In the matter of the estate of JACOB KRING of Alexandria, Jefferson Co., NY: On 24 April 1857, ALONZO KRING of Alexandria petitioned to open probate.
ALONZO KRING, petitioner
MARIA BARLETT, wife of HENRY J. BARLETT of Theresa, NY, of full age
AGNES KRING of Alexandria
ELIZABETH MILLER, wife of SAMUEL B. MILLER of South Colton, St. Lawrence Co., minors having no general guardian, all children of the deceased.
MARY ANN KRING of Alexandria, of full age and widow of deceased.
JACOB KRING named his two sons: MARTIN and JOHN. Named his daughters: NANCY, MARTHA, AGNES and ALICE. He named daughters MARIA and ELIZABETH to receive when farm was paid for. Each of the daughters a good support until they arrive at the age of 21 plus three months schooling each to Nancy, Martha, Agnes and Alice, until they reach 18 years. Named his beloved wife, MARY ANN. Named his son, ALONZO. Wife MARY ANN and ALONZO as executrix and executor of the estate. Will dated 28 March 1857.
/s/ Jacob Kring
Witnesses: Seth French and Nelson H. Suits both residents of Alexandria, NY
Will proved: 4 August 1857
Jeff. Co. NY Wills, Vol. 5, p. 91.
Information contributed by volunteer Marilyn Sapienza.
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