We are grateful to Florence Secor, who transcribed these and many other documents for the Jefferson County NYGenWeb Site.
Elisha Allen, Capt.
Winathan Doane, Lieut.
Stanton Brown, 1st Serg.
Jobe Lampson, 2nd Serg.
Jared Gleason, 3rd Serg.
Henry Bailey, 1st Corp.
John Allen, 2nd Corp.
Luther Stedman, 3rd Corp.
Walter Brown, 4th Corp.
James McKee, Drummer
Salmon Gilman, Drummer
John Gilman, Fifer
Chester Gilman, Fifer
James Penny, Jr.
Josiah Burnham
Samuel F. Finch
Robert Hammond
James Allen
Abner Gould
Tillinghast Allen
Samuel D. Miles
Jonathan G. Rugg
Augustus E. Baker
Russell Randall
James Chaffin
Charles James
Peter Hegedorn
William Brown
Samuel Clark
James Clarke
Horace Ely
Daniel Chaffee
Martin Barney, Capt.
Joseph Graves, Lieut.
Benajah W. Turner, Ensign
Henry King, Sergt.
Oliver Bacheller, Sergt.
John Stacy, Corp.
Zephaniah Penny, Corp.
Daniel Davis
Deering Spear
Demas Thomas
Sewell Bachellor
Ambrose Thomas
John Brown
Reuben Lyon
John Tousley
John Foster
Edward Allen
Stephen Stockwell
Ira Bates
Aaron Alexander
Solomon Lamson
Phinemon Stacy
Hezekiah Leffingwell
Samuel Truesdall
Elihu Cutter
Ira Fifield
Gideon Hartwick
Jonathan Wheeler
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