Adams, Jefferson Co., NY

In the matter of the estate of JOHN H. WHIPPLE late of Adams, Jefferson Co. NY:

The Petition to Open Probate by ELIZABETH WHIPPLE of Rome, Oneida Co., NY and JUSTUS EDDY of Adams, Jefferson Co., dated 29 December 1859. Elizabeth stated that John had deceased on 15 December 1859 of a natural death and had left no will.

Heirs/next of kin named in Petition to Open Probate:
RT REV. HENRY B. WHIPPLE of St. Paul, Minnesota
JOHN WHIPPLE of Portland, Minnesota
MRS. SARAH B. SALSBURY, Terre Haute, Indiana
MRS. SUSAN L. HILL of Rossie, New York
GEORGE B. WHIPPLE of Adams, Jefferson Co., NY
All of full age and all children of deceased, and
ELIZABETH WHIPPLE, Petitioner and widow.

Jefferson Co., NY Estate papers, Box W1-3.

NOTE: There were several pages of creditors in the file as well as inventory sheets that may have been from a store. Durant and Pearce state that he began trade in 1820 and continued until 1859.

Bishop Whipple was the son of JOHN HALL WHIPPLE of Adams, Jefferson Co NY, b Albany NY on 22 Sept. 1795; he died in Adams, NY 15 Dec. 1859, a merchant of Adams, NY. John Whipple helped to organize the Rome and Watertown R.R., being one of its first directors. He married 25 Sept. 1820 to ELIZABETH WAGER, daughter of HON. HENRY WAGER of Westernville N. Y., member of the N. Y. General Assembly 1823-24; one of the presidential electors of Thomas Jefferson; son of BENJAMIN WHIPPLE of Albany NY, born in Cumberland, RI on 17 Nov. 1754; died Albany NY on 30 April 1819, Revolutionary War soldier, captured and confined on British prison ship "Jersey"; was doorkeeper of NY General Assembly 1802-19; married 8 Jan. 1783 to SUSANNA HALL of Wrentham MA. Benjamin was the son of DAVID WHIPPLE of Cumberland RI born there 1 May 1714 and died there 6 Oct. 1766, member of the RI General Assembly 1756-7, member of the 1st council of Cumberland; married 7 July 1737 to MARTHA REED, daughter of THOMAS REED and granddaughter of JOHN REED who was killed by the Indians in Pierce's fight.

Information contributed by volunteer Marilyn Sapienza.

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