Jefferson County, NY

COURT NEWS, COUNTY - September 1881

Source: Watertown Re-Union Newspaper, September 28, 1881, p. 6:

A session of the County Court opened at the Court House last week. Tuesday, out of respect to the dead President, the court adjourned for a day. The following is the business transacted:

FRANK JOHNSON vs MERCY A. READE. Over the term on payment of $10.50 costs by the plaintiff to the defendant.



CHARLES W. FISHER, et al. vs. FAWDRY Overwhelmed

In the matter of EMMETT ARMSTRONG an imprisoned debtor, prisoner ordered to make an assignment to GEORGE M. WOOD, of Woodville.

A. PALMER SMITH and TIMOTHY A. SMITH vs THOMAS BUNDY. Motion to strike out answer denied on payment of $10 costs. Cause tried and verdict ordered for plaintiff for $118.10.

In the matter of the imprisonment of WM. C. LYON in bastardy proceedings, prisoner showing that he had no property, was discharged. P. C. MAXON for prisoner.

THE PEOPLE vs JULIA DUNN. Indicted for selling liquor without a license. The prisoner withdrew her plea of not guilty and pleaded guilty. The court sentenced her to the Onondaga penitentiary for nine months.

THE PEOPLE vs JOHN JOHNSTON. Indicted for selling liquor without a license. Found guilty and sentenced to the Onondaga penitentiary for four months and pay a fine of $150, or to serve six months additional time in the penitentiary in case the fine is not paid.

THE PEOPLE vs GEORGE C. MC LEAN. Indicted for selling liquor without a license. Tried and found not guilty.

AARON WALRATH vs ROSELLE H. HALL. Verdict for plaintiff for $54. The plaintiff having a much larger judgment in the court below, will be obliged to pay the costs, which, we are informed, will largely overbalance the verdict.

The case of DAVID AUGSBURY indicted for assault with intent kill, was called by District Attorney Emerson. Monday Judge Huntington and J. Mullin, Jr. appeared for the prisoner. Judge Huntington was not ready for trial, and asked that the case be put over. Thursday, the court of sessions adjourned until November 21st, when Augsbury will be tried.

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