In the matter of the estate of JACOB JENKINS of Pamelia, Jefferson Co., NY:
At a court hearing on 23 May 1840, WILLIAM JENKINS, a brother of the deceased and agent of the widow, named heirs:
Heirs/next of kin:
MARY JENKINS, his widow, of Pamelia
PEGGY ANN DILLENBACK, his daughter and WILLIAM DILLENBACK, of Orleans, NY, husband of Peggy
ANDREW JENKINS, a son of deceased
ELIZABETH JENKINS, daughter of Pamelia, NY
JACOB JENKINS, son having no special guardian
NELSON JENKINS, son and no special guardian
ANGELINE JENKINS, daughter, and no special guardian
JOHN JENKINS, a minor son of deceased
MARIETTE JENKINS, a minor daughter
HIRAM JENKINS a minor son
JACKSON JENKINS, a minor son
WILLIAM JENKINS, special guardian of JACOB, NELSON and ANGELINE JENKINS, JOHN JENKINS, MARIETTE, HIRAM and JACKSON JENKINS, all minors and children of Jacob Jenkins.
JACOB JENKINS named his daughter, PEGGY ANN. Named his son, ANDREW. Named his daughter, ELIZABETH. Named his son, JACOB JENKINS when 22. Named his son, NELSON when 22. Named his daughter, ANGELINE at 21. Named his daughter, MARIETT, at 21. Named his sons: JOHN, WILLIAM and HIRAM and JACKSON. Named his wife, MARY. Named his two infant daughters, ANGELINE and MARIETTE. Will dated 10 March 1840. /s/ Jacob Jenkins.
Witnesses: WILLIAM JENKINS of Pamelia and A. M. HARGER of Pamelia, NY
Will proved: 8 June 1840.
Jefferson Co., NY Wills, Vol. A., p. 372.
Information contributed by volunteer Marilyn Sapienza.
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