Daniel Ellis Will

In the matter of the estate of Daniel Ellis of Ellisburgh, Jeff. Co., NY:
On 2 June 1862, Richard Ellis petitioned to open probate.

Orpha M. Ellis, widow of the deceased, of full age
Betsey E. Paddock, wife of George Paddock of Illinois
Maria E. Salisbury, wife of Elisha Salisbury of Burton, Michigan
Lorenzo D. Ellis of Bangor, Franklin Co., NY
Nicholas G. Ellis
Marcus A. Ellis of Bronson, Michigan, children of the deceased, of full age
Edward Ellis
Mary Ellis
Charles T. Ellis
Mainie G. Ellis, minor children of Albert A. Ellis, deceased, who was a son of Daniel Ellis, deceased, all minors residing at Sarnia, Canada of whom Jane E. Ellis of Sarnia, is the general guardian.

Will of Daniel Ellis

Daniel named his wife, Orpha M. Ellis. He named his three sons: Lorenzo D. Ellis, Marcus A. Ellis and Albert A. Ellis. Mentions Alexander Dickinson of Belleville. He appointed Richard Ellis, son of Thomas Ellis, as sole executor.
Will dated 7 October 1856. /s/ Daniel Ellis.
Witnesses: Calvin Skinner and James C. Schram both of Adams, NY.
Will proved: 21 July 1862
Jeff. Co., NY Wills, Vol. 8, p.566.

Information contributed by volunteer Marilyn Sapienza.

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