Charlotte Worthington Estate

In the matter of the estate of CHARLOTTE WORTHINGTON of Hounsfield, Jeff. Co.: On 5 November 1856, BERNARD BAGLEY and STEPHEN BOON of Watertown, NY petitioned to open probate.

Heirs/next of kin:

JOHN MORRIS, a brother of the deceased
WILLIAM T. WORTHINGTON, husband of the deceased of Hounsfield, NY
POLLY SMITH of Watertown, a sister of the deceased, all of full age.


CHARLOTTE WORTHINGTON, as the wife of WILLIAM T. WORTHINGTON, gave him $500. Remainder of the estate to: her niece, ALMIRA LORD, wife of JUDAH LORD and to her eleven nephews and nieces: SUSAN DEFRANS, MARY MURPHY, ALMIRA LORD, children of her sister, POLLY SMITH. To MORRIS STEVENS, CHARLES STEVENS, MARY MARIA and STEPHEN STEVENS, they being the children of her sister, SALLY STEVENS. To MARTHA BARRET, NANCY MORRIS, HELLEN B. MORRIS and JOHN MORRIS JR., they being the children of her brother, JOHN MORRIS. Appointed STEPHEN BOON and BERNARD BAGLEY of Watertown as executors. Will dated 26 July 1855.
/s/ Charlotte X Blanchard (her mark) Transcriber note: she was the widow of Mr. Blanchard.
Witnesses: Wm. G. Adkins and Chas. D. Wright both of Watertown.


The sum of five hundred dollars given to William P. Worthington and the sum of two hundred dollars given to Almira Lord and the amounts directed to be distributed to my eleven nephews and nieces is hereby removed and annulled and instead of such disposition, of my property, I give and bequeath the whole of my property to my brother, JOHN MORRIS and my two sisters, POLLY SMITH and SALLY STEVENS, their heirs and assigns. Dated 1 February 1856.
/s/ Charlotte X. Worthington.
Witnesses: Nelson Jones of Hounsfield and Avery N. Gilbert of Watertown.


I Charlotte Worthington of Hounsfield do make this codicil; that my executor pay to my husband the sum of $200 to be paid in four equal yearly payments after my decease. That is to say, $50 in each year. And I reserve the privilege of giving to either of my sisters any of my personal property and not have it chargeable to them in a division of my estate. The gift to William Worthington is to be in full for all claims he may make on my estate. Dated: 27 October 1856.
/s/ Charlotte X. Worthington (her mark)
Witnesses: B. Bagley and Julia Ostrander of Watertown, NY
Will and codicils proved 9 March 1857
Jeff. Co., NY Wills, Vol. 4, pp. 448-450.

Information contributed by volunteer Marilyn Sapienza.

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