In the matter of the estate of BENJAMIN BARNES of Theresa, Jeff. Co., NY: On 19 December 1855, MARY BARNES of Theresa, petitioned to open probate.
SALLY GIBBS, widow, of Theresa
BATHSHEBA BISHOP, wife of JAMES BISHOP of Hammond, St. Law. Co., NY
PRISCILLA FORD, wife of JAMES FORD of Jackson Co., Michigan
ENOCH BARNES, whose place of residence is unknown
DAN BARNES of Theresa, all children of the deceased of full age.
MARY BARNES, of full age, is the widow of the deceased.
BENJAMIN BARNES named his eldest daughter, SALLY. Named his second daughter, BATHSHEBA. Named his third daughter, PRISCILLA. Named his fourth daughter, RHODA.
Named his oldest son, ENOCH. Named his second son, DAN. Named his youngest son, SQUIRE CHASE, on account of his infirmity. Named his wife, MARY and appointed her sole executrix. Will dated 25 March 1839.
/s/ Benjamin Barnes
Witnesses: Alex Salisbury, James Shurtleff and Nathaniel W. Lull, all of Alexandria. NY
States that his youngest son, Squire Chase, was now deceased and awarded his share in the estate to Sally, Bathsheba, Priscilla and Enoch. He also increased the monetary amount to wife Mary. Codicil dated 12 April 1843.
/s/ Benjamin Barnes
Witnesses: Alexander Salisbury and Ichabod Thompson both of Theresa and Henry Billington of Alexandria, NY
Will proved: 13 August 1856.
Jeff. Co., NY Wills, Vol. 4, p. 285.
Information contributed by volunteer Marilyn Sapienza.
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