Jefferson County, NY Pioneers




Birth: 28 Jun 1803 Northampton Twp., Fish House, Montgomery Co., NY.

Marriage: 15 Jan 1829 West Glenville Rd., West Glenville, Montgomery Co., NY; At Glenville Reformed Church, witnessed by Margaret's sister. Or in Charlton, Saratoga Co. at the home of Margaret's parents, by Rev Slingerland.

Moved: __ ___ 1829 Brownville Twp., Jefferson Co., NY; Soon after their marriage they made the 130 mile trip with Aaron's brother Jacob Jr. This was 9 years after their older brother Godfrey J. Shew moved here.

Census: __ ___ 1830 LeRay Twp., Brownville, Jefferson Co., NY; Living with wife & 1 son & 1 daughter; Neighboring home to brother Jacob Shew Jr. & his wife.

Religion: 24 Sep 1831 Brownville, Jefferson Co., NY; Aaron passed the examination for the Brownville Presbyterian Church along with his wife & brother his Jacob Jr & Jacob's wife. They were all received into the church Sept 26, 1831.

Religion: 6 Sep 1833 Brownville, Jefferson Co., NY; He became a deacon in the Brownville Presbyterian Church.

Real estate: 21 Oct 1836 Pamelia Twp., Jefferson Co., NY; Aaron & Margaret Shew deeded land to Fleming Keith of Pamelia Twp for $1300, consisting of 2 adjoining lots of land #489 & #490 in Brownville & Pamilia Twps, being originally in the subdivision of the Great Lot #4 of MaCombs Purchase. Lot #489 was 51.8 acres & Lot #490 contains 28.35 acres. Both were surveyed in 1809 by Cadr? Childs. This is on Carr Road, just off of St Rt 12 in Pamelia Twp, 7 miles N of Watertown & 8 miles west of Evans Mills where Aaron's brother Godfrey J Shew lived.

Religion: 7 Aug 1837 Corner of Washington & Academy Streets, Watertown, Jefferson Co., NY; Date of dismisal from Brownville to Watertown First Presbyterian Church, where the baptisms of their 2 youngest daughters Hannah & Minerva occured.

Religion: 26 Oct 1845 Brownville, Jefferson Co., NY; He returned to & was received again with his wife Margaret into the Brownville Presbyterian Church.

Religion: 9 Oct 1846 Watertown, Jefferson Co., NY; Recommendation given from Watertown First Presbyterian Church for Aaron & Margaret.

Religion: 3 Feb 1848 Niles, Berrien Co., Michigan; Aaron was dismissed with his wife Margaret from Brownville to Presbyterian Church in Niles. Census: 12 Oct 1850 Pamelia Twp., Jefferson Co., NY; Age 47, living with wife Margaret (41), sons Geo M (18), Chas S (16) & daughters Hannah C (13), Minerva B (9), a female with initials F.M (11 or 17), & Canadian Ann Young (18). Aaron was listed as a farmer (value $3550) next to County Poor Home.

"Those who from age, infirmity, or otherwise become unable to support themselves, and are so unfortunate as to be obliged to rely upon public charity for support, are provided with a comfortable home on the county poor-farm, situated in the town of Pamelia, one mile below Watertown city. The first county poor-farm was located in the town of Le Ray. The present farm was purchased in 1833, and cost, including buildings erected son after the purchase, $6,123.36. In 1855 a lunatic asylum was built of brick, at a cost of $4,811.57. In 1870 the poor-house was remodeled and rebuilt at an expense of $13,750. In 1887 other improvements and additions were made, and it will now accommodate 150 inmates. The present superintendent of the poor-farm is John Washburn."

Moved: __ ___ 1854 Niles, Berrien Co., Michigan; Note that this move was soon after the death of Aaron's father, Jan 23, 1853, which undoubtedly affected the timing of his move. Michigan had become a state in 1837.

Census: 4 Jun 1860 4th Ward, Niles, Berrien Co., Michigan; Farmer, age 57, ($1300 farm value), living with wife Margaret (42), dau Minerva A (20), dau Jennetta (18), married dau Hannah E Cleland (23) & Hannah's husband Francis G (28) & 4 boarders.

Census: 8 Jun 1870 Trowbridge Twp., Allegan, Allegan Co., Michigan; Age 66, farmer ($2000 value), living with wife Margaret (60) & mother-in-law Adelia Mead (82).

Moved: __ ___ 1872 Kansas; According to his own pension statement, he was only able to work on a farm partial days after moving to Kansas due to his disabilities.

Census: 1 Mar 1875 Peabody, Marion Co., Kansas; Age 72, farmer, living with wife Margaret (age 65) & Margaret's mother Adelia Meade(age 86).

Census: 1 Jun 1880 West Eighth Street, West side, Newton, Harvey Co., Kansas; Disabled & living with his wife at the home of their son George M Shew & his wife & child.

Death: 24 Jan 1881 Peabody Twp., Marion Co., Kansas; Died at aged 78, from General Disability, incurable according to doctors. He died at residence of his daughter Minerva & son-in-law D.D. Perry, with 2 daughters, his wife, & son present.

Father: Jacob SHEW Sr. (15 Apr 1763-23 Jan 1853)

Mother: Hannah (Annatje) Margaretha Lodowyck PUTMAN (9 Dec 1764-5 Oct 1849)



Birth: 4 Oct 1809 Saratoga Springs, Saratoga Co., NY.

Death: 22 May 1884 Peabody, Marion Co., Kansas; Aged 74.


Mother: Adelia or Alida (--?--) (1788- )


Seven Known Children


?/F Catherine Alida SHEW; (LDS website);
Birth: __ ___ 1830 Jefferson Co., NY; (1870 census).
Marriage: __ ___ ____ M PEACE
Marriage: __ ___ ____ (--?--) MONTGOMERY
Daughter: Oriana MONTGOMERY
Son: Clarence MONTGOMERY


?/M George Mead SHEW
Birth: __ May 1832 Jefferson Co., NY.
Son: __ ___ 1866 Clifford SHEW; Pennsylvania; (1870, 1880 census, tombstone).
Marriage: __ ___ 1866 Annie (--?--) (Apr 1842-)
Death: 17 Sep 1905 Newton, Harvey Co., Kansas.


?/M Charles S. SHEW
Birth: __ ___ 1834 Jefferson Co., NY.
Death: 12 Mar 1859 Niles, Berrien Co., Michigan; age 24, youngest son of Aaron Shew.


?/F Hannah Eliza SHEW; (1860 census, book);
Birth: __ ___ 1837 Pamelia Twp., Jefferson Co., NY.
Marriage: __ ___ ____ Francis G. CLELAND (1832- )
Death: __ ___ ____


?/F Minerva Ann SHEW
Birth: __ Jun 1840 Pamelia Twp., Jefferson Co., NY.
Marriage: __ ___ 1860 Calvin STEPHENS (1834- ); (1880 census).
Son: __ ___ 1865 Ralph N. STEPHENS; Michigan.
Son: __ ___ 1867 Howard STEPHENS; Michigan; (1870 census).
Son: __ ___ 1869 Harold Clifton STEPHENS; Michigan.
Marriage: __ ___ 1873 David D. PERRY (Jul 1840- )
Death: __ ___ ____


?/F Jennetta (Nettie) T. SHEW; (Aaron's Pension);
Birth: __ ___ 1842 Pamelia Twp., Jefferson Co., NY.
Marriage: 13 May 1869 Abram E. GARRISON (1843- ); Allegon, Allegon Co., Michigan; (Aaron's Pension, vital records) Bride & groom (Tinsmith) were both 26. Married by John Sailor, minister.
Death: __ ___ ____


?/F Adelia "Delia" Elizabeth SHEW
Birth: 9 Jan 1848 Pamelia Twp., Jefferson Co., NY.
Death: 14 Feb 1850 LeRay Twp., Jefferson Co., NY; Died of the Croup after a 2 day illness.


Printed on: 24 Apr 2009
Prepared by:
Pete Shew
3915 S. Elliott Rd
Stockport, Ohio 43787
740 557-3032

For further information, contact: Pete Shew

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