Gordon Harold Andress Estate

In the matter of the estate of Gordon Harold Andress of Alexandria Bay, Jeff. co., NY:
On 16 August 1939, Norris M. Andress petitioned to open probate. He stated that Gordon had died on 11 April 1922 and left no will.

Norris M. Andress, petitioner
Deceased was not the parent of any children
The widow died 16 August 1929
The deceased's mother, Effie Andress, wife of petitioner, died at Alexandria Bay on 26 June 1939. She was the administratrix of the estate of Gordon H. Andress.
Effie Andress petitioned, before her death, on 13 April 1923, as the mother of Gordon Harold Andress.
She named Heirs/Next of Kin:
Nella E. Andress, widow, at Alexandria Bay, NY
Norris M. Andress, as father in Alexandria Bay
Effie Andress, as mother
Julia Furgerson, sister, of Elgin, Ontario, Canada
Jeff. Co., NY Estate Papers, Box A-3, No. 101.

Information contributed by volunteer Marilyn Sapienza.

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