Clarissa C. Towsley Estate

In the matter of the estate of Mrs. Clarissa C. Towsley of Ellisburgh, Jeff. Co., NY:
On 10 March 1859, Samuel Bemis of Ellisburgh petitioned to open probate. He stated that in August 1857, Clarissa made her last will. That he is the sole executor named in the will.

Betsey J. Eaton and her husband, Elery D. Eaton of Winnebago Valley, Houston Valley, Harriston Co., Minnesota
Thomas J. Tousley of Sandy Creek, Oswego Co., NY
Oliver H. Tousley of Ellisburgh, NY
Mary C. Reynolds and her husband, Cyrus G. Reynolds of Ellisburgh, NY
Reuben R. Tousley of Ellisburgh
Harriette R. Tousley of Ellisburgh
Maitland J. Tousley of Ellisburgh, having no general guardian
Jeff. Co., NY Estates; Vol T9 p. 156.

Transcriber's note: The will is not listed in the will index, it was not included with the administrative papers and the appropriate volumes of wills by date do not show the will as being filed therein. The index shows a Clarissa Taylor, not Clarissa Towsley. The minor children were not listed in the Guardianship index.

Information contributed by volunteer Marilyn Sapienza.

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