September 1873


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What seems to be an early teacher's convention in Watertown, covered a 9 day period. Various topics were offered at the convention and all teachers in Jefferson County were strongly urged to attend the conference, as it was then called. In the September 18, 1873 issue of the Watertown Re-Union newspaper on page 4, is a list of teachers in the county, who were enrolled, was presented. Various topics were offered to the teachers from mathematics to geography as well as how to "reach" the students.

The list of enrolled teachers is presented here:

THIRD DAY OF THE TEACHER'S INSTITUTE (held in Watertown for teachers in the county)

Names of the teachers in attendance:


Ella Kellogg
Mattie Kellogg
Esther Maxon
Mary Hinds
Ophelia Wilson
Ida Emerson
Ruby Keith
Marcia Sloan
Jennie Draper
Ella Austin
Nettie Brown
Anna Lepper
Mary Winslow
Celia Devendorf
Althea W. Earl
Martha J. Andrews
Alzada Cleaveland
Ettie Thayer
Emma Hicks
Mary Hardy
Emma L. Todd
Elsie Griswold
Addie Potter
Emma C. Baker
Katie Dakin
Minnie Dakin
Mary Lochlin
Adelia Welch
Corlin M. Towns
Julia Watts
Jennie Connell
Eda Conlan
Mary R. Ayer
Ida M. Allen
Sarah J. Allen
Ellen Beckwith
Alice M. Dix
Julia A. Orchard
Nettie Williams
Mary Delaney
Jennie Sandoe
Mrs. Ida Feaner
Ida Kellogg
Belle Summons
Didama Chamberlain
Ida Cramer
Alma Woodworth
Ella Luther
Sarah Scidmore
Ilona Hemingway
Florence Luther
Julia Hinds
Chloe Jones
Ella S. Moran
Sophronia Gillett
Jane Livermore
Anna Emerson
Carrie Cunningham
Zillah King
Lydia Stanhilber


Robert Gregg
Orlando P. Eastman
Eugene Gailey
H. H. Wilbur
Cas. G. Banister
Frank B. Gill
Chas. A. Dodge
Stephen R. Cleaveland
Edward N. Northup
Chas. B. McCanna
Thos L. Sharon
Gerald Griffin
J. H. Durham
Chester D. Crandall
Willie C. Baker
Wilber Porter
Geo. W. Lingenfelter
Levi Livermore
Willis Rice
Edgard F. Otis
Alvin Beckwith
Clark R. Matteson
Elijah F. Ouser



Eliza J. Mosher
Alice Northup
Nellie A. Doud
Florence Cline
Harriet Tucker
Anna M. Taylor
Julia Babcock
Lilly Babcock
Hattie E. Wait
Florence Clark
Lucy Yendes
Mary Concklin
Hattie Valliere
Anna Doxtater


Wm. H. H. Sias
V. Webster Heath
Edward Walrath
Edison Walrath
Elijah Graves
Arthur Davis

Total number of teachers present: 107


Nettie Hall
Nellie Archer
Nellie M. Porter
Addie Allen
Lillie Macomber
Fannie Still
Mary F. Miller
Emeline McKee
Lucy Normander


Judson Rogers

Whole number of teachers present: 124

On the sixth day of the convention, the following names of teachers were added, as presented in the September 18, 1873 issue, p. 8, of the Watertown Re-Union Newspaper:


Mary A. Dirby
Mina Wood
Jennie Hempton
Annie Bowels
Mary Bowels
Sarah Roberts
Helen Feirmer
Florence Kanney
Emma Barber
Nancy Hall
Ella Hall
Maggie Lewis
Jennie Faichney
Httie VanSchaick
Nettie Wells
Mary Sprague
Alice Pierce
Eliza Bowels
Ella Harris
Mary A. Gasley
Emma Brown
Gertrude Carpenter
Fannie Wheeler
Adella Allen
Mary Wilson
Alice Wilson
Jennie Dexter
Carrie Pierce
Sarah Stackhouse
Laura Everest
Libbie Wilbur
Belle G. Coventry
Maggie Godfrey
Sarah Thompson
Claire Hall
Carrie A. Kelley
Addie Parker
Ida Rice
Louise Brawt
Vira York
Nettie Wood


C. D. Green
C. D. Abbey
Jas. Holden
Allen L. Rogers
Elwood Failing
J. Tamblin
A. P. Sigourney
Henry E. Bow

Ladies present 132: gentlemen 41. Total number present 173.

ADDITIONAL NAMES ADDED on the 7th day of the Convention:


Lydia A. Patrick
Maria Pease
Eva Durant
Ellen M. Johnson
Clara Johnson
Mary Grappotte
Mina A. Nicol
Kate McCarty
Esther Ellam
Mrs. Ellen Horan
Delia Garvin
Mell Campbell
Edith Gould
Emma Dealing
Josephine Tifft
Irene Tifft
Tilly Briggs
Eva S. Potter
Kate M. Walker
Emogene M. Carter
Adelia Jones
Nellia Grant
Hattie Shoecraft
Jennie Vincent
Eliza Kepler
Frank Cale
Hattie Eddy
Clara Brown


H. E. Bow
S. S. Reynolds
Clark Scott
D. J. Wait
F. H. Walts
C. Stewart
A. P. Mott
D. P. Borter
F. D. Hull
W. A. Gray
H. b. Dunn
A. E. D. Hodges

Whole number present during afternoon session: 213

In the September 25, 1873, p. 7, issue of the Watertown Re-Union, an additional number of teachers were noticed as added to the enrollment:


Dora Trowbridge
Lida E. Reed
Mary E. Pool
Martha L. Moore
Althea Stetson
Lille Fish
Ellen Burke
Mrs. Amelia Rutan
Belle Sweet
Jennie Mack
Carrie Rice
Romelia Lewis
Lavera Horton
Della York
Ettie Wait
Lenora Purcell
Allice M. Carver
Mrs. A. P. Sigourney
Cornelia H. Gillett
Alice C. Bristol
Stella Green
Josie Pelo
Mary VanBrocklin


Henry Bowe
W. H. Dorchester
C. Bull
C. T. Howe
J. Shea
W. Morrow
H. Maynard
A. B. Cooper
M. Grant
F. Potter
S. Crabb

The newspaper article noted that the attendance of teachers reached 300, with an observation that might be considered a "new departure" on the educational interest of the county. Many of the presentations to the teachers were made by Prof. Tenney and Miss Cone of the State Department of Education. At the conclusion of the Institute, a social was held in the Court Room, which was largely attended.

Information contributed by volunteer Marilyn Sapienza.

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