Watertown High Class of 1911
- Grace M. Allen
- Alma H. Avery
- Evelyn M. Barker
- Alice L. Barron
- Muriel E. Bisnett
- Roy D Bonney
- Minnie Belle Brewer
- Roy Brown
- Louise M. Burr
- Alice L. Burton
- Marie M. Byrnes
- Natalie Carpenter
- Thomas Levi Carpenter
- James J. Corbett
- Mabel Dealing
- Roy N. Dietrich
- Bessie Donohue
- Alfred P. Draper
- Jessie G. Eddy
- Charles A. Everett
- Mildred D Fisher
- Bertha Fitzgerald
- LC. Marie Flummerfelt
- George B. Fox
- Korleen Fox
- Lydia C. Fox
- Irene Galleries
- Ruth M. Gamble
- Ernest C. Gould
- Ella M. Graham
- Rhea M Gregg
- Edwin I. Harrington
- Gerald F. Healy
- Harold W. Herkimer
- John M. Hogan
- Paul L. Hotchkin
- Bessie L. Johnston
- Thomas C. Killeen
- Frances Lofink
- Leta M. McClear
- Florence L. McConnell
- Chauncey H. McCoy
- Norma J. Merrick
- Earl B. Miller
- Harvey A. Mills
- Robert D. Mills
- Blanche M. Reese
- Floyd E. Reeves
- Eva L. Rogers
- Emma M. Ryder
- Elizabeth Scanlon
- J. Lucille Seaver
- Fannie E. Smith
- R. Belle Smith
- Julia E. Smith
- Walter Stillman
- Mae L. Taylor
- Leta E. Waite
- Mary E. Webb
- Lillian E. Whitney
- Doris B. Wisner
- Pauline M. Yager
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