Henry Klock Will

In the matter of the estate of Henry Klock of the Town of Theresa, Jeff. Co., NY:
On 21 April 1862, Nancy Klock of Theresa, petitioned to open probate.

Nancy Klock, petitioner, widow of the deceased
John Klock of Chittenango, NY
Nicholas Klock of Salisbury, NY
Olive Anstead, wife of Ardneur Anstead of Lorraine, Jeff. Co.
Joseph Klock
Jacob Klock
Sally Klock
Delilah House, wife of Ephraim House of Theresa
Mary Ritter, wife of Allis Ritter, all children of the deceased
Mary Woolaver
Oliver Woolaver of full age
Martha Woolaver, a minor having no general guardian, children of Emma Woolaver, deceased, who was a daughter of Henry Klock, deceased

Will of Henry Klock

Henry Klock named his son, John Klock. Named his son, Nicholas Klock. Named his daughter, Olive Anstead. Named his daughter, Eva Woolaver's three children, being two daughters and one son. He named his daughter, Mary Ritter Named his son, Joseph Klock. Named his daughter, Sally Klock. Named his son, Jacob Klock. Named his daughter, Delilah House. Named his granddaughter, Fanny Ritter, daughter of Manuel Ritter. Named his wife, Nancy. He appointed his friends Charles Eddy and Lorna Fuller as executors of the will.
Will dated 20 November 1858. /s/ Henry X Klock (his mark)
Witnesses: Nathan Whiting and Wm. H. H. Post both of Philadelphia, Jeff. Co., NY
Will proved: 4 June 1862.
Jeff. Co. NY Wills, Vol. 8, p. 518.

Information contributed by volunteer Marilyn Sapienza.

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