In the matter of the estate of ABRAM STEVENS of Rutland, Jefferson Co., NY:
On 1 November 1844, RUTH STEVENS of Rutland filed a petition to open probate and stated that Abram had appointed her, and ALEXANDER STEVENS as executors of the will.
Heirs/next of kin:
RUTH STEVENS, widow of deceased and petitioner.
ALEXANDER STEVENS, son of the deceased
ABRAM STEVENS named his wife, RUTH STEVENS. Named Ruth and son, ALEXANDER STEVENS as executors. Will dated 5 November 1838. /s/ Abram Stevens.
Witnesses: TURNER E. HOWARD, and DANIEL FITTZ, both of Champion, NY.
Will proved: 20 March 1845
Jefferson Co., NY Wills, Vol. D., p. 17.
Information contributed by volunteer Marilyn Sapienza.
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