When searching for ancestors one sometimes needs to write to the town clerk, or refer to town histories or search other town resources. Yet more often than not, there is no indication of the of the township in which our ancestor lived. The town name can even be impossible to find on a map. In the case of the once thriving settlement of Joachim, it is only an archeological dig. Others, like Thurso, had school, church, cemetery, post office, but is not now listed on the highway map. There it is named Grindstone Corners, a summer community. Those villages such as Sterlingville, swallowed up by the military reservation of Fort Drum, may be a puzzle to find and difficult to visit. Still others, listed as hamlets, might be a few scattered farms at a crossroads, while LaFargeville, still only a hamlet, today has a central school, churches, stores, post office, bank, and a milk plant which is the principle employer of the town(ship). Those given as P.O. were .

This county is known for its Thousand Islands. Those listed have large summer colonies, or year round residents. Most have nothing resembling a settlement, although the largest, Wellesley Island, has at least a couple of communities larger than some villages, while Summerland is home to a dozen or more summer homes. Grindstone, like Wellesley, was originally a farming community with the hamlet of Thurso as its center of activity.

Our thanks to Phyllis Putnam, Lyme Heritage Center, for coming up with the idea for this chart. Our thanks also to Pat James, for allowing us to use information from her chart on page 33 of Jefferson County Researcher. Note: these charts are NOT identical.

Following are the names of places in Jefferson County, past and present, and the name of the town in which they are or were to be found.

1864 refers to Stone's 1864 Jefferson County Atlas
1980 refers to the Official Jefferson County Highway Map of 1980
GNIS refers to Geographic Names Inquiry Service
James indicates localities taken from Pat James's Jefferson County Researcher.
NED indicates personal knowledge of your county coordinator.
P.O. indicates a spot which once was a post office address.

Place Name Township What it is (was) Source
Adams Adams Village 1980
Adams Center Adams Hamlet 1980
Adams Five Corners (now Adams Center) Adams Hamlet James
Alexander Corners Henderson Crossroads 1980
Alexandria Bay Alexandria Village 1980
Alexandria Center Alexandria Hamlet 1980
Allendale (originally Caulkin's Mills) Lorraine Hamlet 1980
Alverson Hounsfield Hamlet 1980
Antwerp Antwerp Village 1980
Applegate Champion Crossroads 1980
Appling (now Adams Village) Adams Hamlet James
Aspinwall Corners Henderson Crossroads 1980
Association Island Henderson Hamlet 1980
Babbitts Corners Rodman Crossroads 1980
Baggs Corner Hounsfield Hamlet 1980
Barlow Corners Orleans Crossroads 1980
Bartletts Corner Theresa Hamlet GNIS
Bartlett's Point Clayton Hamlet James
Bayview Cape Vincent Hamlet GNIS
Bean Hill Crossing Town of Alexandria Hamlet GNIS
Bear Creek (now Pierrepont Manor) Ellisburg Hamlet James
Bedford Corners Cape Vincent Crossroads 1980
Belleville Ellisburgh Hamlet 1980
Benezet (now Philadelphia) Philadelphia Hamlet James
Bentley's Corners Antwerp Crossroads 1980
Bishop Street Henderson Hamlet 1980
Bishops Corners Antwerp Crossroad 1980
Black River LeRay and Rutland Village 1980
Blanchard's Corners Hounsfield Hamlet James
Boultons Beach Henderson Hamlet GNIS
Brooklyn (now Pillar Point) Brownville Hamlet James
Brooksville Rutland Hamlet James
Brown Corners Lorraine Crossroads 1980
Browns Corners Alexandria Hamlet 1980
Brownville Brownville Village 1980
Buck Hill (now Rural Hill) Ellisburg Hamlet James
Bullock Corners Worth Crossroads 1980
Burrs Mills Watertown Post Office P.O.
Burrville WatertownHamlet 1980
Butterville Henderson Hamlet 1980
Calcium (originally Sanford's Corners) Le Ray Hamlet 1980
Camps Mills Hounsfield Hamlet 1980
Cape Vincent Cape VincentVillage 1980
Carleton Island Cape Vincent Island 1980
Carrying Place Lyme Location 1980
Carthage Wilna Village 1980
Catfish Creek (now Depauville) Clayton Hamlet James
Catfish Falls (now Depauville) Clayton Hamlet James
Caulkins Mills (Allendale) Lorraine Post OfficeP.O.
Champion Champion Hamlet 1980
Champion Huddle Champion Hamlet 1980
Chapel Corners Theresa Crossroads 1980
Chaufty's Corners (originally Military Road P.O.) Theresa Post Office P.O.
Chaumont Lyme Village 1980
Clark Point Henderson Hamlet GNIS
Clayton Clayton Village 1980
Clayton Center Clayton Hamlet 1864
Cobb Town Ellisburg Hamlet 1980
Collins Landing Orleans Hamlet 1980
Collins Mills (now Stone Mills) Orleans Hamlet NED
Coopers Corners Adams Hamlet James
Coopers Corners Theresa   1980
Corbins Corners Clayton Crossroads 1864
Cornelia (now Clayton) Clayton VillageJames
Cowan Corner Wilna Hamlet GNIS
Deferiet Wilna Village 1980
Deferno Clayton HamletNED
DeLaFarge Corners Orleans Hamlet 1980
DeLauney Mills Philadelphia HamletJames
Depauville Clayton Hamlet 1980
DeVoice Corners Wilna Hamlet1980
Dexter Brownville Village 1980
Diamond Worth Hamlet 1980
Dillen Rodman Hamlet 1980
Doolins Crossing Wilna Hamlet GNIS
Douglas Crossing Theresa Railroad Crossing 1980
Dry Hill Watertown Hamlet NED
Dutch Settlement Le Ray Hamlet 1980
East Houndsfield Hounsfield Hamlet 1980
East Rodman (Whitesville) Rodman Hamlet 1980
East Watertown Watertown Hamlet 1980
Edgewood Park Alexandria Hamlet 1980
Elizabethtown (now Philadelphia) Philadelphia Hamlet James
Ellisburgh Ellisburgh Village 1980
Evans Mills LeRay Hamlet 1980
Fargo Wilna Hamlet 1980
Felts Mills RutlandHamlet 1980
Field's Settlement Hounsfield Hamlet 1864
Fine View (on Wellesley Island) OrleansHamlet 1980
Fish Creek (now Dexter) Brownville Village James
Fish Island (now Dexter) Brownville Village James
Fishers Landing Orleans Hamlet 1980
Flat Rock (now Plessis) Alexandria Hamlet James
Fox Island Cape Vincent Island 1980
Fredericks Corners Worth Hamlet 1980
French Creek (now Clayton) Clayton Village James
French Settlement Lorraine Hamlet James
French Settlement (now Rosiere) Cape Vincent Hamlet 1980
Friend's Settlement (now Philadelphia) Philadelphia Village James
Frontenac (on Round Island) Clayton Summer P.O. 1980
Glen Park Brownville and PameliaVillage 1980
Galoo (Galloups) Island Hounsfield Island 1980
Getman Corners Orleans Crossroads 1980
Giddingsville Ellisburg Hamlet 1980
Glen Park Brownville and Pamelia Village 1980
Godfreys Corner Alexandria Hamlet GNIS
Goldby Corners Theresa Crossroads 1980
Goose Bay Alexandria Hamlet 1980
Gould Corners Lorraine Crossroad 1980
Gracy Corners Le Ray Crossroads 1980
Grand View Park (on Wellesley Island) Orleans Hamlet 1980
Gravelley Point (now Cape Vincent) Cape Vincent Village James
Great Bend Champion Hamlet 1980
Great Falls (now Watertown) Watertown Hamlet James
Greene Settlement Adams Hamlet 1980
Grenell Island Clayton Hamlet 1980
Grenell Clayton Hamlet 1980
Grenadier Island Cape Vincent Island 1980
Grindstone Corners Clayton Crossroads 1980
Grindstone Island ClaytonIsland 1980
Grove Hotel Watertown location 1864
Gunns Corners Clayton Crossroads 1980
Hadley Rutland Crossroads 1980
Hall Corners Antwerp Crossroad 1980
Halls Mills (now Belleville) Ellisburg Hamlet James
Harpers Ferry Rutland Hamlet 1980
Harrison (now Rodman) Rodman Township James
Henderson Henderson Hamlet 1980
Henderson Harbor Henderson Hamlet 1980
Herrick Grove Lyme Hamlet 1980
Herrings Wilna Village 1980
Honeyville Adams Hamlet 1980
Hossington Ellisburg   1980
Hubbard Crossing Le Ray Hamlet GNIS
Hungerford Corners Henderson Hamlet GNIS
Hungry Bay (Point Peninsula) Lyme  James
Huntingdonville Watertown Hamlet 1980
Independence Point Lyme Point of land 1980
Ingerson's Corners Le Ray HamletJames
Jamesville (now Redwood) Alexandria Hamlet James
Jefferson Park Henderson Hamlet GNIS
Jewett's Corners Alexandria Crossroad NED
Joachim (no longer visible) Le Ray Hamlet James
Juhelville (now part of Watertown) Watertown Hamlet James
Karter Crossing Wilna HamletGNIS
Kamargo (now Black River) Le Ray Hamlet James
King's Garden Cape Vincent Hamlet James
Knowlesville (Noseville, GNIS) Pamelia Hamlet 1980
LaFargeville Orleans Hamlet 1980
Leander (now Pamelia) Pamelia Township James
LeRaysville LeRay Post Office P.O.
Limerick Brownville Hamlet 1980
Lisk Settlement Adams Hamlet James
Little Sandy (now Mannsville) Ellisburg Village James
Lockport (now Black River) Village Rutland James
Log Mills (now LaFargeville) Orleans Hamlet James
Long Falls (now Carthage) Champion Village James
Lorraine Lorraine Hamlet 1980
Lower Town Landing Orleans Hamlet GNIS
Lyons Corners Adams Crossroads 1980
Mannsville Ellisburgh Village 1980
Maxon Corners Hounsfield Crossroads 1980
Military Road (later Chaufty's Corners) Theresa Post Office P.O.
Millen's Bay Cape Vincent Post Office 1980
Moffattsville Brownville Hamlet James
Montario Point Ellisburg Hamlet GNIS
Mooney Gulf Lorraine Hamlet James
Moore Landing (Wellesley Island) Orleans Hamlet 1980
Mudge's Mills (now Omar) Orleans Hamlet James
Mullet Creek (now Omar) Orleans Hamlet James
Munns Corners Wilna Crossroads 1980
Murray Isle Clayton Island 1980
Naples (now Henderson Harbor) Henderson Hamlet James
Natural Bridge Wilna Hamlet 1980
Nauvoo Antwerp Hamlet James
New Connecticut Antwerp Hamlet User
Noseville (Knowlesville) Pamelia Hamlet GNIS
North Adams Adams Post Office P.O.
North Landing Ellisburg Hamlet 1980
North Watertown Watertown Hamlet James
North Wilna Wilna Post Office P.O.
Omar Orleans Hamlet 1980
Orleans Four Corners (originally Shantzeville/Shantyville) Orleans Hamlet 1980
Ormiston Corners Wilna Hamlet James
OxBow Antwerp Hamlet 1980
Paddy Hill Brownville Hamlet 1980
Pamelia Center Pamelia Hamlet 1980
Pamelia Four Corners Pamelia Hamlet 1980
Pamelia Village (now part of the City of Watertown) Watertown HamletNED
Perch Lake Pamelia Hamlet 1980
Perch River Brownville Hamlet 1980
Philadelphia (originally Friends Settlement) Philadelphia Village 1980
Pierrepont Manor Ellisburgh Hamlet 1980
Pillar Point Brownville Point of land 1980
Pillar Point Village Brownville Hamlet 1980
Pinckney Rutland Hamlet 1980
Pine Plains Le Ray Hamlet James
Pinehurst Resort Alexandria Hamlet GNIS
Plessis Alexandria Hamlet 1980
Pogeland Philadelphia Post Office P.O.
Point Peninsula Lyme Hamlet 1980
Point Peninsula Village Lyme Hamlet 1980
Point Salubrious Lyme Hamlet 1980
Point Vivian Alexandria Hamlet 1980
Ponds Cape Vincent   1980
Port Orleans (now Fishers Landing) Orleans Hamlet James
Potters Corners Worth Hamlet  
Price Settlement Hounsfield Hamlet James
Purpura Corners Hounsfield Crossroads 1980
Putnam School House Lyme   1980
Redwood Alexandria Hamlet 1980
Reedville Wilna Hamlet James
Reynolds Corners Clayton Crossroads 1980
Rices (Rice Station, Rice Corners, Rice Junction) Watertown Hamlet 1980
Rivergate Theresa Hamlet GNIS
Robert's Corners Henderson Post Office 1980
Rodman Rodman Hamlet 1980
Rogers School House Theresa   1980
Rosiere Cape Vincent Hamlet 1980
Ross Corners Rodman Crossroads 1980
Round Island (Frontenac Summer P.O.) Clayton Hamlet 1980
Rural Hill Ellisburgh Hamlet 1980
Rutland Center Rutland Hamlet 1980
Sackets Harbor Hounsfield Village 1980
St. Lawrence Cape Vincent Hamlet 1980
St. Lawrence park Town of Alexandria Hamlet 1980
Salisbury's Mills Henderson Hamlet James
Sanford Corners (not Calcium) Crossroad Le Ray 1980
Sanford's Corners (later Calcium) LeRay Post Office P.O.
Saxe corners Ellisburg Crossroad 1980
Schnauber Corner Alexandria Crossroads 1980
Scotts Corners Henderson Hamlet 1980
Scoville Corners Pamelia Crossroad 1980
Seven by Nine Corners Worth Hamlet 1980
Shantyville/Shantzeville (Orleans Four Corners) Orleans Hamlet NED
Shurtleff Theresa   1980
Sixtown Point Henderson Island  
Skinners Corners Alexandria Crossroad 1980
Slocumville Le Ray Hamlet James
Smiths Corners Clayton Crossroads 1980
Smith's Mills (now Adams) Adams Village James
Smithville Adams and Henderson Hamlet 1980
Snellville Worth Hamlet James
South Champion Champion Post Office P.O.
South Rutland (now Tylerville) Rutland Hamlet 1980
South Woods (later Diamond) Worth Hamlet James
Spragueville (originally Sprague's Corners) Antwerp Hamlet 1980
Stamingville Philadelphia Hamlet James
Stears Corners Worth Hamlet 1980
Sterlingburgh Antwerp Hamlet James
Sterlingville Philadelphia Hamlet James
Stills Corners Theresa Crossroads 1980
Stone Mills (originally Collins Mills) Orleans Hamlet 1980
Stony Point Henderson Point of land 1980
Stony Island Hounsfield Island 1980
Stony Point Henderson Point of land 1980
Storrs Corners Hounsfield Crossroads 1980
Stowell's Corners Hounsfield Post Office 1980
Strickland Corners Philadelphia Crossroads 1980
Strough's Crossing Theresa Railroad Crossing GNIS
Sulphur Springs Hounsfield Hamlet 1980
Summerland Alexandria Island 1980
Sunnybank Cape Vincent Hamlet GNIS
Tallcott Falls Adams Hamlet 1980
Tanners Corners Alexandria Crossroads 1980
Taylor Settlement Ellisburg   1980
Theresa Theresa Village 1980
Thomas Settlement Adams Hamlet 1980
Thousand Island Park (on Wellesley Island) Orleans Hamlet 1980
Three Mile Bay Lyme Hamlet 1980
Three Mile Point Lyme Point of land 1980
Thurso (on Grindstone Island) Clayton Hamlet NED
Toad Hollow West Rodman Rodman James
Totman's Gulf Lorraine Hamlet James
Tremaines Corners Rodman Hamlet 1980
Turin Four Corners Champion Hamlet James
Tylerville (once South Rutland) Rutland Hamlet 1980
Unionville (Zoar) Rodman Hamlet James
Upper Town Landing Orleans Hamlet GNIS
Wards Corners Le Ray Crossroads 1980
Wardwell Settlement Ellisburgh Post Office 1980
Warren Settlement Cape Vincent Hamlet 1980
Watertown, City of no townshipCity 1980
Watertown Center Watertown Hamlet 1980
Waterville Lorraine Hamlet 1980
Wellesley Island (originally Wells Island) Alexandria and Orleans Island 1980
West Carthage Champion Village 1980
West Corners Theresa Crossroads 1980
West Rodman Rodman Hamlet James
West Theresa Theresa P.O. P.O.
Westminster Park (on Wellesley Island) Alexandria Hamlet 1980
Westwood Corners Le Ray Crossroads 1980
Westons Corners Worth Hamlet  
Whitesville (East Rodman) Rodman Hamlet 1980
Whitford's Corners (West Rodman) Rodman Hamlet 1980
Whitney Corners Philadelphia Crossroads 1980
Wilcox's Corners Worth Hamlet James
Wilcoxville Lyme location 1864
Williamstown Pamelia Hamlet James
Wilna Wilna Post Office P.O.
Winona Lorraine Hamlet 1980
Woods Mills Wilna Hamlet James
Wood's Settlement (later Woodville) Ellisburg Hamlet James
Woodville Ellisburgh Hamlet 1980
Worth Worth Hamlet 1980
Worth Center Worth Hamlet 1980
Worthville Worth Post Office P.O.
Zoar Unionville Rodman James

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