In the matter of the estate of ETHNI EVANS of LeRay, Jefferson Co., NY:
Petition to open probate by JOHN McCUMBER, an executor of the will. He stated that Ethni Evans had deceased about 25 Feb. 1832. In addition to his appearance in probate court, there also appeared JOSEPH BOYER, guardian of POLLY EVANS, SAVILLION EVANS and JOSEPH E. BOYER, heirs of Ethni Evans on 11 May 1832.
ETHNI EVANS, aged sixty-six and upwards in his will directed as follows: First, he directed that his expenses were to be paid. Second, he gave unto his wife, PHILETTE, if she remained single one-third of his household and contents. Third, he gave to his son-in-law JOSEPH P. MCCUMBER one sixth part of his grist mill with the water and other privileges belonging to it above and below the falls. Fourth, gave to his son, SAVILLION EVANS, one-sixth part of the grist mill with the privileges as above bequeathed to McCumber. Fifth, he gave and bequeathed to POLLY EVANS, his daughter, one-sixth part of the grist mill with like privileges. Sixth, he gave and bequeathed to BARLOW LOTHROP, $25 to be paid by his executors. Seventh, he gave and bequeathed to his son, AMBROSE, a lot of land situated south of J. Braynards farm containing about 17 acres. Eighth, he gave to his wife in addition to a lot that he had given her, all the property that he owned or possessed that belonged to her before her marriage to him in lieu of a dower. Ninth, all property not disposed of was to be divided equally between Joseph McCumber, Polly Evans, Savillion Evans and Joseph Boyer. Tenth, he appointed John McCumber as executor and John Boyer as co-executor. Will dated: 24 Feb. 1832 /s/ Ethni Evans.
Witnesses: JOHN W. TAMBLIN and NATHAN INGERSON of LeRay, Jefferson Co.
Will proved: 7 July 1832
Jefferson Co. Wills Vol. A, p. 33.
Information contributed by volunteer Marilyn Sapienza.
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