Watertown, Jefferson Co., NY

In the matter of the estate of ELIAS EVERET of Watertown, Jefferson Co., NY:

EMMA EVERET and AUSTIN EVERET petition to open probate:

Emma Everett, widow of ELIAS EVERET, and AUSTIN EVERET, brother of said Elias stated that Elias was drowned in Lake Ontario on the 11th day of November 1835, on which he was sailing during a storm in consequence of the (boat) being found at sea or stranded. Emma asked that Austin Everet, brother the Elias, should be included in the administration of the estate jointly with her. That your petitioner further presents that the father of the said Elias Everet is dead, having died in 1815. And also that the said Elias deceased without any will.
Petition dated at Watertown on 20 Nov. 1835. /s/ Emma Everitt and Austin Everett

NOTE: Both were named co-administrators. However, on the 31st day of December 1835, it was noted that WILLIAM F. EVERETT, a minor under the age of 14, was in need of a guardian to represent him in the estate; on 20 Nov. 1835 William had renounced his right to administration upon his father's estate. The debts of Elias Everett required the sale of some of his real estate to satisfy the debtors, but in 1836 HAMPTON EVERETT sued in the Pleas Court for a portion of the proceeds of the sale; he was $617.50 by the court. RHODA EVERETT also brought suit and was awarded $1,724.00. After the notice to creditors was posted in the Watertown newspaper, creditors came forward from as far away as Illinois to plea for their portion of the real estate sales. The estate was opened with Everet spelled with one "t" but evolved with two "t's."

Jefferson Co., NY Estate papers Box E.

Information contributed by volunteer Marilyn Sapienza.

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