Died: Watertown, NY, MRS. CYNTHIA WOOD, age 19 years, wife of Mr. W. WOOD and daughter of Hon. PERLEY KEYES
Items from the Palladium Newspaper for the year 1822:
Married: At Mexico, NY on June 9, AVERY SKINNER of Watertown and Miss ELIZABETH HUNTINGTON of Mexico.
Married: At Sackett's Harbor, ROBERT HUGIN, Master of the Steam Boat "Ontario" and Miss ELEANOR WARING. (no date specific, just 1822)
Items from the Palladium Newspaper for the year 1823:
Married: At Sackett's Harbor, S. O. AUCHMUTY to Miss SUSAN WOOLSEY, daughter of the late Gen. Woolsey.
Married: Jefferson County, July 24, 1823, by Rev. Pitt Morse, Mr. LEWIS G. HOFFMAN, editor of the Black Rock Beacon to Miss CAROLINE JEWETT of Watertown.
Died: At Sackett's Harbor on Sept. 1, WILLIAM WARING, age about 47 years, born in London. Resided 18 years in Jefferson County.
Items from the Palladium Newspaper for the year 1824:
Married: At Sackett's Harbor, Mr. STEPHEN CONGER to Miss MARY VAUGHAN (formerly a resident of this village) daughter of W. VAUGHAN, Esq.
Items from the Palladium Newspaper for the year 1825:
Married: At Sackett's Harbor, DR. JONATHAN BURTON of Watertown, to Miss ARATHOSA FARLIE, daughter of Dr. B. FARLIE. (no specific date given just 1825)
Items from the Oswego, NY Palladium for the year 1830:
Married: At Champion, Jefferson Co., NY, Dec. 21 by Rev. Nathaniel Dutton, Hon. JOEL TURRILL, firts Judge and Member of Assembly elect of this county, and MARY SULLIVAN HUBBARD of Champion.
Items from the Oswego, NY Palladium for the year 1833:
Married: At Watertown, July 29, by Rev. Mr. Boardman, LLEWELLYN JONES, Esq., Teller of the Cayuga County Bank, to Miss CATHERINE HUTCHINSON, ward of Hon. PERLEY KEYES.
Died: At Sackett's Harbor, Oct. 3, very suddenly, being found dead in bed, Hon. WILLIAM D. FORD, lawyer, age 55 years, native of Herkimer Co., NY.
Items from the Oswego Palladium for the year 1834:
Died: At Watertown, May 13, Hon. PERLEY KEYES, age about 60 years, former member of the State Senate.
Married: At Oswego, Aug. 10, by Rev. Mr. Salisbury, Mr. ALONZO D. CARTER of Champion, Jefferson Co., to Miss ROENA WIGHTMAN of Oswego.
Married: At Watertown, Sept. 1, by Rev. Pitt Morse, Hon. AVERY SKINNER of Mexico, NY to Miss CHARLOTTE P. STEBBINS of Watertown.
Items from the Oswego Palladium for the year 1835:
Married: At Sackett's Harbor, Jan. 1, by Rev. Mr. Irvin, THOMAS COLLINS, JR. of Oswego to Miss MARY ODES of Sacketts Harbor.
Died: At Alexandria, Jefferson Co., Nov. 28, Dr. WILLIAM G. ADKINS, late of Oswego, age 40 years.
Items from the Oswego Palladium for the year 1836:
Married: At Parish, Feb. 11, by Hon. A. Skinner, Mr. JOHN M. HENDERSON of Champion, Jefferson Co., to Miss MARIETTA M. ALLEN, daughter of COMFORT ALLEN, Esq. of Parish.
Married: At Oswego, May 11, by Rev. Mr. Peck, Mr. FRANKLIN B. JOHNSON to Miss SALLY ANN ROGERS, both of Henderson, Jefferson Co., NY.
Married: At Oswego, Nov. 25, by Rev. W. W. Nind, Mr. JAMES PERRY of Sacketts Harbor, to Miss PAMELIA BARNHEART of Oswego.
Married: At Adams, Jeff. Co., NY Nov. 26, by the Rev. E. James, Mr. PETER H. TURNER of the firm of Turner, Malty & Co., to Miss LYDIA ANN, fourth daughter of Mr. CHAUNCEY SMITH, both of Pulaski.
Items from the Oswego Palladium for the year 1838:
Married: At Sandy Creek, Sept. 10, by Mr. Forbes, Mr. CHARLES WARD of Hounsville, Jeff. Co., to Miss EMILY WARRINGE of Sandy Creek.
Married: At Union Square, Oct. 15, by Hon. A. Skinner, Mr. GEORGE W. EDGET of Ellisburgh, Jeff. Co., NY to Miss JANE M. STEBBINS of Watertown.
Items from the Oswego Palladium, for the year 1839:
Died: At Oswego, May 18, Mr. ABEL HASKINS, Master of the schooner "Lucinda" of Port Peninsula, Jeff. Co., NY, age about 40 years.
Married: At Oswego July 11, at the residence of Mr. Oliver Pease, by Rev. Mr. Hutchinson, Mr. ELISHA L. GILBERT of this village, to Miss ESTHER PHELPS of Sacketts Harbor.
Married: At Oswego, Nov. 9, by Rev. W. Hutchinson, Mr. SILAS HINDS of Watertown, to Miss CATHERINE WRIGHT of Oswego.
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