Jefferson County, NY

CALEB LYMAN of Lorraine, Jefferson Co., NY

Caleb N. Lyman, a highly respected and prominent citizen of the town of Lorraine, Jefferson County, where he was born on March 14, 1835, is a man of keen discrimination, sound judgment and excellent common sense, and these characteristics have aided materially in the success which has attended his active career. His parents were Caleb and Theda (Butler) Lyman

Having been reared upon a farm and completing a common school education, he followed a career of lumbering. In 1862 he enlisted in Co. B., Tenth Regiment, New York Heavy Artillery, and served three years in the Civil War and became a pensioner for disabilities incident to his service. He participated in the Battle of Petersburg and the Battle of Cedar Creek. He is a member of the Protestant Methodist Church, a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and of the Grand Army of the Republic.

On July 29, 1861, Mr. Lyman married Amelia Walker, who was born May 3, 1844 daughter of Abram and Lucinda (Weaver) Walker, residents of Worth Township. Their children were as follows:

1. Henry C., born 10 February 1868, resides on the homestead farm; he married Belle Ripley.

2. Theada A., born 9 April 1870, wife of Franklin Wilcox of Allendale, a blacksmith by trade.

3. Clinton A., born 12 February 1872, who was shot by accident at the age of 21 years.

4. Myron O., born 18 April 1881.

5. Maud M., born 29 September 1883, wife of John Redway, a farmer of Ellisburgh.

6. Sarah, born 22 March 1890.

Source: Gen. Fam. Hist. of Jeff. Co., by Oakes, Vol. 1, pp. 302-303

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