To access these files, please e-mail Debbie Quick
Through the kind offices of Ed Lee and Debbie Quick, we have received the current list of the family files maintained by the Historical Association of South Jefferson. These files are being added to continually, and are current only for the day.
Some cautions about using this list: every surname is listed, but the amount of information available varies widely from folder to folder, from an obituary in one to a complete family history in another. There is no guarantee that the person you are looking for will be included in the folder, even though she has the same unusual surname as the one listed.
Please remember that email is for short messages only. No one is going to type pages of material to send to you. Be prepared to pay copying and mailing costs. South Jeff is supported by donations and maintained largely by volunteers. The staff is small, and they have many demands on their time, so be patient and courteous. As always, virtue brings its own reward!
Abbey Abbott Abrams Ackerman Ackley Adams Adsit Agee Ager Ahern Albertson Albro Alden Aldoes Aldrich Alexander Alford Algate Alger Allard Allen Alverson Anderson Andrews Andrus Anger Annett Anson Ansted Anthony Archer Arms Armstrong Arnold Ashman Aspinwall Atkins Atkinson Augsbury Ault Austin Averill Avery Ayers Babbitt Babcock Backus Bacon Bailey Baker Balch Baldwin Ball Ballard Ballou Baltz Bamford Bancroft Banks Banning Bannister Barbur Barclay Barden Bargy Barker Barkley Barnard Barnes Barney Barrett Barrows Bart Bartlett Barton Bass Bassett Bassinger Bastian Batchelder Batcheller Bateman Bates Battle Baxter Beadle Bean Beardsley Beattie Beck Becker Beckstead Bedford Bedor Beebe Beecher Beeman Belcher Bell Bellinger Belloff Bellrose Bemis Benjamin Bennett Benore Benton Berry Bersie Bert Bertrand Bertsch Best Bettinger Betts Beyer Bezner Bibbons Bice Bickford Bickle Bidwell Bigelow Biggers Bilkey Bird Bishop Bisig Bissell Bivins Blackstone Blair Blanchard Blanden Blinn Bliss Blodgett Blood Blount Bolls Bolton Bond Bonner Boomer Borden Bort Bostwick Bosworth Boulton Bovee Bowman Boyce Boyd Boyden Boynton Bradley Brady Branagan Brennan Brethan Brewer Brewster Brier Briggs Brigham Brimmer Bristol Britton Broadbent Brodie Brodock Bronson Brooks Brown Brownell Brunet Brunridge Brunson Buckley Budlong Buell Bull Bullard Bullock Bumpus Bunce Bundy Burdick Burley Burlingame Burnett Burnham Burns Burpee Burr Burt Burton Bury Burzee Bush Bushnell Butler Butterfield Button Butts Cadby Cadwell Caldwell Cady Cagwin Caird Camp Campbell Carey Carley Carpenter |
Carr Carroll Carter Case Casler Casselman Castor Catlin Caulkins Chadwick Chaffa Chaffin Challons Chalmers Chamberlain Champney Chapin Chapman Charnick Chase Chatterton Chaufty Chawgo Cheever Cheney Chereshnoski Chick Chrisman Christiansen Christie Chrysler Church Claflin Claira Clark Cleghorn Clemens Cleveland Cliff Cobb Coburn Cochrane Coffee/Coffie/Coffey Cole Colfax Collins Colman Colton Colvin Colwell Comins Comstock Conant Congdon Conklin Conroy Constance Converse Convis Conway Cook Cool Cooley Coon Cooper Copeland Corbin Corey Cornell Cornwall Cornwell Cote Coughlan Coulter Coultrip Countryman Cowan Cowles Cox Crandall Crannage Crast Cratsenburg Crawford Crittenton Crofoot Croft Cronk Crosby Cross Crouch Crouse Crumb Cummings Curtis Cushman Cutler Cutting Dack Dailey Damon Dana Dare Darrow David Davis Davison Dawley Day Dealing Dean Decker Dee DeForest Delano Delapp DeLaVerne Delong Demsey Deney Denison Denna Denning Denny Devoy Dewey Dexter Dickerson Dickinson Dillen Dingman Divers Dix Dixon Doane Dobbins Dobson Dodge Doneburgh Doran Douglas Downer Downey Downs Doxtater Drake Draper Dresser Dryden Dugan Dumas Duncan Dunham Dunn Dunton Durfee Durham Durgee Dutcher Dwight Dye Dyer Earl Eastman Eaton Eddy Edelman Edgar Edick Edmonds Edwards Eggleston Eldred Eldridge Eldridge Elliott Ellis Ellsworth Elmer Ely Emerson Emmons England Enos Erickson Erskine Esseltine Estes Esty Ethridge Evans Eveleigh Failing Fairbanks Fairman Fales Fargo Farman Farmer Farr Farwell Fassett Fawdry Fay Fee Felt Fenton Ferguson Fields Filler Fillhart Fillmore Filson Finley Finney Finster |
Fish Fisher Fisk Fitzgerald Flaherty Flanders Flansburg Fleming Fletcher Fletcher Flint Fobes Folsom Fone Ford Foreman Forward Forward Fowler Fox Fralick Frame Franklin Frasier Fredenburg Frederick Freeman Frink Fry Fryor Fuller Fulton Gaffney Gage Gallea Galloway Gannet Garner Gardner Garvin Gates Gaylord George Gerew Getman Gibbons Gibbs Gibson Giddings Gifford Gilbert Gill Gillen Gillette Gillispie Gilman Gilmore Glair Glass Glavin Glazier Gleason Goddard Golby Golden Golding Goodenough Goodfriend Goodman Goodrich Gordinier Gordon Goslin Goss Gould Graham Grandjean Grant Graves Gray Green Greenfield Greenley Gregg Gregory Grennell Griffin Griffith Griggs Grimshaw Griswold Groff Grommons Groves Grow Grummonds Guyette Guzewich Hackleys Haddock Hadley Hagadone Hagan Haggerty Haight Hakes Hale Hall Halladay Hallett Hallock Hamer Hamilton Hamlin Hamm Hammond Hanchett Hancock Hanford Hannahs Hanson Harding Harrington Harris Hart Hartley Hartman Hartson Hartwick Harwick Haskins Hastings Hatch Haug Havens Hawes Hayes Hayward Hazel Hazelwood Heath Heaton Hedger Helmer Henderson Henry Herring Hess Hessell Heustis Hewitt Hibbard Hicks Hill Hinckley Hines Hinman Hitchcock Hobbs Hodder Hogan Hodge Hodkinson Hoff Hoffman Hogancamp Hoisington Hoke Holden Holiday Holley Hollis Hollister Holloway Hollowood Holman Holmes Hooker Hopkins Horr Horth Horton Hosner Houghtaling Houghton House Hovey Howard Howe Howland Hoxie Hoyt Hubbard Hudson Huested Huffstater Huggins Hughes Hull Hungerford Hunt Hunter Hurd Huson Hutchinson Hyde Ingalls Ingersoll Isham Ives Ivory Jackman Jackson Jacobs Jacqueth James Jamison |
Jeffers Jefford Jenkins Jenks Jennings Jerome Jewett Jimerson Johnson Jones Joslyn Joy Joyner Judd Judson Kane Kast Kellar Kellogg Kelly Kelsey Kendall Kenfield Kennedy Kenney Kenyon Kerr Kersey Kiblin Kibling Kickland Kidder Kilborn Kilmer Kilts King Kinney Kipp Kirkland Kissell Klock Knapp Kneeland Knight Knowlton Kohl LaClair LaCombe Ladd LaFleur LaFountaine Lagamore Laird LaLone Lambia Lamson Landers Lane Lanfear Langworthy LaPiere Larkin Larmon Larmonth LaRock LaRose Larrabee Lashbrook Lashomb Lavere Law Lawrence Lawton LeClair Lee Leepy LeFevre Leffingwell Legg Leigh Lennox Leonard Leonay Lephart LeRay Lester Levey Lewis Liddy Lillie Lindsey Lines Linney Lisk Little Littlefield Lloyd Lockwood Loder Lonsdale Looker Loomis Lord Lortie Loucks Loutwell Loveland Lovelee Lowe Lowrey Lucas Luff Lyman Lynch Lyng Lyon Mabb Machold MacIntosh Mack Mackie Macklen Macomber Mahaney Main Maitland Malinich Maloney Maltby Manigold Manley Mann Manning Mantle Manville Markham Marks Marquette Marriott Marsh Marshall Marti Martin Marvin Mason Mather Matteson Matthews Mattoon Maxon Maynard McAllister McCabe McCargar McCarthy McConnell McCoon McCumber McCune McDaniel McDonald McEvoy McGovern McGrath McIntosh McKee McKinley McKinstray McLean McNeil McNitt Mead Mellon Mendell Mepick Merrill Merritt Merwin Metcalf Middleton Miles Millard Miller Mills Minar Miner Minot Misczuk Mitchell Moffett Monroe Montague Moody Mooney Moore Moreton Morgan Morrill Morris Morrison Morrow Morse Morton Mott Moulton Moy Muchmore Mullin Mummery Munderback Munson Muntville Murphy Murray Murrock Murrock Muzzy |
Myers Myrick Naklik Nash Near Needham Nellis Nelson Nemier Neville Newcomb Newell Newton Nichelson Nichols Nims Noble Nohle Nokes Norman Norris North Norton Nugent Nunn Nutting Nye Nyeste O'Brien O'Connell O'Connor O'Dell O'Donnell O'Neil Oatman Oderkirk Olds Olmsted Olney Ormiston Ormsby Osborn Otis Overton Owens Page Palmer Pardee Parham Parish Parker Parks Parmenter Parson Patchen Patchett Patten Patterson Paul Payne Pease Peck Peckham Peltier Pennock Penny Perkins Perrigo Perry Persons Peters Peterson Petrie Pettingill Phelps Phillips Phippens Pickert Piddock Pierce Pierrepont Pierson Piper Pitcher Pitkin Place Plank Plummer Pool Pooler Pope Porter Post Potter Potts Powell Powers Pratt Presley Pressler Prevo Price Priest Prior Prosser Prouty Pruyn Purcell Purdy Putnam Quick Quinell Quinta Ralph Ramsdell Ramsell Ramsey Randall Rankin Ranney Ray Rayburn Read Reardon Redden Redway Reed Reff Remick Remington Resseguie Reudink Revoir Reynolds Rhodes Rice Rich Richards Richardson Richmond Rickerson Rickett Rider Riley Ripley Rising Risley Roach (er) Robarge Robbins Robellard Roberts Robinson Rockwell Rogers Rolph Root(e) Rosa Rose Ross Rounds Rouse Rowan Rowe Rubick Rudd Rugg Rumsey Rundell Rury Rusaw Russell Ryder Salisbury Sampson Sanford Sargent Saver Saunders Sawyer Saxe Schell Schick Schram Schrodt Schumaker Schuyler Scidmore Scott Scoville Searles Sears Seaton Seaver Secor Seeber Seegar Seelye Seery Severence Seward Shaker Shankland Sharp Shaver Shaw Shea Shear/Shearer Shed Sheffield Sheldon Sheldon Shell Shelmidine Shepard Shepardson |
Sherman Shoecraft Shultz Sias Shoemaker Sill Silsby Silver Simmons Simpkins Simpson Sinclair Skinner Slater Sloan Smedley Smith Snell Snow Snyder Sorenson Soule Southwick Spalsbury Spaulding Spavin Spears Spencer Spicer Spies Spink Sprague Squires St. Ores Stancliff Standish Stanford Stanley Stanton Staplin Stearns Stears Stebbins Stedman Steel Stell Stephenson Sterling Stevens Stevenson Stewart Stiles Stillman Stinson Stitt Stoddard Stone Storrs Stowell Strate Stratton Streeter Strickland Strong Stuckey Sturtevant Sullivan Sutliff Sutliff Swan Swart Sweet Sweetman Switzer Sykes Taber Tagg Talcott Tarble Taylor Tedesco Tennant Terry Tessier Thomas Thompson Thornhill Thorpe Tibbitts Tibbles Tiff Tiffany Tifft Tisdale Titsworth Todd Torrey Totman Totten Tousley Towles Towne Townsend Trask Traynor Tremaine Trevett Trombley Trowbridge Tryon Tubbs Tucker Tuell Tulley Turner Tuttle Tyler Underwood Vallier VanAlstyne VanAuken VanBrocklin VanCamp Vance VanEpps VanOrman VanVolkenburg VanWaldick VanWinkle VanWormer Veley Wade Wager Wagoner Waite Wakefield Walker Wall Walrath Walsworth Walters Walton Walts Ward Wardwell Warn Warner Warren Warriner Wart Washburn Waterman Waters Watkins Watson Waugh Weal Weaser Weaver Webb Weber Webster Weed Welch Weldon Wells Welsh Wentworth West Westcott Weston Wetherill Whaley Wheeler Wheelock Whipple Whitaker White Whitford Whiting Whitley Whitney Whittier Widrick Widrig Wilbur Wilcox Wilder Wilds Wiley Wilkinson Williams Williamson Wilson Winslow Wise Witherby Wodell Wolcott Wood Woodall Woodard Woodman Woodruff Woodward Woolaver Woolworth Worden Worthington Wright Wyman Yerden Yerdon York Young Zimmerman Zufelt |
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