A weekly newspaper published in Watertown, NY, 1850-1867, by Ingalls, Burdick & Co.. It began with the Aug. 29, 1850 issue.
Published Thursdays
The source for all of the information from New York Historic Newspapers comes from the site, titled the same, and provided by the New York Library Network. If you have ever wondered what civilian life was like during the Civil War era, or were curious about what kinds of goods and services were available, you may find the following ads of interest. I have pulled just a few advertisements to give examples of what amenities were available, and have also provided a source for the approximate value of one dollar during that period. The businesses listed were based in Watertown, NY and both the stage and steamer lines information is interesting.
Transcriber: M. Sapienza
A dollar in 1860 would have the approximate buying power of $24.30 today due to inflation. Source: Measuring Worth 2016, Samuel H. Williamson
Newcomb's Military Emporium:
Colt's Navy Revolvers
Smith & Wesson's Revolvers
The Phoenix, Breech Loading Revolver
The Manhattan Revolver
A CARD TO THE LADIES, Dr. Duponco's Golden Pills for Females
Infallible in Correcting, Regulating and Removing all Obstructions from whatever cause,
and always successful as a Preventive.
Pure Dandelion Coffee at E. Farwell & Co. Try It. (in Watertown, NY in the Washington Hall Block, provisions)
p. 5:
NOTICE: Whereas my wife, ARUBAH W., has left my bed and board without any just cause. This is to forbid all persons harboring or trusting her on my account and shall pay no debts of her contracting after this date. By: PETER W. SAWYER, dated 1 September 1862
p. 5:
Military Gloves at the Excelsior Hat Store of F. Miller-
A gauntlet glove, price 75 cents. Also, a large stock of buckskin mittens and gloves, at prices that defy competition.
p. 8:
Boots and Shoes at Prices to Match the Times:
We have for sale, 200 prs. Of Ladies' Kid Congress Gaiters with heels, at $1 per pair, usually sold at $1.50. Also, Men's custom kip boots at $2.50.
p. 8:
CLAYTON MAIL and EXPRESS LINE -The cheapest and most pleasant route to Alexandria Bay, Ogdensburgh, Prescott, Brockville and Montreal.
Fare from Watertown by this route to:
Alexandria Bay $1.25
Morristown & Brockville 1.50
Prescott & Ogdensburgh 1.75
By stage to Clayton, thence by the Express line of Steamers down the river.
Leaves the Stage Office at Watertown every morning at half past 8, arriving at Clayton for dinner. Also, leaves Clayton every morning at 8 o'clock, arriving at Watertown for dinner. Extras furnished at all times at Clayton or Watertown. J. E. Kemp, Proprietor
p. 8:
Ambrotypes and Photographs by C. P. Rood, located over the Post Office
Apothecary & Druggist:
Brown & Beach, Over No. 4 Court St.
Ira Hall, Jr., Over Black River Bank
Fred Emerson Over No 1 Court St.
A. D. Sternburg, Over No. 6, Court St.
Bakery, Confectionery and Cigars:
J & L Quencer & Co. 13 Washington St.
J. B. Basinger, Cor. Arsenal & Arcade
J. S. Cadwell, Public Square
Bowling Saloon:
C. Gaylor, No. 1 Crowner House
S. M. Robinson, 21, 2d Floor, Arcade
H. A. Smith, 1 Washington Hall
Furniture Dealers:
J. Blood, 18 Public Square
Hair Dressing:
Prop. N. Lee, Hayes Cortage Block
Jewelry and Fancy Goods, Watch and Clock Repairs:
Sigourney & Flower, 1 Court St.
W. Gennet, 6 Woodruff House
C. Drexel, 26 Court St.
Piano Forte Tuner:
Samuel Adams at Utley's Court St.
B. F. Alexander, 2 Washington Hall
Soap Manufacturers:
Isaac Desmore, Fairbanks St.
To Travelers and Families Moving West: The Northern Transportation Co.'s Line of First Class Upper Cabin Steamers—Will run regularly during the ensuing season between Cape Vincent and the various important points on the Western Lakes.
Leaving Cape Vincent regularly, every evening for:
making the trip to CHICAGO in 6 to 7 days and to CLEVELAND and DETROIT
in 2-3 days.
These steamers are provided with State Rooms simply and neatly furnished for the accommodation of Thirty to Forty First Class Passengers and with Second Cabins with accommodations for forty to fifty passengers who may wish to furnish their own provisions and bedding. The following low rates will be charged for transportation and passage, the dangers of Fire and Navigation excepted.
Through tickets over all Western Railroad Lines can be obtained on application to H. J. CREVOLIN, Agent.
PASSAGE - 1st cabin including state room and board:
To Cleveland $7.00 each To Detroit $7.00 each Toledo $8.00 each
Chicago, Milwaukee, Waukegan, Kenosha, Racine,
Port Washington, Sheboygan and Manitowoc $12.00 each
PASSAGE - 2nd Cabin, without board:
To Cleveland $3.00 each To Detroit $3.00 each Toledo $4.00 each
Chicago, Milwaukee, Waukegan, Kenosha, Racine,
Port Washington, Sheboygan and Manitowoc $5.00 each
Children from two to twelve, half price
Are You Insured? - Watertown Fire & Life Insurance Agency
HARTFORD FIRE INS. CO. of Harford, Conn. Capital and Surplus $1,000,000
NEW YORK LIFE INS. CO, Capital over $2,000,000
Myron Beebee and J. L. Rice, Agents for the above.
Messrs. Rulison & Pierce, Marble Dealers of Carthage.
15 Marble Monuments, ranging in price from $50 to $250 besides a good assortment of grave stones of all qualities and styles.
Smoking and Chewing Tobacco.
J. C. Ingel, the proprietor of the Tobacco Factory, 32 Arsenal Street, keps for sale, at wholesale and retail, tobacco and snuff.
Smoking tobacco from $3.50 to $18 per hundred.
Chewing from $25 to $30 per hundred pounds.
p. 3:
KIRBY HOUSE, Court Street, Watertown, NY, E. B. Earll & Son Proprietors
Prices reduced to suit the times. Meals and lodging 20 cents each. Horse to hay, 10 cents. Usual feeding of oats, 10 cents. Omnibus to and from the cars and stages leave this house for all points daily.
LIGHT, LIGHT, LIGHT – Price Reduced
We are now selling the genuine Portland Kerosine Oil at 75 cents per gallon. PA U. Deodorized Rock Oil at 64 cents per gallon, Red Carbon Oil at 40 cents per gallon.
Also, kerosene and carbon lamps, chandeliers, chimneys, wick, brushes, and all lamp fixtures, at prices defying competition. We pledge ourselves to sell no coal oil that will ignite at a lower temperature than 120 degrees.
Murray, Weaver & Co. China Hall, No. 13 Woodruff House, Watertown, NY
Grover & Baker's SEWING MACHINES, A. M. Utley, Agent for Jefferson County
No. 20 Court Street, upstairs
Those wishing to purchase a sewing machine will serve their own interests by calling and examining a newly invented lock stitch (both sides alike) family machine; it makes little noise, runs with great speed, without breaking the thread, thus gaining a very great advantage over all other machines. Only $40.
To Dentists: The undersigned receives weekly plate and rubber teeth, vulcanite and impression rubber, foils, files, instruments, brushes, boxes, plaster, & c., Theo A. Peck, Watertown.
p. 4:
Old Pale Brandy, Old Hollands, Old Bourbon Whiskey. Port Madeira and other wines, strictly pure. For sale at the New Drug Store by Theo. A. Peck.
THEATRE – at Washington Hall. The celebrated Macfarland Dramatic Troupe, composed of first-class artists. From the Boston Theatre and Museum—they will give a short series of their inimitable performances on Friday evening, Feb. 21st. Admission only 25 cents; children under 10 years, 15 cents.
Teeth! Teeth! E. A. Holbrook and A. M. Butler, Dentists.
Court Street Meat Market – Geo. W. Lawrence, No. 21 Court St.
Will keep constantly on hand the choicest fresh meats, also poultry and fish. If you want sweet meat, give him a call.
Dining and Oyster Saloon – B. Jackman, Jackman House on Arsenal Street
p. 2:
FLOWER's at No. 1 Court Street, Watertown:
A Fine assortment of watches., portmonies, reticules, napkin rings, gold band bracelets, castors, tooth picks, tobacco boxes, shawl pins, crotchet needles, cake baskets, knives, forks, spoons, goggles and spectacles, dominoes, chess men, backgammon boards, beads, gold pens, thimbles, thermometers, pure silver spoons.
By Lyttle & Hanford, book sellers:
Books for sale:
The New and the Heavenly Horizons
Sunsets on the Hebrew Mountains
Teacher Teaching
The Rock
Lessons in Life
The Barons of the South, The True Story, or The Rationale of the American Conflict by E. W. Reynolds, 1 Vol. 12 mo.--price 75 cents. --a book of great popular interest.
The Postman's Bag
The Alchemist
The Recreations of a Country Parson
A Strange Story.
Also available: Oval frames and wrapping paper. (Another of their advertisements offered the latest best seller: “Les Miserables” by V. Hugo.)
Hoop Skirts – Best in town at
COOKE & LEPPER's ARCADE STORE at No. 8, Paddock Building next to Arcade Entrance
dress goods, ladies cloaks, sheetings, striped shirtings and denins, bleached goods, prints and delaines, corsets, shawls, balmoral skirts, dry goods of all kinds, cloths and cassimeres.
A. M. UTLEY'S Manufacturing Rooms, No. 20 Court Street, upstairs
Neck ties, scarfs, shirt fronts & collars in great variety are now offered at wholesale or retail at prices as low as can be found in Northern New York.
NOTE: During the War, it became more difficult to find people to fill jobs within the county. A company was formed called “The Intelligence Agency”, which was truly a forerunner of a temporary help agency. They advertized for help in the hotels, restaurants, farms, stores and wherever there was a need.
Information contributed by volunteer Marilyn Sapienza.
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