Jacob Daab Will

In the matter of the estate of JACOB DAAB of Orleans, Jeff. Co., NY:
On 22 January 1884, GEORGE DAAB of Orleans and FREDERICK DAAB petitioned to open probate. In a later petition dated 29 December 1883, CHARLES DAAB and WILIAM K. DAAB also entered the process.

GEORGE DAAB, petitioner of Orleans
WILLIAM K. DAAB of Bristol, Town of Bristol County of Hartford, Connecticut
FREDERICK DAAB of New York City, all brothers of the deceased
ELIZABETTTA G. BAR, wife of ___BAR residing in Laugen, Germany
MARGARETTA HEIL, wife of ADAM HEIL o Harbitzheim, Germany, both sisters of the deceased
JOHAUNADA DAAB, widow of GEORGE DAAB, deceased, residing in Habitzheim, Germany, all of full age.

Petitioners state that the deceased was never married and left no children. In a later document it is mentioned that JANETT DAAB, who had since died, was the mother of the deceased.

Jeff. Co., NY Estate papers 1805-1900 Box D4-6, Case 41-95 No. D-41

Information contributed by volunteer Marilyn Sapienza.

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