In the matter of the estate of JERUSHA BOYINGTON of Ellisburgh, Jeff. Co., NY: On 15 September 1857, BARNET HICKS of Ellisburgh petitioned to open probate.
VALVESD DEAN of Paw Paw, Vanhusen Co., Michigan, great grandchild of deceased
JERUSHA BOYINGTON named BARNET HIX. Named VALVERD DEAN. Named her sister, THANKFUL TIFT. Named her sister, SALLY PALMER. Appointed BARNET HIX as sole executor.
Will dated: 10 January 1857. /s/ Jerusha Boyington
Witnesses: Joshua Freeman of Ellisburgh and Jesse Martin of Ellisburgh, Jeff. Co., NY
Will proved: 2 Nov. 1857
Jeff. Co., NY Wills, Vol. 5, p. 225.
Information contributed by volunteer Marilyn Sapienza.
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