George Philbrook Estate

In the matter of the estate of JAMES PHILBROOK of Rutland, Jeff. Co., NY: On 22 December 1855, ASA CLARK, of Rutland, NY petitioned to open probate.

Heirs/next of kin:

POLLY BRIGHAM both of Rutland
SOPHRONA PHILBROOK, of Rutland, of full age, widow of the testator.


JAMES PHILBROOK named his wife, SOPHRONA and gave her all the household furniture, the same may be which she in her own right owned and possessed at the time of her marriage to him, and also all such furniture purchased by him, during her marriage to him. Named his two daughters: CYNTHIA A. WHITE and POLLY BRIGHAM. Gave them various kinds of household furniture owned by him previous to the marriage to his second wife, Sophrona. Real estate to wife and daughters. Appointed ASA CLARK of Rutland as sole executor. Will dated 14 November 1855.
/s/ James Philbrook
Witnesses: Asa D. Clark and Christopher P. Clark both of Rutland, NY.
Will proved: 12 January 1856.
Jeff. Co., NY Wills, Vol. 4, p. 109.

Information contributed by volunteer Marilyn Sapienza.

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