Jefferson County, New York

This school, while continuous, existed under three names.
St. Joachim's Training School For Nurses, 1906-1926
Mercy Hospital Training School 1926-1938
Mercy Hospital School of Nursing 1939-1970

1970 Mercy School of Nursing Yearbook ,   Census Index

NOTE: Use CONTROL+F to search names

St. Joachim's Training School For Nurses, 1905-1926 Class Photos

Class of 1907

Left-Right: Madge Stonness, Alice Farmer, Agnes Benson, Helen Farrell, Mary McMannus, Supt.

Class of 1908

l-R: Myrtle Shaver, Mollie Carey, Alice Donihee, Elizabeth Hogan, Supt. Anatasia McCann, Margaret McPhail

Class of 1909

L-R: Marion Bates, Mary L Benson, Sarah Fitzgerald, Lillian Quinn

Class of 1910

Photo Missing

Anastasia McConnell, Helen Dermady, Nora Featherstone, Kathleen Dungan

Class of 1911

L-R: Ella Byrnes, Mary McGuinn, Elizabeth Dunn, Margaret Smades, Hester Coatello, Anna Dullea

Class of 1912

L-R: Second Row; Pearl MacIntosh, Anna Kelley, Louise Bulger, Mary Warren, Mary Evans.
First Row; Harriet Dewey

Class of 1913

L-R: Third Row: Grace Jorden, Mary Boyle, Thomas Roche, Alice Finnigan, Illma Roberts
Second Row: Pearl Warren, Agnes Haley
First Row: Gertrude McDonald

Class of 1914

L-R: Third row: Jeanette Grafton, Ruth Knapp, Florence May Heney
Second Row: Anna Donihee, Ann Romang, Sister M. Ita, R.S.M., Susan O'Hare, Rilla McNeill
First Row: Florence Sloan, Mary Snell.

Class of 1915

L-R: Pearl Tillman, Ruth Metcalf, Celina Lawrence, Madeline Hocker, Mable Hutchins, Kathleen McCourt, Sadie Chase

Class of 1916

L-R: Agnes Newmen, Grace McDonald, Catherine Weldon, Mabel Merrill, Margaret Laide, Bertha Kearns.

Class of 1917

L-R: Hilda Cavanaugh, Mona Weldon, Olive Regan, Sister M. Agnes, R.S.M., Mary Cain, Florence Rossly, Mary Hennessey, Roberta Babcock.

Class of 1918

L-R: Second Row: Catherine Leahy, Helen McCauley, Frances Lalley, Darley Flood, Helen Stout.
First Row: Ada Cook, Margret Dillion, Aldelaide Herriman, Supt., Dora Cook, Marie Manley.

Class of 1919

L-R: Second Row: Blanch Kelly, Margaret Coan, Sara Emery, Eva Brays
First Row: Rose Queal, Catherine McGouldrick, Pauline McDonald, Martha Shepard, Frances Reilly.

Class of 1920

L-R: Third Row: Theresa Lauber, Julia Nurney, Sara Pate
Second Row: Ruth Fitzpatrick, Regina Harvey, Mary Revette, Mabel Howe
First Row: Mary Pate

Class of 1921 & 1922

L-R: Third Row: Irene Lynch, Helen Cook, Doris Buskirk
Second Row: Doris Hickey, Ruth Brown, Sister M. Dorothy, R.S.M., Anna Constantine, Helen Clark
First Row: Catherine Kearns, Frances Cotter

Class of 1923

L-R: Third Row: Anna Butler, Agnes VanBuren, Annette McGowan, Evelyn O'Hara, Helen O'Reilly, Madeline Mason, Eva Howard
Second Row: May Kearns, Sister M. Patrick, R.S.M, Iora Fitzgerald
First Row: Anna Alexander

Class of 1924

L-R: Veronica Feisthamel, Ruth Gallant, Edna North, Frances Leahy, Lucille Longton

Class of 1925

L-R: Third Row: Ellen fitzgerald, Edna Brabant, Katherine Duffy, Evangeline McNamee, Millicent Bryan
Second Row: Helen Clark, Marion Williams, Mary LaLonde
First Row: Mary Murray

Class of 1926

Isabelle Gourdier Connolly, Myrtle K. Brown, Frances Trippany, Frances Sheldon, Cecile Brewer, Margaret Doyle, Gertrude Cooper, Helen C. Curtin, Florence A. Ladd, Winifred Cardinal, Grace Cannon, Nellie M. Baker, Leona Longton

Class of 1927

Rosalind Waite, Raphael McCarthy, Gladys McCormack, Frances M. Wheeler, Mary E. Lawrence

Mercy Hospital Training School Class Photos

Class of 1928

Not in L-R Order: Sister Mary Alberta Montville, R.S.M., Sister Mary Immaculate Moquin, R.S.M., Sister Mary Theresa McDonald, R.S.M., Elizabeth Barclay Young, Pauline Bedoar Dorr, Irene Biche O'Reilly, Kathryn Branche Wood, Marjorie Brown Campbell, Irene Hourihan Stevens, Marie Loson, Margaret Melady Bresnehan, Helen Waterhouse

Class of 1929

Photo Missing

Sister Mary Barbara Cherrier, R.S.M. Sister Mary Cyril Barry, R.S.M., Sister Mary Florence Shane, R.S.M., Sister Mary Innocentia Boyer, R.S.M., Sister Mary Perpetua O'Conner, R.S.M., Adeline Barnes Markey, Eleanor Brennen Gamble, Eileen Coan, Dorothy Fisher Roberson, Olive Kearns Phillips, Ursula McDonald St. Croix, Winifred Pond Wright, Lucille Rofinot Levia, Helen Scherer Pritchard, Eliabeth Farley Usher

Class of 1930

Photo Missing

Sister Mary Oril Graves, R.S.M., Thelma Hogan Von-de-Porten, Alice, O'Connor Johansson, Dorothea Maxon Dunlay, Florence Bero Donahue, Ann Palmer, Grace Greene, Maryalys Wheeler Hogan, Clara Pomerville Jenkins, Mary Cullen, Doris Gettings Sexberry, Della Montondo Lillis, Mabel Kohler Wisner, Margaret Hourigan Heinrich, Mary Brennon Queenville, Jean Mullin, Elizabeth Vautrin

Class of 1931

Photo Missing

Dorothy Maynard, Mabel McKenna, Marie Kelly, Rosemary Madill, Helen Hall, Margaret Monnat, Mary Mooney, Grayce Byrnes, Dorothy Martin, Margaret McDonald, Florence Thesier

Class of 1932

L-R: Second Row: Helen Pharoah, Helen Snyder, Helena Kelly, Beatrice Kavanaugh, Glendora Peebles, Mary A. O'Sullivan, Margaret Griffis, Tena McGillis, Mary Murphy, Ellen Dowling, Josie Sheldon
First Row: A. Florence McDonald, Dorothy Lifrieri, Myrle Abrams, Sister Mary Stella, R.S.M., Elizabeth Bronson, Louella Klock, Frances Strife.

Class of 1933

L-R: Helen Keruskie, Hariette Gould, Pauline Dempster, Honora Gardon, Katherine Mooney, Dorothy Shaver, Grace Kelsey, Dorothy Ross, Lillian Sharlow, Sister Mary Agnes, R.S.M., Supt., Alice Marskell, Madge Jackson, Harriet Potter, Gladys Pilon, Frances Menard, Lona LaParr, Margaret Budd, Katherine Green, Marjorie Laird

Class of 1934

L-R: Sister Mary Reparata Faye, R.S.M., Grace Moore, Clara Gullo, Mildred Pinner, Doris Kilburn, Nettie Ray, Sister Mary Agnes Harding, R.S.M., Supt., Rosemary Shavia, Mary Bogdahhowicz, Genevieve Wilkins, Beatrice Dacier, Sister Kathryn Maureen (Mary Berchmans) Crowley, R.M.S.

Class of 1935

L-R: Beatrice Gokey, Laura Sweeney, Dorothy Hall, Ethel Abbott, Yvonne Schmid, Elizabeth Mitchell, Wynette Graveline, Ruth Dean, Doris Byrns, Jane Devine, Agnes Foley, Bertha Joyner

Class of 1936

L-R: Sister M. Servase, R.S.M., Rita Coseo, Helen Stacey, Edith Loucks, Etheldreda Wolff, Phyllis Carroll, Rita Hastings, Olevia McIntyre, Florence Cheney, Rita O'Brian, Sister M. Agnes, R.S.M., Supt. Elizabeth Quilty, Irene Keenan, Charlotte Shavia, Stella Fusek, Elizabeth Kline, Mary Haley, Mary Huley, Mary Fitzgerald, Ruth Norton, Sister M. Flora, R.S.M.

Class of 1937

L-R: Alice Fitzgerald, Helen Dziewisz, Pauline Stark, Jean McCargar, Elizabeth Flanagan, Audrey Grant, Genevieve White, Mary Singleton, Sister M. Georgina, R.S.M., Sister M. Agnes, R.S.M., Supt. Marguerite Bottosto, Helen Whalen, Catherine Marskell, Mildred Hough, Mary Augustyn, Margret Bush, Dororthy Warwick

Class of 1938

L-R: Second Row: Edith Snow, Jane Singleton, Catherine Kesson, Rhea Joyner
First Row: Elizabeth Martin, Doris McDermott, Emily Sweeney, Margaret Guyette, Catherine Sanborn

Mercy Hospital School of Nursing Class Photos

Class of 1939

L-R: Second Row: Louise Maurizi, Ruth Hamilton, Florence Brabant, Mary Hamilton, Ruth Moreford, Joan Lortie, Helen Lewieki, Marian Bell, Roemary Walts, Nora Cotter, Eileen Hough, Violet Dalton, Helen Hobkirk, Geraldine Aubertine
First Row: Betty Tabolt, Mary Folgert, Ruth Schaber, Sister M. Firmina, R.S.M., Madeline Kamide, Julia Sayer, Elizabeth Eddy.

Class of 1940

L-R: Sister M. Edna, R.S.M., Korleen Kapfer, Alma Rockefeller, Ann Tolopka, Sister M. Louise, R.S.M., Elizabeth Merz, Geneva Putnam, Marie Bero, Sister M. Silvina, R.S.M.

Class of 1941

L-R: Mary Kozlowski, Catherine Blake, Marjorie Greenizen, Mary Gilda Simser, Eleanr Byrne
First Row: Harriet Genter, Genevieve Hamilton, Edith Szacks

Class of 1942

L-R: Second Row: Frances McDonald, Ann M Merz, Thelma Burns, Lucille Hughston, Clara B Lowery, Helen Zimmer, Enza Cring
First Row: Marjorie Farrell, Doris Timmerman, Geneva Patnode, Pauline Hornell, M. Carolyn Waterman, Mary M Coughlin

Class of 1943

L-R: Third Row: Dorothy Cayea, Mary H. Fitzgerald, Florence Gossman, Mildred Fleming, Helen Siver, Priscilla Keenab, Agnes Burns, Flora Chapin
Second Row: Martha Kelly, Eleanor Standley, Dorothy Collins, Eleanor Ward, Bianca Giangregorio, Betty Keib, Norma Burns, Margaret Foley
First Row: Pauline Pistolese, Merle Hamilton, Beulah Snyder, Beverly Lyng, Ann Kenney, Hope Travis, Florence Brenon

Class of 1944

L-R:Second Row: Doris Watts, Jeanette Leddy, Lois Smith, Mary Dowdell, Aelaide Fragetta
First Row: Rosalie Fleming, Jeanne Desnoyers, Daryl Young, Mary Champagne, Evelyn Kolb, V. Alice Graves, Jean Normile

Class of 1945

L-R: Second Row: Kathryn Bourcy, Anna Kirkland, Jane O'Neill, Helen Burkhard, Siser M. Rene R.S.M., Pauline Delles, Lucille Damon. Katherine Stabb, Barbara Brown
First Row: Margaret Collins, Mary Keegan, Jane LaLonde, Anna Multain, Rosemary Connaughton, Mary Herlehy

Class of 1946

L-R: Second Row: Virginia West, Catherine Loftus, Sylvia Gogoe, Elsie Overton, Ida Zeniss
First Row: Jeanne King, Doris Cannan, Nancy Fillhart, June Wilder, June Wilder, Marjorie Roach

Class of 1947

L-R: Forth Row: Helen Grooms, Helen Leonard, Kahleen McKinley, Beverly Schofield, Mary Theresa Smith
Third Row: Madeline Sheehan, Jacqueline O'Neil, Joyce Chavoustie, Barbara Cheesman, Phyllis Grant, Eileen Mackey
Second Row: Elizabth Branche, Rita Leach, Frances Fitzgerald, Genevieve Burke, Marie Lyman, Josephine Skorupa, Patricia Post, Ester Clarke
First Row: Doris Burke, Geraldine DeGregory, Marion O'Leary, Stella Eager, Isabelle Clark

Class of 1948

L-R: Third Row: Rose Ann Sutphen, Theresa Lambert, Doris Bennett, Lucille Reasoner
Second Row: Theresa Gilmet, Elizabeth Lawrence, Loena Morrissey, I. Jean Lee, Mary O'Neill, Joyce Keenan, Dorothy Powers, Gloria McAdam
First Row: Sister M. Lawrence, R.S.M., Julia Parrotte, Dorothy Mose, Dorothy Hardy, Myrtle Hull, Adeline Picolli, Jane Reff, Katherine McMillan, Helen Kenyon, Elizabeth Lawrence, Sister M. Paula, R.S.M.

Class of 1949

L-R: Second Row: Rita Sullivan, Mary Jane Best, Pauline Allen, Catherine Manville, Judith Wells
First Row: Doris Jones, Jean LaComb, Pauline Sholett, Terese Preston, Hilda Cassell, Virginia Sweeney, Carolyn Backus

Class of 1950

L-R: Third Row: Katherine Pillow, Elaine Hooper, Phyllis Rayome, Sister M Mercy, R.S.M, Joan Hayes, Catherine Wooton, Rolande Dewey
Second Row: Patricia Butler, Mary Ann Burkhard, Barbara Cean, M. Julia Maloy, Alice Bastian, Eleanor Giddings, Catherine Parsons, Patricia Buckingham, Jane Collins
First Row: Elizabeth Courts, Theresa Sharrow, Mary Healy, Katherine Clark, Shirley Tabolt, Norma Waite, Rita Sylvster, Mary M. Campbell, Veronica Williams

Class of 1951

L-R: Second Row: Doreen McReynolds, Anne Peacock, Helen Connelly, Marie Trudell, Jean Wood, Jean MacCrea, Jean Kelly, Sister Mary Maurice, R.S.M., Mary Shane, Carolyn Andre, Virginia Taylor, Marion Rupracht, Mary Carncrose, Joyce Brandell, Jean Wright
First Row: Anne McQuaid, Irma Desantels, Helen Ford, Ann McAvoy, Ann Murphy, Shirley Belfy, Beverly Srife, Virginia Rowe, Joanne Higman, Elizabeth Hymel, Grace Scheideler, Patricia Sturtz, Agnes Healy

Class of 1952

L-R: Third Row: Jane Beach, Maryellen Durkin, Mary Ann Gaffney, Rosemary Folino, Dorothy Bodah
Second Row: Diane Gagnon, Caroline Seigel, Gloria Fink, Mary O'Brien, Janice LaRoue, Sally Mahoney
First Row: Mary McFadden, Kathleen Kelly, Patricia Gravele, Patricia Leonard

Class of 1953

L-R: Third Row: Antoinette Scordo, Mary Ann Bezy Weinman, Carol Church Hoffman, Rita Davey West, Doris Colbert Kutkowski, Dolorores Woods Beaulleu
Second Row: Carmeline Guardino Nixon, Theresa Farmer Hertz, Margaret Biche Tabolt, Patricia Martin Woods, Ellen Butler Walsh
First Row: Jacqueline Farmer Rheume, Nancy O'Neill Hovendon, Barbara Rollins Vine, Eula Reff Burke

Class of 1954

L-R: Third Row: Madeline Kutzleb, Sally Mathys, Susan Whitmore, Rose Marie Townsend, Ethel Bourcy
Second Row: Mary Courcy, Jean Briggs, Bernice White, Jean Hagemeyer, Dolores Hirsch, Sally Ierlan
First Row: Sister M. Michele, R.S.M., Candace Fields, Margaret Chichester, Mary K. Colligan, Katherine Preston, Sister M. Audrey, R.S.M.

Class of 1955

L-R: Third Row: Kathleen Wilson, Mary Bovee, Barbara LaFreniere, Elizabeth White, Denise Lattrell, Norma Jones
Second Row: Patricia Graton, Regin McN. McKay, Anna Miller, Norma Herman, Carol Forbes
First Row: Jean Gleason, June Brown, Doris Deyo, M. Suzanne Fairand

Class of 1956

L-R: Third Row: Jean Barry, Claire Golden, Patricia Donahue, Nancy L'Huillier
Second Row: Shirley Rogers, Alice Cahill, Mary Carlisle, Mary McDonald, Janet Peters, Justine McKeever
First Row: Doris Stoner, Marjorie McGinnis, Irene Cataldo, Nancy Reardon, Barbara Connelly

Class of 1957

L-R: Third Row: Anne Egggleston, Joan Thenes, Sharon Martin, Maureen Ryan, Delia Dechene, Marajorie Griffin, Ann Mahoney
Secone Row: Ruth Boettinger, Anita Leo, Elizabeth Favret, Alice LaFond, Monica Gardner, Shirley Gray, Barbara Etman
First Row: Joanne Fleury, Eileen Misercola, Jeanne Farr, Barbara Spink, Barbara Cheeseman, Shirley Royer, Shelia Davis

Class of 1958

L-R: Third Row: Martha Aldrich, Nancy Burkhard, Mary Burke, Babara Eamer, Marguerite McCully, Mary Trumble, Sally Baumert
Second Row: Barbara Henry, Dianne Doctor, nancy Buckingham, Ida Shelmidine, Barbara Ande, Rosalie Doran, Estelle Mc Auley, Mary Caulfield, Frances Lewis, Jacqueline Romeo
First Row: Joye Barse, Barbara Wood, Ann Voodre, Beatric Walsh, Sonya La Croix, Yvonne Salamy, Eleanor Winters, Sharon Savage, Carol Pierce, Phyllis LaDuc, Patricia Bell

Class of 1959

L-R: Third Row: Mary Alice Cannan, Sally LaGrave, Beverly Rogers, Audrey Fleming, Carol Martin, Ann Moore
Second Row: Marilyn Kidder, Naida McDonald, Mary Alice Craver, Theresa Barrett, Eleanor Fields, Suzanne Hedderick, Elizabeth SSGilligan
First Row: Carol Ploof, Patricia Hogan, Yvonne Lapointe, Barbara VanBrocklin, Rita Montion, Patricia Montgomery

Class of 1960

L-R: Second Row: Helen Nowakowski, Wendellyn Harrigan, Joyce Lawrence, Eileen Eldred, Lucille Schack, Grace Russell, Miriam Heath, Rosalie Trahan, Lucia Mitchell
First Row; Donna Edwards, Rosemary Ludwig, Joyce Pender, Barbara O'Brian, Mary Anne Clarke, Phyllis Facteau, Judith Thurheimer

Class of 1961

L-R:Second Row: Mrs. Tacile Bard, Mary A Spellicy, Ann Seaman, Linda Brennan, Carolyn Bezy, Roxnne Thorbahn, Helen Sylvester, Katherine Lortie, Linda Redmond Hutt, Charlotte Murphy, Kathleen Dodds, Linda Shehan
First Row: Linda Burns, Charlote Churco, Katherine Reape, Charlene King, Sheila Slattery, Barbara Pierce, Patricia Burkhard, Mary Jo Berkin, Rosilyn Dixon, Mary R. Putnam

Class of 1962

L-R: Second Row: Marth Townsend, Phyllis Wilson, Charlotte Roggie, Elizbeth Bashaw, Sharon Scholl, Sandra Fisher, Kathleen Ryan, Felicia Hodkinson, Janet Lawlee, Joan Preston, Joyce Sholette, Barbara Crowley
First Row: Rose Labiendo, Penny Berow, Babara Clark, Brenda Smith, Carol Lafave, Kathleen Kelly, Barbara Laramee, Stephanie Wells.

Class of 1963

L-R: Forth Row: Anne Arvan, Laura Smith, Martha Hugo Third Row: Mary Nilan, Jeanne Keough, Maxine Moore, Pamela Day, Birdella Williams
Second Row: Robin Clark, Elizabeth A Carroll, Mary Ann Wallis, Kay Heatherington, Elizabeth Legault, Charlene Jobin, Charlotte LaRose
First Row: Carol Allen, Joanne Harrigan, Lynn LaMountain, Yvonne French, Helen Torrey, Patricia Ellis, Hilda Spierto, Joanne Hurteau

Class of 1964

L-R: Third Row: Sandra Rock, Ida Simons, Marsha Solar, Joan Steiner, Patricia Stevens, Sharon Strife, Patricia Thomas, Susanne Trombly, Kay Spink Wilcox, Sandra Williams
Second Row: Bonnie Goulden, Marie Harris, Sally Hickey, Florence LaLonde, Helen LaPointe, Donna Lessaongang, Mary Loomis, Marcy Melius, Marianne Myers
First Row: Carol Agresa, Heidi Anken, Nancy Beaton, Donna Camaione Bura, Mary Jo Castagnier, Mary Cauchy, Barbara Ernst, Janice Sayer Gatons, Louanna Goodrow

Class of 1965

L-R: Second Row: Katheleen Plante, Katheleen Delaney, Nancy Overton, Kathleen Peters, Prisilla Bachman, Margaret Back, Jane Sims, Helen Podkowka, Patricia Connelly, Patricia Bachtel, Carol Carmody, Mary Heilig, Ann Clark, Mary L'Huillier, Joan Converse
First Row: Catherine Stanley, Grace Galvin, Anita Morehouse, Constance Paczkowski, Roberta Rounds, Mary Lu Skinner, Patricia Carpenter, Edna Winters, Mary Bechaz, Linda Flaherty

Class of 1966

L-R: Second Row: Lynda Walker, Linda La Fontain, Rebecca Walker, Joan Zembiec, Brenda Richmond, Carol Familo, Beverly Byers, Phyllis Plante, Louise St. Onge, Shirley Coseo
First Row: Snadra De Marse, Lynn Keeler, Eileen Gibbs, Elaine Shollett, Rosemarie Reymolds, Rose Grandjean, Linda (Dasno) Vandusen

Class of 1967

L-R: Second Row: Ann O'Brien, Carol Wiswell, Donna Wood Wiley, Jacqueline Hart, Rosemary Muncil, Nancy Sereno, Mary Collins, Donna Dodge, Sonja Siedlecki, Dianne Cranstoun, Phyllis Jesmer
Firsr Row: Sharon Crower, Mary Anne Burke, Christina Leonard, Linda Kavanuagh, Rita Rocker, Donna Lee Serviss, Cynthia Pratt, Linda Ratta, Kay Ellen Kirby, Joanne Kassing

Class of 1968

L-R: Second Row: Margaret E. Barton, Elizabeth A D'Amico, Jacalyn L Behnke, Linda J Zinger, Linda M Bouissey, Bernadette K Call, Patricia E Beyers, Roamary E Besaw, Judith Chartier
First Row:Kathleen M Kehoe, Mary B Geglia, Paticia A Williams, Linda A Zurbrugg, Jane M Scott, Ann A Taylor, Margaret M DeCastro, Catherine B Davidson

Class of 1969

L-R: Margaret Cooper, Patricia Putman, Cathleen Connor, Gloria Patterson, Laraine Snyder, Sister Mary Paulanne Mackey, Aileen Ehle, Ellen Force
First Row: Rose Ann Copps, Mary Thornton, Mary Shene, Cheryl Stoner, Leapha Savino, Katherine Delles, Susan Myers, Deborah Gifford

Class of 1970

L-R: Second Row: Edith Ann Redeye, Kathleen Marie Walsh, Jane Marie Jerome, Theresa Ann Gostling
First Row: Karen Ann Fredericks, Margaret Mary Ryder, Darlene Ann McDonald, Sally Ann Sledziona, Jane Marie Nortz

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