Watertown High School Class of 1910

  1. Leonard Francis Ayers
  2. W. Carleton Beebe
  3. Edna K Bohl
  4. Paul I. Brannigan
  5. Bertha M. Bunce
  6. Marion O. Cadwell
  7. Loveland J.Case
  8. Raymond Thomas Cavanaugh
  9. Ethel A. Clobridge
  10. Mabel Eldora Cory
  11. Viola L. Courtenay
  12. Harold M. Culbertson
  13. Leslie Eugene Daniels
  14. Frances Devine
  15. Francis Henry Durkin
  16. Beach B. Fairman
  17. Howard S. Getman
  18. Clifford W. Gilbert
  19. Anna M. Gilligan
  20. Lola H. Greene
  21. Arthur William Handley
  22. Ethel E. Harris
  23. Minna F. Heinrich
  24. Mabel L. Herrick
  25. Harriette Hyde
  26. Edith Mildred Ingham
  27. George G. Inglehart
  28. Myrtle J. Landon
  29. Helen M. Lewis
  30. Eva L. Longway
  31. Grace E. Lyman
  32. John J. Martin
  33. Edwin B. Mayhew
  34. Lillian G. McKim
  35. Edmund B. O'Connor
  36. Clebron W. Palmiter
  37. Elizabeth C. Peck
  38. Emery C. Reach
  39. Ruth Hazel Reed
  40. Anna E. Rothenberg
  41. Ida M. Russell
  42. Dora M. Schneider
  43. James Neil Senecal
  44. Lulu M. Shepard
  45. Adelaide E. Smith
  46. Emma M. Spaulding
  47. Norma E. Staley
  48. Edith M. Sutton
  49. Winfield A. Tolman
  50. Edith M. Ward
  51. Kenneth T. Ward
  52. Stanley R. Ward
  53. Naama Washburn
  54. Martha L. Webb
  55. Marjorie A. White
  56. Ethel M. Winslow
  57. Helen L. Woodworth

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