In the matter of the estate of DANIEL WALTS, JR., of Pamelia, Jefferson Co., NY:
On 3 May 1841, ANNA MARGARET WALTS of Pamelia petitioned to open probate on the estate. She stated that Daniel had lately deceased.
Heirs/next of kin:
ANN MARGARET WALTS, widow and petitioner of the deceased
DANIEL WALTS, father of the deceased of Orleans, Jefferson Co., NY
DANIEL WALTS named ANNA MARGARET WALTS, his wife. He named her executor of his will. Will dated: 18 November 1839. /s/ Daniel Walts
Witnesses: A.M. HARGER of Pamelia, NY and RENSELAER STEWART of LeRay, NY
Will proved: 17 May 1841.
Jefferson Co., NY Wills, Vol. B., p. 176.
Information contributed by volunteer Marilyn Sapienza.
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