Watertown High School Class of 1910
- Leonard Francis Ayers
- W. Carleton Beebe
- Edna K Bohl
- Paul I. Brannigan
- Bertha M. Bunce
- Marion O. Cadwell
- Loveland J.Case
- Raymond Thomas Cavanaugh
- Ethel A. Clobridge
- Mabel Eldora Cory
- Viola L. Courtenay
- Harold M. Culbertson
- Leslie Eugene Daniels
- Frances Devine
- Francis Henry Durkin
- Beach B. Fairman
- Howard S. Getman
- Clifford W. Gilbert
- Anna M. Gilligan
- Lola H. Greene
- Arthur William Handley
- Ethel E. Harris
- Minna F. Heinrich
- Mabel L. Herrick
- Harriette Hyde
- Edith Mildred Ingham
- George G. Inglehart
- Myrtle J. Landon
- Helen M. Lewis
- Eva L. Longway
- Grace E. Lyman
- John J. Martin
- Edwin B. Mayhew
- Lillian G. McKim
- Edmund B. O'Connor
- Clebron W. Palmiter
- Elizabeth C. Peck
- Emery C. Reach
- Ruth Hazel Reed
- Anna E. Rothenberg
- Ida M. Russell
- Dora M. Schneider
- James Neil Senecal
- Lulu M. Shepard
- Adelaide E. Smith
- Emma M. Spaulding
- Norma E. Staley
- Edith M. Sutton
- Winfield A. Tolman
- Edith M. Ward
- Kenneth T. Ward
- Stanley R. Ward
- Naama Washburn
- Martha L. Webb
- Marjorie A. White
- Ethel M. Winslow
- Helen L. Woodworth
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