In the matter of the estate of JAMES McCUNUFF of Clayton, Jeff. Co., NY: On 15 January 1857, THOS. M. READE of Clayton petitioned to open probate.
WINNA CLINES, wife of PATRICK CLINES residing in Glenmorris, County Mayo, Ireland, a sister of the deceased of full age.
JANNY STOWELL McCUNIFF, residing in the town of Clayton, of full age, is the widow of the deceased.
JAMES McCUNUFF named his wife JANNY STOWELL McCUNUFF to received his real estate in Clayton and Wisconsin. He bequeathed and empowered THOMAS M. READ and JOSEPH THIBAULT of Clayton to sell his houses and lots in Clayton. Proceeds to his sister, WINNA, who married PATRICK CLINES, and she lives near Glenmorris County Mayo, Ireland. Appointed Thomas M. Reade and Joseph Thibault as executors. Will dated 15 November 1856.
/s/ James X McCuniff (his mark)
Witnesses: Thomas M. Reade and Dominic Mason both of Clayton
Will proved: 2 March 1857.
Jeff. Co., NY Wills, Vol. 4, p. 434.
Information contributed by volunteer Marilyn Sapienza.
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