Justus Golden thought he would take a day off and go fishing last week, so he procured a boat and went. Having caught all the fish there was in one place he concluded to move to another. In pulling up his anchor he fell against the side of the boat and capsized it and was thrown in the water. Some men nearby came to his assistance and towed the boat and him to shore, he clinging to the side of the boat. Mr. Golden thinks he has had all the fishing he wants.
Henderson, September 25. -- Justus Golden, one of Henderson's eldest citizens and a veteran of the Civil War, dropped dead yesterday afternoon at his home on Main Street. He had just returned, in the company of his wife and nephew, Leslie Cross, from an auto trip to Sandy Creek, where he visited his son, Jesse Golden, when the attack came that proved fatal. Mr. Golden had been subject to these attacks for several years. The funeral arrangements will be announced later.
Justus Golden and wife returned Monday from visiting their son Jess Golden in Sandy Creek. Shortly after their return, Mr. Golden, who has had frequent heart attacks, dropped dead. Funeral arrangements are incomplete.
The funeral of Justus Golden, who died suddenly of heart trouble, was held from his late home Thursday afternoon, the service being conducted by Rev. T. W. Carling, pastor of the M.E. church. There were seven veterans of the Civil War present to pat a last tribute of respect to their fallen comrade, and Captain Frank Hadcock read the impressive burial service for the members of the Grand Army. Mr. Golden is survived by his wife, three sons, Jesse Golden of Sandy Creek, Holland of this village, and James Golden of Fairport, Ohio; and one daughter, Mrs. Lamont Bassett of Henderson Harbor. Holland Golden and his wife Nellie, who are sailing on the upper lakes, came home from South Chicago to attend the funeral, and stayed over Sunday with their mother. The interment was at Robers Corners.
"One by one they are passing away;
Their footsteps more feeble with each coming day;
But these are the men who to their country were true;
All honor to the soldiers who wore the blue."
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