ADAMS (town of)
1810 Census--Town of Adams
Adams Civil War Enlistments
Biographies from Child's Gazetter for Adams
Business Directory for Adams, 1867-68
Haddock Family Sketches--Town of Adams
History of the Town of Adams, from Child's Gazetteer
Town of Adams history (Nancy Ring-Kendrick)
ALEXANDRIA (town of)
Bartlett's Cemetery Inscriptions for the Town of Alexandria
Biographies from Child's Gazetter for Alexandria
Business Directory for Alexandria Bay, 1867-68
Haddock Family Sketches--Town of Alexandria
History of the Town of Alexandria from Child's Gazetteer
Vital Records 1847-1849 for the Town of Alexandria
Town of Alexandria Website (ALHN)
Antwerp (town of)
Bartlett's Cemetery Inscriptions for the Town of Antwerp
Biographies from Child's Gazetter for Antwerp
Business Directory for Antwerp, 1867-68
Haddock Family Sketches--Town of Antwerp
History of the Town of Antwerp from Child's Gazetteer
Vital Records 1847-1849 for the Town of Antwerp
Bartlett's Cemetery Inscriptions
Belleville, business directory for, 1867-68--(Town of Ellisburgh)
1810 Census--Town of Brownville
Bartlett's Cemetery Inscriptions for the Town of Brownville
Biographies from Child's Gazetteer for Brownville
Business Directory for Brownville, 1867-68
Civil War Enlistments, Town of Brownville
Dexter, 1867-68 Business Directory (Town of Brownville)
Haddock Family Sketches--Town of Brownville
History of the Town of Brownville as it appears in Child's Gazetteer
Vital Records 1847-1849 for the Town of Brownville
1866 Hamilton Child Business Directory
Business Directory, 1867-1868 (Northern New York)
1890 Hamilton Child Business Directory
Cape Vincent (town of)
Ainsworth Marriages, Cape Vincent
Bartlett's Cemetery Inscriptions for the Town of Cape Vincent
Biographies from Child's Gazetteer for the Town of Cape Vincent
Business Directory for Cape Vincent, 1867-68
Business Directory for Carthage, 1867-68 - Town of Wilna
Haddock Family Sketches--Town of Cape Vincent
History of the Town of Cape Vincent from Child's
Vital Records 1847-1849 for the Town of Cape Vincent
1810 Federal Census of Jefferson County by Town
1840 Jefferson County Census of Revolutionary War Veterans
1850 Federal Census--Jefferson County
1855 Census Poorhouse Residents
1865 Census - Special Schedule
1865 Census Poorhouse Residents
1875 Census- Special Schedule
1875 Census Poorhouse Residents
1890 Census of Jefferson County Civil War Veterans by Town
1900-1940 New York State Census--St. Patrick's Orphanage, Watertown NY
Central New York Genealogical Society
Champion (town of)
1810 Census--Town of Champion
Biographies from Child's Gazetteer for the Town of Champion
Haddock Family Sketches--Town of Champion
Hillside Cemetery, Town of Champion
History of the Town of Champion, from Child's
CHILD'S TOWN HISTORIES transcribed by Shirley Farone
German Flatts Dutch Reformed Church Baptismal Records of Early Jefferson County Residents
Black River Conference Methodist Church Records
Clayton (town of)
Bartlett's Cemetery Inscriptions for the Town of Clayton
Biographies from Child's Gazetteer for the Town of Clayton
Civil War Draft of 1863
Clayton Civil War Enlistments
Clayton, 1867-68 Business Directory for
Haddock Family Sketches--Town of Clayton
History of the Town of Clayton, from Child's Gazetteer
St Mary's - Clayton - Vital Statistics
Vital Records 1847-1849 for the Town of Clayton
Clayton Marriages, 1882-1907
Clayton Deaths, 1882-1913
Davis Sewing Machine Migration
Dexter, 1867-68 Business Directory for--TWP Brownville
Early Settlers (A-B)
Early Settlers (C-F)
Early Settlers (G-I)
Early Settlers (J-O)
Early Settlers (P-S)
Early Settlers (T-Z)
Early Jefferson County NY Settlers by Edgar Emerson
Ellisburg (town of)
Belleville, business directory for, 1867-68--(Town of Ellisburgh)
1810 Census--Town of Ellisburg
Biographies from Child's Gazetteer for the Town of Ellisburg
Haddock Family Sketches--Town of Ellisburgh
Biographies from Durant & Pierce 1878 for the Town of Ellisburg
History of the Town of Ellisburgh, from Child's Gazetteer
1918 Farm Directory
1918 Farm Maps
Anthony Farm--Longest Barn
Cheese Factories
Granges of Jefferson County NY 1905
Four Rivers Historical Society
French's Gazetteer, County Portion
French's Gazetteer, Towns Portion
Granges of Jefferson County NY 1905
Henderson (town of)
1810 Census--Town of Henderson
Bartlett's Cemetery Inscriptions for the Town of Henderson
Biographies from Child's Gazetteer for the Town of Henderson
Haddock Family Sketches--Town of Henderson
History of the Town of Henderson, from Child's Gazetteer
Vital Records 1847-1849 for the Town of Henderson
Hints on Using the Jefferson County GenWebSite
Jefferson County History from Hope Farm Press
History: Child's Town Histories - by Shirley Farone
History: Durant and Peirce's Town Histories
History: Hough's Town Histories
History: Marc Mosher's History of Jefferson County
History: Town Histories from Ray's Place
Hounsfield (town of)
1810 Census--Town of Hounsfield
Bartlett's Cemetery Inscriptions for the Town of Hounsfield
Biographies from Child's Gazetteer for the Town of Hounsfield
Haddock Family Sketches--Town of Hounsfield
History of the Town of Hounsfield, from Child's Gazetteer
Hounsfield Civil War Enlistments
Index to Hounsfield 1865 Civil War Soldier's records
Hounsfield Pioneers, from Emerson's History
Vital Records 1847-1849 for the Town of Hounsfield
Bartlett Inscriptions, taken from many stones in many cemeteries
Early Cemetery Inscriptions taken from old records by Marilyn Sapienza
Jefferson County Census-1850
Genealogical data about Henderson & Ellisburg, 1829-1837, collected by Jay Ingalls
Jefferson County History from Hope Farm Press
Marc Mosher's History of Jefferson Co.
Jefferson County Migrations, To and From
Jefferson County New York Genealogical Society
Jefferson County Official Site
Jefferson County Place Names
Jefferson County People
Jefferson County Researchers
Leray (town of)
1810 Census--Town of Leray
Bartlett's Cemetery Inscriptions for the Town of LeRay
Biographies from Child's Gazetteer for the Town of Leray
Civil War Enlistments, Town of LeRay
Evans Mills, 1867-68 Business Directory for--TWP Leray
Haddock Family Sketches--Town of Leray
History of the Town of Leray, from Child's Gazetteer
Vital Records 1847-1849 for the Town of LeRay
Limerick, 1867-68 Business Directory for-(Town of Brownville)
List of Links to Our Neighboring Counties
Lorraine (town of)
1810 Census--Town of Lorraine
Biographies from Child's Gazetteer for the Town of Lorraine
Town of Lorraine Civil War Enlistments
Haddock Family Sketches--Town of Lorraine
History of the Town of Lorraine, from Child's Gazetteer
Lyme (town of)
Bartlett's Cemetery Inscriptions for the Town of Lyme
Biographies from Child's Gazetteer for the Town of Lyme
Civil War Enlistments, Town of Lyme
Haddock Family Sketches, Town of Lyme
History of the Town of Lyme, from Child's Gazetteer
Vital Records 1847-1849 for the Town of Lyme
Lyme Heritage Center
Lyme Heritage Center Family Files
Burr's 1829 Maps
1918 Farm Maps
1939 Radial Map & Index
Child's Gazetteer Map, Northern Half
Child's Gazetteer Map, Southern Half
1864 Maps
1864 Village Map Index
Maps of Towns of Jefferson County
Mercy School of Nursing 1970 Yearbook
Mercy School of Nursing Class Photos 1907-1970
Message Board for Jefferson County
Migrations To and From Jefferson County
Jefferson County Military Index Page
- War of 1812
- Jefferson County Civil War Index Page
Sanderson Civil War Master File Index
Civil War - GAR Posts
Civil War Draft of 1863
Clayton Civil War Enlistments
- Patriot War - link to Shirley Farone's website
- Jefferson County Revolutionary War Index Page
Revolutionary Veterans, Jeff Co NY, Fonda List
Revolutionary Veterans Buried In Jefferson County
Revolutionary War Pensioners, 1840 Census of
Revolutionary Veterans from the Sixtown Area of Southern Jefferson County
Revolutionary Veterans from the Southern Towns of Jefferson County - same as above file
Bicentennial Tribute
Updates to Revolutionary Veterans Files
- Jefferson County World War I Index Page
Newspapers (old) in Jefferson County
Northern New York Library page
Orleans (town of)
Bartlett's Cemetery Inscriptions for the Town of Orleans
Biographies from Child's Gazetteer for the Town of Oleans
Civil War Enlistments, Town of Orleans
Haddock Family Sketches--Town of Orleans
Timmerman Diary, diaries of Mary Timmerman Dayton and Martha Timmerman Brewer, 1870-1916
History of the Town of Orleans, from Child's Gazetteer
Orleans--1881 List of Jurors
Vital Records 1847-1849 for the Town of Orleans
Pamelia (town of)
Bartlett's Cemetery Inscriptions for the Town of Pamelia
Biographies from Child's Gazetteer for the Town of Pamelia
Haddock Family Sketches--Town of Pamelia
History of the Town of Pamelia, from Child's Gazetteer
Vital Records 1847-1849 for the Town of Pamelia
Philadelphia (town of)
Bartlett's Cemetery Inscriptions for the Town of Philadelphia
Biographies from Child's Gazetteer for the Town of Philadelphia
Haddock Family Sketches--Town of Philadelphia
History of the Town of Philadelphia, from Child's
Vital Records 1847-1849 for the Town of Philadelphia
Pierce Cemetery (On Fort Drum)
New York State Places - this file lists all populated places in New York State. It includes all incorporated cities, villages and towns, Indian reservations, and selected unincorporated places. In rural areas, unincorporated places with at least 100 people are shown and, in heavily populated areas, unincorporated places are shown only if space permits and they have over 2,500 people.
Post Offices, Past and Present, in Jefferson County
Rodman (town of)
1810 Census--Town of Rodman
Bartlett's Cemetery Inscriptions for the Town of Rodman
Biographies from Child's Gazetteer for the Town of Rodman
Fairview Cemetery--Rodman--List of Names
Haddock Family Sketches--Town of Rodman
History of the Town of Rodman, from Child's Gazetteer
Vital Records 1847-1849 for the Town of Rodman
RootsWeb Guide to Tracing Family Trees.
Rutland (town of)
1810 Census--Town of Rutland
Bartlett's Cemetery Inscriptions for the Town of Rutland
Biographies from Child's Gazetteer for the Town of Rutland
Haddock Family Sketches--Town of Rutland
History of the Town of Rutland, from Child's Gazetteer
Vital Records 1847-1849 for the Town of Rutland
Searching Your Family's Past in Jefferson County
South Jeff (Historical Association of South Jefferson)
South Jefferson Historical Association Family Files
St Mary's - Clayton - Vital Statistics
Surname Exchange (A-D)
Surname Exchange (E-K)
Surname Exchange (L-R)
Surname Exchange (S-Z)
Surnames: Single Surname Research
Theresa (town of)
Bartlett's Cemetery Inscriptions for the Town of Theresa
Oakwood Cemetery burial index, 1885-1949
Biographies from Child's Gazetteer for the Town of Theresa
Chronology of Town of Theresa
Haddock Family Sketches--Town of Theresa
History of the Town of Theresa, from Child's Gazetteer
Vital Records 1847-1849 for the Town of Theresa
TIDBITS About Jefferson County
Towns and the City of Watertown, Access to
(Also see the table of towns in the middle of the main page.)
Town Histories from Ray's Place
Bible Records of Jefferson County
Hoyt-Parker Funeral Records 1
Hoyt-Parker Funeral Records 2
German Flatts Dutch Reformed Church Baptismal Records of Early Jefferson County Residents
North Country Methodist Church Records
More North Country Methodist Church Records
Early Oxbow Records
Oxbow Presbyterian Church
Ainsworth Marriages, Cape Vincent
Ainsworth Marriages, Watertown
Miscellaneous Marriages from Old Newspapers
Letters of Administration Index
Probate Indexes, Surnames A - D
WAR OF 1812
War of 1812 and other maps (Mark Wentling's site)
Daughters of War of 1812 Roster, Part 1
Daughters of War of 1812 Roster, Part 2
City of Watertown1855 Directory
City of Watertown
Ainsworth Marriages, Watertown
St. Patrick's Orphanage Census
Biographies from Child's Gazetteer for the City of Watertown
History of the City of Watertown (an index of links), as it appears in Child's Gazetteer
1855 Watertown City Directory
Watertown City Historian's Office
Watertown (town of)
1810 Census--Town of Watertown
Biographies from Child's Gazetteer for the Town of Watertown
Haddock Family Sketches--Town of Watertown
History of the Town of Watertown, from Child's Gazetteer
What's new on the Jefferson County page by year
1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 |
2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 |
Where to Find Info in Jefferson County
Wilna (town of)
Biographies from Child's Gazetteer for the Town of Wilna
Bartlett's Cemetery Inscriptions for the Town of Wilna
Haddock Family Sketches--Town of Wilna (a 195KB file)
History of the Town of Wilna, from Child's Gazetteer
Vital Records 1847-1849 for the Town of Wilna
Worth (town of)
Biographies from Child's Gazetteer for the Town of Worth
Civil War enlistments for the Town of Worth
Haddock Family Sketches--Town of Worth
History of the Town of Worth, from Child's Gazetteer
Copyright 2023 Jefferson County NYGenWeb — a member of the NYGenWeb Project
If you have any questions or comments about this page, please contact,
County Co-Coordinator Bruce Coyne.