ADAMS NY 13605
(315) 232-2616
Best source for genealogy and history of the six southern-most townships;
covers Towns of Adams, Ellisburg, Henderson, Lorraine, Rodman, Worth.
Located in Adams, South Jeff has been very busy putting on computer and indexing all the names found in the Jefferson County Journal, a paper published for well over a hundred years. Workers have surveyed all 51 cemeteries in the six towns, and will soon have a master list of names from tombstones, augmented by cemetery and funeral records. They have been actively collecting genealogy from many sources, have large files on computer, and welcome visitors.
Through the kind offices of Ed Lee and Debbie Quick, we present the list of the family files maintained by the Historical Association of South Jefferson. These files are being added to continually, and are current only for the day.
Some cautions about using this list: every surname is listed, but the amount of information available varies widely from folder to folder, from an obituary in one to a complete family history in another. There is no guarantee that the person you are looking for will be included in the folder, even though she has the same unusual surname as the one listed.
Please remember that email is for short messages only. No one is going to type pages of material to send to you. Be prepared to pay copying and mailing costs. South Jeff is supported by donations and maintained largely by volunteers. The staff is small, and they have many demands on their time, so be patient and courteous. As always, virtue brings its own reward!
If you have or wish additional information about this subject, please contact:
Debbie Quick
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Co-Coordinator Bruce Coyne.