Pay Roll of a Co. of Militia of the State of New York commanded by Capt. Solomon McCumber

from July 27 to Aug. 21, 1814. Samuel Edmonds, Pay Master


We are grateful to Florence Secor, who transcribed these and many other documents for the Jefferson County NYGenWeb Site.

Solomon McCumber, Capt.
Caleb Harris, Lieut.
Simeon Pitcher, Ensign
Zimri Danley, 1st Serg.
Alfred Forbs, 2nd Serg.
David Sprague, 3rd Serg.
Joseph Dicky, 4th Serg.
Samuel Cole, 1st Corp.
Merril Danley, Jr., 2nd Corp.
Samuel Dean, 3rd Corp.
Benjamin Carpenter, 4th Corp.
Anson Bassett, Musician


Amos Phillips
Darius Grant
Elisha Litchfield
Almond Wilber
James Nash
Ingals Danley
Samuel Spencer
Chester Barritt
Matthias Bourr
Bebee Smith
Abel Hovey
James Hewes
Joseph Forbes
Emri Sprague
John Hamond
John Elmore, Jr.
Sylvester Smith
Noah Hawkins
Ezra Nutting
John Nutting
Roswell Davis
Amos Wooley
Henry Porter
Rufus Hatch
Periz Atherton
Martin Howard
Harvey Crittendon
Allen Killby
Eben Hill
Ludd Hill
John Hill
Jonathan Marshall
Elial Bacon (?)
Richard Dye
Ephraim Wheeler
Nathan Pierce
Reuben Alexander
Calvin Bishop
Aaron Prisler
Benoni Bartly
David Rowe
Walter F. Orr
Jacob Davis
George W. Finney
Stephen Keith
Smith Salisbury
John Kelly
Calvin Elmore
Charles Sturtevant
Shubael Atherton

Pay Roll of a Militia of the State of New York, commanded by Capt. Gad Ackley,

Samuel Edmonds Pay Master, Oct. 1 to Nov. 14, 1814.

Gad Ackley, Capt.
John Otis, Ensign
Joseph Bullock, 1st Serg.
Edgar Hucok, 2nd Serg.
Martin Forb, 1st. Corp.
Josiah Hill, 2nd Corp.
Robert Ellis, 3rd Corp.
George Finn, 4th Corp.
Leonard Pierce, Drummer
William Mixer, Drummer
Nathan C. Row, Fifer
Elisha Burr, Fifer
David Sturtevant, 3rd Serg.


Juston Pond
Thedore Dickinson
Hiram Doolittle
John Kibbling
James Snyder
Avery Downer
Zora Rose
Ira Rose
Samuel Hicks
Daniel Howard
William Holly
Daniel H. Cook
John Weaver
William Wood
Alexander Stillwell
Oliver Smith
Abraham Dana
David Darrow
Isaac Weser
Levi Goodenough
John Huyck
Joseph Frost
Benjamin Chamberlain
Francis Pigsley
Daniel Hill

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