Henderson, Jefferson Co., NY

In the matter of the estate of JOHN AIRS of Henderson, Jefferson Co., NY:

On 16 May 1861, widow SARAH AIRS petitioned to open probate and stated that John had deceased on 12 May 1861 at Henderson of a natural death. He did not leave a will.

Heirs/next of kin:
SARAH AIRS, widow and petitioner
JERUSHA HILL, wife of HIRAM HILL of Henderson, NY
JULIETTA SEARLES, wife of CLARK SEARLES of New Bremen, Lewis Co., NY
VOLNEY AIRS of Reedsburg, Sauk Co., WI
CHESTER AIRS of Twin Valley, Wisconsin and Point Bluff, Adams Co., Wisconsin
JOHN AIRS of Aurora, Illinois
LEVI AIRS of Nevada County, California
All children of John Airs and all of full age
VERNON AIRS of Mexico, Oswego Co., NY, grandchild and
LOUISA MARSH, wife of Daniel Marsh of Jamesville, Onondaga Co., NY
of full age, children of George Clinton Airs, deceased
GEORGE AIRS of Henderson, NY, a minor child of GEORGE CLINTON AIRS, deceased who was a son of JOHN AIRS, deceased.

Jefferson Co., NY Estate Papers, Box A12-13/313.

NOTE: Variant spelling of surname: Ayers in some documents.

Information contributed by volunteer Marilyn Sapienza.

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