Elijah Fox Will

In the matter of the estate of Elijah Fox of Lorraine, Jeff. Co., NY:
On 22 September 1862, George A. Fox of Lorraine, petitioned to open probate.

George A. Fox
Elijah R. Fox of Lorraine
Sophia Hutchinson, wife of Lewis A. Hutchinson of Wheatland, Monroe Co., NY
Mereness G. Fox of Arlington, Jackson Co., Michigan, all children of Elijah Fox, deceased and of full age.
Adeline Clark, wife of Charles Clark
Harriet Wait, wife of Ron Wait
Lester Bushnell, all of full age, of Ellisburgh, Jeff. Co., children of Sally, a deceased daughter of Elijah Fox.
Alvin Tifft of Lorraine, a minor having no general guardian, a child of Louisa, a deceased daughter of Elijah Fox.
Elijah Fox left no widow surviving.

Will of Elijah Fox

Elijah named his son, George Austin Fox. He appointed John Boyden of Lorraine, Jeff. Co., as executor.
Will dated 17 January 1860. /s/ Elijah Fox
Witnesses: Jesse Caulkins and GideonWise both of Lorraine, Jeff. Co., NY
Will proved: 10 November 1862.
Jeff. Co., NY Wills, Vol. 9, p. 52.

Information contributed by volunteer Marilyn Sapienza.

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