Hounsfield, Jefferson Co., NY

In the matter of the estate of ANTHONY WATSON, late inhabitant of Hounsfield, Jefferson Co., NY:

On 22 June 1842, SYLVIA C. WATSON brought her Petition to Open Probate and stated that her husband had died intestate, leaving her, the petitioner a widow.

Peter O. Bates of Hounsfield was named administrator of the estate. On 29 June 1842.

Jefferson Co. NY Estate Papers, Box W1-3.

NOTE: In the final inventory of the estate, certain items were withheld for the widow and children but the children were not named. Anthony Watson died 1 June 1842 at 55 years and is buried in Sackets Harbor Cem. Louisa, his wife, died 6 Oct. 1828 at 30 years. No burial information for Sylvia.

In the matter of the estate of Anthony Watson, late of Hounsfield, Jeff. Co., NY:
On 22 June 1842, Sylvia Watson petitioned to open probate. She stated that her husband had lately died without leaving a will but left your petitioner as a widow.
Jeff. Co., NY Estate Papers, Box W-1

Information contributed by volunteer Marilyn Sapienza.

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