Lyme, Jefferson Co., NY

In the matter of the estate of ETHEL C. PENNY of Lyme, Jefferson Co. NY:

Petition to open probate brought by JOHN L. HOWARD of Lyme. He stated that Ethel Penny deceased on 9 December 1833 and made no will. His wife died on 14 February 1837 and left four minor children. Petition not dated.

Heirs/next of kin named in petition to open:
ETHELPENNY about 17 years of age
DELIA PENNY age a few months over 14
EDWARD PENNY about 11 years
EUNICE PENNY about 7 years.
Ethel Penny, deceased, left two brothers:
SAMUEL PENNY of Lyme and the other unknown.
Ethel Penny left a sister, who was the widow of JOSEPH HAWKINS, deceased-she is a resident of Henderson, Jefferson Co.

Jefferson Co. NY Estate Papers, Box P1-3.

Update for estate of Ethel C. Penny of Lyme:

He died on 9 December 1833, suddenly and without a will. His wife also died the 14th day of February last. They left four minor children as named.

Later filing by John S. Howard, Administrator, was dated 1 April 1837. File open date may have been 18 April 1837.

Information contributed by volunteer Marilyn Sapienza.

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