Muster Roll of Inf. in service of the U. S. under Capt. John Hoover, 108th Reg.
Lt. Col., Calvin Brittain, Commander. Oct. 11, 1814 to Nov. 8, 1814


We are grateful to Florence Secor, who transcribed these and many other documents for the Jefferson County NYGenWeb Site.

John Hoover, Capt.
Richardson Avery, Lieut.
Thomas Ward, Ensign
Libbeus Hastings, Serg.
John Matteson, Serg.
Isaac Ingerson, Serg.
Henry Churchill, Serg.
Peter Hoover, Corp.
Aaron Thomas, Corp.
Joseph Chamberlain, Corp.
Abner Chessman, Corp.
Charles Orvis, Fifer
John G. Sternes, Drummer
Elijah Withril (Wetherel), Drummer


Joseph Emmons
Jeremy Boynton
Isaac Schenck
William Churchill
Pardon Miller
Thomas Huston
John Ingerson
John Barry
Lawrence Timmerman
Conrad Bishop
Aaron Cooper
Cyrus Barrett
Oliver Miller
Salmon Hotkins
Alanson Lyon
Lanes Lyon
Horace Lyon
Charles Mattoon
Philander Grimes
Jeremiah Cheesman
Zar Trevaller
Aaron Draper
David Steward
Aaron Rand
Jacob Cronkite
John Shelner
Jacob McNeil
William H. Granger
Henry Rogers
Robert Sixbury
Peter G. Hoover

Muster Roll of Inf. under Capt. Rugus Barr, 108th Reg't
Lt. Col. Calvin Brittain, Commander, Oct. 12, 1814 to Nov. 8, 1814

Rufus Barr, Capt.
Eber Weed, Lieut.
Porter Fuller, Ensign
Amel Winsow, Serg.
Abner Brooks, Serg.
Joseph Taggert, Corp.
Alfred Cummins, Corp.
Micah Willard, Corp.
James Brooks, Fifer


Oliver Fuller
Benjamin Parker
Alvah Scofield
Elnathn Weed Scofield
Jonathan Weed
William Hart
Elias Nimmick or Minnick
Jonathan Bartlett
Jonas Snow
Ira Smith
Ora Cole
Almerin Herrick
Fayette Herrick
James Rogers
Abel Willard
Josiah Dudley, Jr.
Eleazer Broadman
Lewis Foor or Lines Foot
Francis Porter
Henry O. Harrow
Joel W. Hurlbert
Elias Holbrook
Daniel M. Rogers
Ivah Holbrook

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