Muster Roll of Capt. Luther Braton's Company of Infantry
in the service of the U. S. commanded by Lt. Col. Calvin Britain.
Oct. 12, 1814 to Nov. 8, 1814.


We are grateful to Florence Secor, who transcribed these and many other documents for the Jefferson County NYGenWeb Site.

Luther Braton, Capt.
John Johnson, Lieut.
Palmer Wescott, Ensign
William Smith, Serg.
Robert Deming, Serg.
Madad Cook, Serg.
Hiram Betts, Corp.
Nathan Kendal, Fifer


Joseph Graves
Clarke Wilmot
Nathan Ingram
George Walker
Nathan Wescott
Dexter Ames
Moses Mather
Jedediah Smith
Nathan Cobb
Ralph Smith
Jedediah Baldwin
Abel Scott
Ephrain Scott

Muster Roll of Co. of Militia Volunteers, Capt. Jonathan Collins Company
under command of Lt. Col. Calvin Brittain.
Oct. 26 to Nov. 18, 1814

Jonathan Collins, Capt.
Solomon King, Lieut.
Gideon Shepard, Ensign
Homer Collins, Serg.
Lines Goddard, Serg.
Isaac Perry, Serg.
Jesse Wilcox, Corp.
Jesse Coleman, Corp.
Joseph Burham, Corp.
Elisha Come, Corp.
Luther Bingham, Musician
Jedediah Morse, Musician


Daniel Ashley
Oliver Allis
William Bales
Constant Bazworth
Jonathan Ball
William Barns
Adam Conkey
Jeremiah Crosby
Seldom Collins
Elizer Church
Walter Dewey
Zina Davis
Michael Davis
Solomon Douglass
Fortunatus Eager
Merlin Finch
James Gloyd 2nd
Bennett Goudy
Erastus Haskins
Jonathan Hall
Zachous Higby
Francis Leonard
Jard Noble
Langford McCarty
Horace Morse
Thomas Nickelson
John A. Plank
Julis Prime
Galon Richmond
Jonathan Rogers, Jr.
Adna Richards
Jason Rice
Peter Sigourney
Avery P. Stoddard
William Sackett
Timothy Stone
Lemuel Scovil
Ashbill Stevens
David Willbur
John G. Williams
Ethe Wetmore
David Waters

Muster Roll of Capt. Palmer Wescott, 108th Regiment
Lt. Col. Calvin Britain commanding. Oct. 12 to Nov. 8, 1814.

Palmer Wescott, Capt.
William Smith, Serg.
Robert Deming, Serg.
Medad Cook, Serg.
Hiram Betts, Corp.
Nathan Kendal, Fifer


Joseph Graves
Clark Wilmot
Nathan Ingram
George Wilkie
Nathan Wescott
Dexter Ames
Moses Mather
Jedediah Smith
Nathan Cobb
Ralph Smith
Jeremiah Baldwin
Abel Scott
Ephraim Scott

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