Alpha Rickerson Will

In the matter of the estate of ALPHA RICKERSON of Worth, Jeff. Co., NY:
Upon the petition of SAMUEL H. TOLLS, of Watertown, a creditor of the deceased, he stated that Alpha had departed this life on 1 February 1868 in Pinckney, Lewis Co., NY of a natural death and left no will.
Dated 16 September 1868.

FLORINDA V. EDWARDS, daughter, of Denmark, Lewis Co., NY
LEWIS RICKERSON, son, of Pinckney, Lewis Co., NY
GARDNER RICKERSON, son, of Morrison, Whiteside Co., Illinois
LUCIUS RICKERSON, son, of Orangeburgh, Medina Co., Ohio
NORMAN RICKERSON, son, whose place of residence is unknown and cannot be ascertained.
All of the above of full age.
Jeff. Co., NY Estate Papers 1805-1900, Box R8-11 Case 110-159, No. R-124

Information contributed by volunteer Marilyn Sapienza.

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