In the matter of the estate of Alson Holcomb of Champion, Jeff. Co., NY:
On 15 December 1862, Homer Holcomb petitioned to open probate.
Homer Holcomb, petitioner
James Holcomb
Sophia Fletcher, wife of Orren Fletcher of Champion
Frances Holcomb
Cornelia Wait, wife of Emerson M. Wait of Watertown, all of Jefferson County, children of the deceased and of full age.
Alson named his two sons, Homer Holcomb and James Holcomb. Named his daughter, Frances Holcomb. Named his daughters, Cornelia Wait and Frances Holcomb. Appointed his sons, Homer and James Holcomb as executors. Will dated 21 June 1862. /s/ Alson Holcomb
Witnesses: A. S. Babcock of Champion and Nelson Brooks of Champion.
Jeff. Co., NY Wills, Vol 9, p. 76.
Will proved 29 December 1862.
Information contributed by volunteer Marilyn Sapienza.
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