1866 Militia Registration

In 1866, New York State required that "all able-bodied white male citizens, and persons of foreign birth, who shall have declared, on oath, intention to become citizens under and in pursuance of the laws thereof, between the ages of eighteen and forty-five years, residing in this state, and not exempted by the laws of the United States, shall be subject to military duty, excepting,

1.All persons in the army or navy and volunteer force of the United States and all ministers of the gospel.

2. Persons who have been or hereafter shall be regularly and honorably discharged from the army or navy of the United States, in consequence of the performance of military duty, in pursuance of any law of this state, and such firemen as are now exempted by law.

3. The commissioned officers who shall have served as such in the militia of this State, or in any one of the United States, for the space of seven years; but no officer shall be so exempt unless by his resignation after such term of service duly accepted, or in some other lawful manner he shall have been honorably discharged.

4. Every non-commissioned officer, musician, and private, of every uniform company or troop raised, or hereafter to be raised, who has or shall hereafter uniform himself according to the provisions of any law of this State, and who shall have performed service in such company or troop, for the space of seven years from the time of his enrollment therein, shall be exempt from military duty, except in cases of war, insurrection or invasion.

Idiots, lunatics, paupers, habitual drunkards, and persons convicted of infamous crimes, shall not be subject to military duty.

This list shows the names and addresses of the men who were thus enrolled in Company F of the 35th Rgiment of the New York State Militia from the 2nd and 3d Election Districts of the Town of Watertown, as filed August 24, 1866. These names were copied from a document in the files of the Jefferson County Clerk.

1866 Militia Registrants

AllenG.F.Court St 1st
AmesJ.Public Square30 
AndrewsT.Public Square27 
ArmstrongFrankAcademy St22 
AveryWoodCourt St40 
BaileyB CCourt St28 
BakerHartMiddle Rd43 
BakerWilliamWashington St20 
BakerWilliam OBronson St19 
BallByron EGotham St19 
BarnesJamesCourt St 1st
BarrowsNelsonFactory St34Exempt PD
BassingerJamesCourt St23 
BeachAllen CWoodruff House42 
BedellAlbertAcademy St18 
BergervinJohn EFactory St22 
BlakeJohnHigh St25 
BradleyJamesSterling St24 
BrittonThomasJefferson St30 
BryantDavidPolk St38 
BuckminsterChasPublic Square28 
BullSamuelFactory St44 
BurnhamAndrewAcademy St35 
Burnham Public Square 1st
BurnsPatrickGotham St42 
BurnsThomasGotham St33 
ButtonEugene LState St19 
CallaghanPeterCourt St 1st
CarpenterDallasFactory St21 
CarterAndrewCourt St20 
CarterPhinneyCourt St40 
ConwayThomasPublic Square24 
CookH DLamon St25 
CoryHenry CSterling St30Exempt Fireman
CowanThomasFactory St20Alien
CrandallJerry Burrville Road21 
DameworthJPublic Square25 
DiedrichWilliamPublic Square35 
DixMerritt CRiver Road26
DresserAlbertRiver Road23 
DresserGeorgePublic Square35 
FloodJames WAnthony St21 
FlowerAnson RWoodruff House25 
Frame James Goodale St34Alien
FraryH TJay St32 
FredenburgGeorge CBurrville35 
FullerAlbert DBurrville Road40 
FullerW DState St40 
FurgusonJohnState St36 
GeorgeJohnJay St35 
GiffordG WState St35 
GiffordJohn JrState St26 
GilbertClinton FPublic Square34 
GilliganMatthewFactory St20 
GillighamMatthewFactory St24 
GoodenoughOscarState St23 
GothamDarwinFactory St21 
GothamHarrison JState St26 
GrandpreAlexanderFactory St34 
GreavesSamuel DFactory St44Exempt PD
GreenLymanFactory St26 
GreggAmbyFuller Road30 
HaganJohn ALamon St23Alien
HaleyPeterGotham St32 
HalleckGeorgeBoyd St42 
HamlinDavidSterling St over age
HarlowE HPublic Square 1st
HarveyE PMechanic St35 
HeintzlemanJosephPublic Square32 
HenshawDavidFranklin St35Exempt PD
HentzelmanThomasFactory St35 
HigginsWilliamFactory St21 
HowlandEugeneFuller Road39 
HubbardChas BWashington St28
HullWilliamBurchard St33 
Hyatt Factory St40 
JohnsonHerbert JFactory St24Exempt PD
JohnsonTPublic Square 1st
JonesDuaneWashington St20 
JonesGeorge WPublic Square34 
JonesNelsonPublic Square25 
Jones DexterWashington St33 
KimballWilliamWoodruff House24Fireman
KirbyJamesAcademy St25Exempt
KittsM VUnion St29 
KlineFrederickFactory St30 
LabergeCharlesFranklin St35 
LamonFrancis MFranklin St32 
LanceAnsonWoodruff House25 
LansingDr Edward SWashington St38 
LansingFredWashington St28Exempt PD
LaricheuxSamuelState St28 
LewisElon GRiver Road20 
LutherMilton WState St40 
LutzAdamPolk St36 
LynchGeorgeGotham St25 
Markham Franklin St22 
MartinWilliamPublic Square25 
McGilliganDominickFactory St25 
McGowanTimothyFactory St23 
McGregorJohnGoodale St22 
MeekAdamAcademy St29Alien
MerrillsNorman HJefferson St32 
MerrillsWilliamFactory St34 
MoffattJ FWilliam St25Exempt PD
MoodyWilliam HAcademy St21 
MorganBenj RState St19 
MoultonJ PBoyd St30 
MoultonLouis SBoyd St18 
MuckleThomasBrainard St36 
MyerJohnFranklin St30Alien
OakesR AState St31 
OleanNathan MFactory St42 
O'NeilJohnCourt St 1st
OwensLouisRiver Road26 
ParkerAckley HBurrville Road20 
ParkerMonroeBurrville Road24 
PartelloCharlesAcademy St29Fireman
PattersonClarence BWilliam St18 
PattersonWilliamFactory St25 
PayneSPublic Square29 
PeckPhineasState St22 
PerkinsEugene SBronson St20 
PerkinsP TCentral St  
PhillipsHPublic Square26 
PorterJamesState St20 
PrenticeJohnPublic Square 1st
ProutyJohnAcademy St37 
RhineFosterFactory St20 
RichardsHenryGoodale St28Alien
RicheyCalvin DWilliam St26 
RileyLawrenceFranklin St42 
RileyPhillipHuntington St32 
RoanThomasAcademy St35Exempt PD
RobinsonNPublic Square 1st
RoblinSamuel PClay St38 
RohdeConradFactory St35 
SargentE SWoodruff House37 
SargentWalterJackson St 1st Fireman
SchramJohnCourt St30 
SeatonRobertHigh St30 
ShermanR WState St38 
SikesWisterFranklin St35 
SimmondsCharlesMechanic St42 
SlissonHPublic Square22 
SmithHarry GState St29 
SmithHarveyJay St20Alien
SmithHenry WFranklin St18 
Stears J Jun'rDry Hill38 
SterlingEdward BPark St19 
StimpsonJeramiahFranklin St30 
StoneGeorgeFranklin St40 
StoryFred TSterling St41 
StoweGeorgeWashington St18 
StreeterJohn CState St36Exempt PD
SweeneyJamesGotham St20 
TaggartWilliam WPark St39 
TaylorCharlesFactory St25 
ThomasEdwardGoodale St21 
ThompsonEdwardWashington St32 
ThompsonMyersFranklin St32
ThompsonWilliamState St25 
TraceyJames MWashington St19 
TrippWilliamFactory St25 
TuckerWinslowJefferson St36 
TuttleTheodoreState St35 
Van NameeEugeneFranklin St20 
WagnerHenryAcademy St29Alien
WardwellNathaniel PPark St20 
WareJohnPublic Square 1st
WattThomas High St18 
WestDr LPublic Square38 
WhitcombCharles SJefferson St41 
WhiteHenryFranklin St22 
WhiteJames Factory St19 
WhittakerGeorgeState St24 
WhitwellJohnGoodale St30 
WigginsJoseph CFranklin St34Exempt PD
WilsonGeorgeFactory St30 
WilsonHerbertState St21 
WilsonMellvilleState St24 
WoodardNorrisBurrville Rd21

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