Brownville, Jefferson Co., NY

In the matter of the estate of COL. EDMUND KIRBY of Brownville, Jefferson Co., NY:

THOMAS L. KNAP and NATHAN W. BROWN of Brownville, petitioned to open probate of the estate. They stated he died in Avon Springs, NY where he was on a visit for his health on 20 August 1849, a natural death. At the time of his death and for some time previous, he was a resident of Brownville and that he died without a will; further that his estate did not exceed $25,000. Petition dated 30 August 1849.

Heirs/next of kin:
ELIZA KIRBY of Brownville, widow of Col. Kirby
PAMELIA BROWN, mother of Eliza Kirby
JACOB BROWN KIRBY, FRANCES M. KIRBY, son and daughter of the deceased.
Petitioners requested that widow, Eliza Kirby, Nathan W. Brown and Thomas L. Knap be appointed administrators.

Jefferson Co., NY Estate Papers, Box K1-3/3.

NOTE: Ten years after the initial filing, the probate had not been settled. Jacob B. Kirby as one of the heirs had died; Heirs of Edmund Kirby, deceased were: T. KIRBY, CORNELIA KIRBY and JANE KIRBY, children of JACOB B. KIRBY. FRANCIS M. PALIVER of Detroit, Michigan, Pamela W. Everett of Brooklyn, NY, Eliza V. Darby, a minor under 14 in New York City, Josephine L. Kirby of Brownville, Mary Fairfax of Washington, DC, Edmund Kirby, a minor under 14, of West Point, NY, Catherine Kirby a minor over 14 of Brownville, Reynolds M. Kirby, a minor over 14 of Brownville. Joseph Mullin of Watertown was general guardian of Edward, Catherine and Reynolds. Mentioned also Eliza Darby. By 1860, the estate had dwindled to $9,716.00.

Information contributed by volunteer Marilyn Sapienza.

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