Jefferson County, NY Pioneers



The Winslow family extends to the earliest beginnings of America. Although there have been several contributions to the Jefferson County pages about various members of the Winslow family, the following biography is intended to clarify relationships within the earliest Winslow settlers in the county.

The family root of this branch of the Winslows begins with Samuel Winslow, son of Thomas Winslow* and Rebecca Ewer. Samuel was born 6 April 1735 in Rochester, Massachusetts and died on 20 October 1800 in Pomfret, Vermont. In his own words he left the information that he married his wife, Martha Goodspede, who was born at Barnstable, MA, "february ye 7 Day old stile 1739 and was marad at Barnstable June ye 12 New Stile A D 1760". Martha died 19 March 1813 at Pomfret, Vermont.

The children of Samuel and Martha:
Ebenezer Winslow b 23 April 1761 at Barnstable, MA
Elizabeth Winslow b 1 March 1763 at Hardwick, MA
Samuel Winslow, b 21 April 1765 at Hardwick, MA
Mary Winslow b 1 October 1767 at Chesterfield, New Hampshire
Thankful Winslow b 18 January 1770 at Chesterfield
Hannah Winslow b 26 September 1772 at Chesterfield
Kenelm Winslow b 4 November 1774 at Chesterfield and d 14 September 1778
Joseph Winslow b 22 July 1778 at Pomfret
Martha Winslow b 20 May 1781 at Pomfret
Kenelm Winslow b 9 October 1784 at Pomfret

Son, Samuel Winslow, born 1765, married Lucy Frazier 17 December 1794 in Pomfret. Samuel died 21 December 1832 in Watertown, NY. Lucy was born 27 July 1770 and died 26 August 1826 at 56 years 30 days and is also buried in Watertown.

In the estate papers of Samuel Winslow is the petition of John Winslow of Watertown. He stated that Samuel Winslow had died on or about the 21st day of December 1832 in Watertown and had not made a will. John estimated that the personal estate would not exceed $1,500. He continued that Samuel died leaving a widow and four children surviving, one of whom was a minor. John stated that he was one of the sons of Samuel Winslow and because the widow renounced her right to administer the estate, John asked to be granted the administrative duties. The petition was dated 1 February 1833. Elizabeth Winslow, widow, renounced her rights on 31 January 1833. On 1 February 1833, Willard Ives was appointed one of the administrators of Samuel Winslow's estate, so John Winslow and Willard Ives became co-executors. A receipt from Ira H. Betts for Laura Betts, formerly Laura Winslow dated 8 Oct. 1833, "Received in full of all demands from Titus Ives as guardian for Laura Winslow". In the estate payout record, Titus Ives was the guardian of Lucy Winslow, who was now the wife of Ira H. Betts; Nancy Winslow; Elizabeth Winslow, widow of the deceased, dated 7 April 1834. An amount of money was retained by John Winslow, one of the heirs of the deceased, by an arrangement with the other heirs. Willard Ives, the second administrator, intermarried with Charlotte Winslow, one of the heirs of the estate and an agreed upon amount was kept for her. John Winslow filed a statement as co-administrator and stated that payouts were made to: Charlotte Ives, wife of Willard Ives; Nancy Potter, wife of Wesley Potter, Laura Betts, wife of Ira H. Betts, and the widow, Elizabeth Winslow. (Jeff. Co. Estate Papers, Box W11-15/67). Laura Betts, wife of Ira, died 1835 at 21 years, in Watertown, NY.

After Lucy's death, Samuel married as his second wife to Elizabeth Potter, widow of Rev. Richard Potter. Elizabeth was born 1779 and died 19 January 1842. In her will, she named her daughter, Julia Potter, daughter Sylvia Brintnall and her grandson, William Allen. She appointed Willard Ives as the executor. Julia was living in Jordan, Onondaga Co., NY at the time of her mother's death. For guardian purposes of the will, Willard Ives agreed to act as special guardian for William Allen, but was later replaced as guardian by Perley Keyes. From the estate papers, there were not enough assets to cover money owed so the administrators looked at the 58 acre farm with dwelling house and barn which was worth about $1,700, and was occupied by J. N. Potter and Owen M. Bonnel. There was a mortgage on 46 acres of that farm given by Elizabeth dated 3 October 1841 to Titus Ives for $250 payable in two years with interest. Titus Ives was the father of her executor, Willard Ives. Within that paperwork, Willard Ives mentioned that Sylvia Brintnall was about 40 years of age, wife of Sewall Brintnall, and was a daughter of Elizabeth; Julia Potter was about 22 years of age; John M. Potter about 28 years of Jordan, Onondaga Co., NY and William Allen, a minor age about 14 years of Redfield, Oswego Co., NY with no general guardian other than his father, Henry Allen. Willard Ives, Titus Ives and John Winslow, all of Watertown, supplied the executor's bond for administering the estate. Upon petition by the administrators, the property was put up for sale and subsequently sold.

Various books about Jefferson County suggest that Samuel Winslow arrived in Watertown in 1814. The earliest deed located for Samuel was an indenture on 3 May 1813 between Nicholas and Alice Low of New York City and Samuel Winslow of Watertown, NY; he paid $330 for 119 acres of land in Lot 19, Township No. 2. The deed was recorded on 11 June 1814. In 1818 he purchased 25 acres of land from Ether and Sally Mathews of Hounsfield for the sum of $10. The transaction was recorded 31 October 1818. On 15 May 1816, Nicholas and Alice Low sold additional lands in Watertown to Samuel for $529, but only 59 acres. Deed recorded 12 February 1819.

Proof of his marriage to Elizabeth is found in a deed from Vol. K2-p. 364 of Jefferson Co.:
Samuel Winslow and wife, Elizabeth, on 8 May 1828 for $500 deed to John Winslow, lands that were originally granted to Samuel. The witness was Thomas Potter. Date of the transaction was 11 August 1832. Both Samuel and Elizabeth appeared to verify their signatures. On the same date, Samuel and Elizabeth granted to John Winslow additional lands in Watertown for $150. Both deeds recorded on 19 October 1832.

And, on 11 September 1832, Charles and Eliza Ayres of Watertown deeded to John Winslow for $200 a piece of land in Lot 18 of Watertown. This deed was also recorded on 19 October 1832. Charles Ayres was a cousin of John Winslow, through Charles' mother, Hannah Winslow (1772), sister of Samuel Winslow and thus, his aunt. (See Graves-Ayres Genealogy this site for additional information.)

Children of Samuel Winslow and Lucy Frazier:
Bradley Winslow b 22 April 1797; died 1821 at 24 years 4 months, 6 days
Lucia/Laura Winslow b 12 August 1799
Samuel Winslow b 21 May 1801; died 1821 at 20 years 6 months 22 days
John F. Winslow b 14 December 1802
Charlotte Winslow b 20 March 1806

John Winslow, born 1802, married 18 October 1827 to Betsey Collins, daughter of John Collins, of Watertown. She was born 1806 and died 1843 in Watertown at 37 years. John married as his second wife, Sarah Bates, daughter of Merrick M. Bates and Abigail Stowell of Watertown. John died 1874 in Watertown. Sarah Bates was born in 1823 and died in 1911 in Watertown.

Children of John Winslow and Betsey Collins:
Lucy Jane b 17 July 1828, d 14 Nov. 1885; married G. W. Candee
Bradley born 1 Aug.1831; died 24 Oct. 1914 in Watertown; was a Civil War Union Brevet Brigadier General. Married Poppie H. Burdick (1860-1928)
Norris born 1834 died 1900 in Watertown; married Julia Eddy b 1837, d 1921
Janette C. married Dr. H. B. Maben; lived Utica, NY - no further information
Betsey (Bessie) b 1843 d 1931; married Rev. E. Horr of the Methodists Episcopal Church; resided Elmira, NY

Children of John Winslow and Sarah Bates:
John - no further information

In a biographical reference, John Winslow stated that his family had moved to Jefferson County in May of 1807, to the Black River area which was probably true; the births of John and his siblings were apparently in Vermont, so the migration must have occurred after 1806, or the birth of Charlotte.

John's sister, Charlotte Winslow, b 1806, married the philanthropic Willard Ives of Jefferson County.

NOTE: * Thomas Winslow b 7 June 1711 d 14 March 1781 married 27 June 1734 at Barnstable, MA to Rebecca Ewer, b 27 April 1715 at Barnstable, MA and d 11 October 1767 at Pomfret, VT. Service was as a private from Massachusetts in the Revolutionary War. Source: DAR Index.

Additional sources: VIR Vermont, NH, MA, cemetery records, Wills/estate papers of Jefferson Co., NY, Land Deeds Jefferson Co., NY, biographical information on John Winslow from Durant & Peirce 1878, Hist. Of Jefferson Co., NY.

This information about the Pioneer Winslow family was contributed by volunteer Marilyn Sapienza.

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