We are grateful to Florence Secor, who transcribed these and many other documents for the Jefferson County NYGenWeb Site.
Elihue Booth, Capt.
Aaron Loomis, Lieut.
Alpheus Nichols, Serg.
George Gates, 2nd. Serg.
Alven Kinney, 3rd Serg.
Reuben Tremane, 4th Serg.
Peter Putnam, Corporal
Horace Kellog, Corporal
Samuel Prior, Jr., Corporal
Stephen Cooley, Fifer
Samuel Broon, Drummer
Paul Hazen, Private
James Corey
Ralph Nichols
Isaac Henry
Daniel Adams
Reuben Cooley
Thomas Cook
Jamud (?) Gillet (Jameul)
James M. Eastman
Thomas Eastman
John Parker, Jr. (Wallis)
Elijah Russell
Return Russell
Aaron Hopkins (Holkine)
Jeremiah Hopkins
James Chapman
Zeba Henry
Samuel Coolege, Jr.
Sylvester Dodge
Laban Fields
William Peck
Asa Sweet
Marvin Todd
Joel Nims
Harvey Kellogg
Nathaniel Ralph
Amos Reynolds
Anson Hungerford, Capt.
Joseph Sheldon, Lieut.
Josiah Richardson, Ensign
Henry Jewett, Serg.
Robert Adams, 2nd Serg.
Elias Sawyer, 3rd Serg.
William Sheldon, 4th Serg.
Moses Haynes, Corporal
George W. Jenks, Corporal
Jonathan Ballard, Corporal
John Boynton, Musician
Samuel Adams, Musician
John Holdbrook, Musician
James Beard
Benoni Danks
Thomas Sawyer
Joseph Sawyer
John Thompson
Jabez Lewis
Henry Wescott
Jacob Boyinton
Samuel Botten
John Knapp
Moses K. Smodley
Edmond Chase
Martin L. Cook
John Babcock
Oliver Dulsopher
Tilson Barrows (Gibson)
Roswell Lewis
Jason Rice
Joseph Strowd
Daniel M. Plumer
Benjamin Smedley
Simeon Skeels
Aaron Roads
Cyrus Corey
Henry S. Nash
Veranus Moore
Septamus G. Adams
Francis Lamon
Joshua Wadley
Boomer K. Jenks
David Levering
Samuel Knapp
Amos Gill, Jr.
Jonathan Sawyer
Richard Howard
Samuel Cooper
Joseph Sawdy
John Losee, Jr.
Lemuel S. Serles
Philo Herrick
John Seamons
David Reed
Samuel Rockwell
John Parnell
Thomas Sisson
Benjamin Gurnee
Isaac Churchill
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