adm.
Letter of Adm. Granted to TENEYCK, EGBERT, named as Executor in will
Date: 3 May 1833
DAVIS, THOMAS - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to DAVIS, ESTIS & BOYDEN, SAMUEL
Date: 6 April 1833
MANVILLE, HENRY - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to MANVILLE, MATILDA
Date: 12 March 1833
MCKEE, HYMAN - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to MCKEE, MARVIN
Date: 4 May 1833
POWERS, ABRAHAM - Estate of deceased
Resident of Watertown Jefferson Co; died testate; copy of will attached to Adm.
Letter of Adm. Granted to ABRAHAM, ZELOTES S. & POWERS, GRIDLEY named as Executors in the will.
Date: 6 April 1833
CLARK, ASA - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to CLARK, LUCY & SAWYER, ELISHA
Date: 24 May 1833
GEORGE, JOHN - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died testate; copy of will attached to Adm.
Letter of Adm. Granted to GEORGE, JOHN JR. named Executor in the will
Date: 20 June 1833
CHESTER, CURTIS - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to CURTIS, DORCAS
Date: 22 June 1833
JONES, FREDERICK W. - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to GRENELL, WILLIAM & JONES, CHARLOT
Date: 12 July 1833
MOSHER, ALANSON - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died testate; copy of will attached to Adm.
Letter of Adm. Granted to MOSHER, MARY; MOSHER, ENNIS; ROBERTS, ELIAS named as Executors in will
Date: 25 September 1833
FOLTZ, JOHN POST - Estate of deceased Revolutionary Pensioner of the United States
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to FOLTZ, JOHN
Date: 11 September 1834
OTIS, CLARISA - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to HANCOCK, JOHN A.
Date: 18 October 1833
SHERMAN, RUSSEL - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died testate; copy of will attached to Adm.
Letter of Adm. Granted to SHERMAN, NANCY, named Executrix in the will
Date: 27 October 1833
SHELDON, ISAAC - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to GRENELL, WILLIAM
Date: 18 November 1833
FORD, WILLIAM D. - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to FORD, AUGUSTUS
Date: 20 November 1833
WHITE, CLARRISSA - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to FULLER, JOSEPH
Date: 2 December 1833
SHOEMAKER, ABRAHAM - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to SHOEMAKER, POLLY P.
Date: 4 December 1833
CLARY, ABEL B. - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to STOW, RUSSEL
Date: 9 December 1833
HOLLY, NATHAN - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to HOLLY, NATHAN
Date: 27 December 1833
LAWTON, BENJAMIN - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to LAWTON, OLIVER & HAMLIN, HORACE
Date: 1 December 1833 - same date for guardianships below
LAWTON, DAVID N. appeared and prayed that FORSYTHE, WILLIAM JR. of the Town of Antwerp in Jefferson Co be appointed Guardian of LAWTON, JANE, minor of the deceased; Court approved for Guardian to minor for taking care of the person and estate of said minor until minor reaches age of 21 which will be in November of 1833.
LAWTON, HARIETTE prayed that FORSYTHE, WILLIAM of Antwerp in Jefferson Co to be appointed Guardian; Court approved providing Guardian submit $100 bond. Said minor shall have guardian until she arrives to the age of 21 years which will be on 6 December 1836 or until another guardian shall be appointed.
FOSTER, JOHN T. - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Date: 11 January 1834
TRICKEY, ABIJAH - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to STOCKING, OSCAR
Date: 15 January 1834
CLARK, JOHN L. - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to GREEN, HENRY & CLARK, HARRY
Date: 26 January 1834
BLACKSTONE, MANNING - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Date: 4 February 1834
SPINNING, DANIEL - Estate of deceased
Resident of Rutland, Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to SPINNING, JAMES of Rutland
Date: 6 February 1833
FASSET, AUSTIN - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Date: 26 April 1834
SMITH, EZRA - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to SMITH, HENRY
Date: 17 May 1834
TAUSLER, AUGUST - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to BENTLY, BENJAMIN
Date: 8 May 1834
CATLIN, AMOS - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Date: 12 June 1834
QUACKENBUSH, JAMES - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to CAMP, ELISHA
Date: 31 May 1834
CRITTENTON, SYLVANUS - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to CRITTENTON, ISABEL
Date: 21 May 1834
STONE, JAMES - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died testate
Letter of Adm. Granted to TENEYCK, EGBERT; HUNGERFORD, ORVILLE named as Executors in the will; will attached to Adm.
Date: 8 May 1834
CHURCH, ELISHA - Estate of deceased who was a Revolutionary Pensioner of the United States
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to BURT, DEAN
Date: 30 June 1834
SPINNING, DANIEL - Estate of deceased
Resident of Rutland Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to SPINNING, JAMES
Date: 29 February 1834
BARBER, AMASA - Estate of deceased
Resident of Watertown Jefferson Co; died testate
Letter of Adm. Granted to WARD, JAMES & BARBER, ABRAHAM named Executors in the will
Date: 24 July 1834
KEYES, PURLEY - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died testate; copy of will attached to Adm.
Letter of Adm. Granted to WOOD, WILLIAM named in will as Executor
Date: 9 July 1834
BECKWITH, RICHARD - Estate of deceased
Resident of Hounsfield Jefferson Co; died testate; copy of will attached to Adm.
Letter of Adm. Granted to BECKWITH, RICHARD named in the will as Executor
Date: 19 May 1834
LODOWICK, CASPER - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Date: 4 August 1834
WELLS, ADNA - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to GREEN, ALPHEUS S.
Date: 4 August 1834
GLEASON, PELETIAH - Estate of deceased
Resident of Jefferson Co; died intestate
Letter of Adm. Granted to SMto SMITH, WILLIAM
Date: 5 August 1834
If you have any questions or comments about this page, please contact,
County Co-Coordinator Nancy Dixon or
Co-Coordinator Bruce Coyne.
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