Jefferson County, NY Pioneers



1. JOHN STRICKLAND Sr. was born in Bucks Co. PA in 1757 and at age 50, in 1809, he and his wife and ten children emigrated to Jefferson County and settled in Philadelphia in the town of LeRay. Three of his sons had emigrated in the previous year. In 1809 when he came to Jefferson County he brought a sum in excess of $25,000. He purchased 5,000 acres of land in Philadelphia, for which he paid $3 to $5 per acre. During the War of 1812, John and his son-in-law Samuel Case, were furnishing provisions for the army, much of which was never repaid by the government. The sudden declaration of peace left them with large quantities of supplies which had to be sold at half cost. These financial disasters forced him to sell his real estate, which brought so little he was left with 220 acres (a half lot). JOHN died on 15 Sept 1849 at 92 years. His wife of 66 years died shortly thereafter.

He married on 6 Feb 1782 at age 25
MARGARET SOUTH of German descent. Margaret died in Philadelphia NY on 16 Oct. 1853. They had eleven children as follows:


2        i      ELIZABETH STRICKLAND married THOMAS TOWNSEND on 17 April 1800 and resided and died in Lowville, Lewis Co NY.

3        ii      JOHN STRICKLAND Jr. married RACHEL TOWNSEND on 9 April 1806 and resided and died in Philadelphia, Jefferson Co NY

4          iii      SARAH STRICKLAND married EZRA CPMLY of Byberry, PA where she resided and died.

5          iv      ANN STRICKLAND married EDMUND TUCKER of Philadelphia, Jefferson Co NY on 19 March 1819 and where she resided until her death.

6           v     MAHLON STRICKLAND married MARY ROGERS of Philadelphia, Jefferson Co on 4 Feb 1819.

7           vi      MARGARET STRICKLAND married SAMUEL CASE in 1813.

8           vii      RACHEL STRICKLAND married SAMUEL ROGERS of Philadelphia, Jefferson Co on 5 Jan 1824 where she resided all of her life.

9          viii      MILES STRICKLAND married on 19 October 1838 HARRIET A. BRONSON and lived in Watertown, NY

10            ix      MARTHA STRICKLAND married on 3 Sept 1829 to ROBERT GRAY who deceased, of Sparta, WI where she died

11           x      SETH STRICKLAND married on 27 Jan 1835 ANN J. BONES of Philadelphia NY

For more information: This is a departure from our regular practice. This information came from a Jefferson County history at Cornell University, called The History of Jefferson County NY by Durant & Peirce, Cornell University Library, 1878 transcribed by our hard working volunteer, Marilyn Sapienza

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