Pay Roll of Capt. Elisha Allen from Sept. 9, 1812 to Sept. 23, 1812
New York Militia of Volunteers
Ordered in to service by Gen. Brown.


Elisha Allen, Capt.
Elnathan Doane, Lieut.
Stanton Brown, 1st Serg.
Jarad Gleason, 2nd Serg.
Luther Steadman, 1st Crop.
John Allen, 2nd Corp.
Walter Brown, 3rd Corp.
James McKee, Drummer
Salmon Gilmore, Drummer


William Dunlap
Amos Tarbell
Michael Risely
David Hart
Labon Lewis
Edward Brown, Jr.
Ethni Warriner
Abner Gould
Thomas Cunningham
William Rowans
Jennings Gould
George Hitchcock
Anson Potter
Dideon Hartwick
James Chaffin
Isaac Brown
Nehemiah Pray
Caleb Tifft, Jr.
Joel Torry
John Brown
Hezekiah Mchurin
Robert Hammond
Levi Geuyer
Samuel Clarke
John Alger
Washington F. Weston
Timothy Risely
Truman Steele
Gordon Smith
William Heath
William Heath

Muster Roll of Timothy Cornwell's Co. of Militia now in service of the U. S. from Sept. 9 to Sept. 23, 1812
in a Reg't commanded by Lt. Col. Sprague

Timothy Cornwell, Capt.
James Ormsby, Lieut.
Lyman Gidding, Ensign
Joseph G. Merrick, Serg.
David Wheeler, 2nd Serg.
Thomas McKennedy, 3rd Serg.
Seela Sanford, 1st Corp.
William Lewis, 2nd Corp.
Timothy Tousley, 3rd Corp.
William Case, 4th Serg.
Cyrus Burr, Drummer
Joseph Taylor, Fifer
Joseph Taylor, Fifer


William Ranson
Alfred Thompson
Wadsworth Mayhew
Joshua Wheeler
John Allen
Barnabas Kenyon
Lemuel Tabor, Jr.
Peter Koyl
Burden Simmons
Cornelius Simmons
Amaziah Simmons
Joseph Allen
Edwin Potter
John Garnsey
Salmon Graves
Jesse Graves
Peter Wells, Jr.
Ebenezer Wells
Samuel Wells
Benazah C. Thomas
Sherman Bishop
Stephen Peabody
Sardus Tousley
Richard Snider
Isaac Lacy
Simon Wheeler
Charles Olin
Samuel L. Reed
Artemus Wilder
James Rich
Robert Hansom (W) ?
Ephrain Koyl
Jacob VanWormer, Jr.
Cyrus Taylor
John Wheeler
Benjamin P. Grenell
Isaac M. Tabor
Hiram Taylor
Pardon Earl
Rufus Jones
Nathan Williams
John Thomas
Joab Cook
Noah Pool
Roswell Gates
Jonathan Edwards
Ichabod L. Tousley
Henry S. Hagadone
Edmund P. Baldwin

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