In the matter of the estate of David Parent of Brownville, Jefferson Co., NY:
On 14 April 1862, Polly Parent of Brownville, petitioned to open probate.
Polly Parent, widow of the deceased, of full age
Theodore S. Clark, son of ___Clark, who was a daughter of Thomas Parent, deceased, brother of said David Parent, deceased. Theodore L. departed this life since the death of said David Parent, leaving him surviving:
Philetus Clark, his father, of Otisco, Onondaga Co., NY as his sole heir and next of kin
Silas Park
Thomas Park
Mary Keeler, wife of ___Keeler
Francis Clark, wife of ____Clark
Helen Alexander, wife of ___Alexander
Ann Newel, wife of ___Newel
Caroline Park, children of Catherine Park, a deceased daughter of said Thomas Parent, deceased, all residing in Onondaga Co., NY, in LaFayette or near that town
Betsey Park, wife of Elijah Park, daughter of Thomas Parent, deceased, and residing in La Fayette aforesaid
Rebecca M. Rust wife of ___Rust of Ottawa, Illinois, daughter of Thomas Parent aforesaid, deceased
David Parent had in his lifetime brothers, and the names are: James Parent, Michael Parent, Garret Parent, John Parent, but whose particulars petitioner has no knowledge as to whether they are now living or not and as to whether they have left descendants, heirs of next of kin, nor their residences can be ascertained
David Parent named his wife, Polly Parent, and appointed her sole executrix of the will. He revoked a will made to James G. Lamon of Brownville, the same now being in the hands of James Allen.
Will dated 20 October 1842. /s/ David Parent
Witnesses: John K. Adams and Charles P. Plum both of Brownville, Jeff. Co., NY
Will proved: 3 June 1862
Jeff. Co., NY Wills, Vol. 8, p. 512.
Information contributed by volunteer Marilyn Sapienza.
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